Perhaps it is too steady all the way. The government transfer only once in 20 years is so calm.

Because the Prime Minister has made a stick, many people have reviewed the achievements of the country over the past 20 years in the past 20 days -this is the "little red dot" that has stabilized and shining from the beginning of independence;The paradise, which can still be alone; is the "Singapore Miracle", which is constantly self -breakthrough and proves that the questioners' wrong judgment.

Outstanding students have a blunt feeling about the praise. The excellence in Singapore is accustomed to those who are in it.However, these old -fashioned expressions, because generations alternate historical nodes, have additional weights, make people seriously understand the commendable among them.

While confident, there is also anxiety; at the same time, there is also anxiety.Students with full scores are sometimes more confused.In the past 20 years, we have come here. Where will we go in the next 20 years?

Domestic and foreign media reported that when the Prime Minister had a stick, Li Xianlong doubled in 20 years, the per capita gross domestic product that surpassed the United States today, and the international status and competitiveness of Fushuo.Indeed, the proud economy is the most direct manifestation of the national comprehensive strength, and it also provides necessary conditions for social development.Although there are still some groups that need more support, it is undeniable that in the past 20 years, the government has made the cake bigger and understands the ancient training. ThereforeFruit.

From the Third World to the first world, the road is not easy to go, but the direction is clear.What about the first world?After reaching the "Swiss living standard"?

If the country also has the level of Maslow's demand, Singapore has reached the stage of feet from food and clothing, self -safety, and arrival in emotional identity in the past 60 years.After the material wealth is full, the spiritual needs will become more and more urgent.

The new Prime Minister Huang Xuncai said in an oath that the younger generation of Singapore Dream is not just defined by material success.He promised that the government will find new methods to improve productivity and innovation, and achieve better balance, so that people "work with goals and meaningful life."

Work has a goal and meaningful life.The life that can do these ten words is complete, because life is neither deserted in ease, nor does it pass in mediocrity.

It is not easy to do it.Individuals need to work hard to rely on the government; the government's responsibility is to work hard to make individuals have the motivation to work hard.

In a beautiful and ideal country, the government and individuals have their duties.At the same time as the people are struggling, the national literacy is better cultivated and promoted.In the next 20 years, can this land that compose economic miracles can also become a spiritual home for the nourishment of the people?To treat the people, how the government finds a balance between receiving and release, from controlling to nourishing, will largely determine the national height of the next stage.From management to raising, it is not just a wise country, but a country full of wisdom.

It may sound a bit ideal utopian, but in the past 59 years, "ideal" has become a reality.In the next 20 years, if Xiaohong dot can become a spiritual and rich paradise, people have a diverse pursuit, a fulfilling life, and interesting soul. It will really be another "Singapore Miracle".