Personnel rights are a very important composition in the power structure. Prime Minister Huang Xuncai, the "starting style", announced that he controlled the personnel rights in his hand.A high move.

On the evening of May 15th, I drove to the gathering point to overlap the car to attend an important national ceremony -the fourth prime minister of Singapore Huang Xuncai swore rituals.

I put on a oolong and mix the names of the two buildings. It must be rushed from Novina to the Carat Wharf in 15 minutes.Miracle.At this point, it can only go to the destination.

In the evening, Wujie Road was unobstructed. The traffic was slowly down to the place near the residential area.I thought, everyone may stay at home or go home to witness the new Prime Minister's oath.I calmly controlled the car and arrived at the gathering point a minute before the designated time, and there were several people behind.This is the fourth prime minister's oath after Singapore's autonomy in 1959. Everyone does not want to miss this important ceremony.

There are nearly a thousand people sitting on the lawn in front of the Presidential Palace. Recently, it is always raining in the evening. It is inevitable that the weather is good in the conversation. Is there a lot of peppers and garlic in the surroundings?Do not rain.

Is there any pepper and garlic, I don't know, but it is certain that there is a large white tent behind the lawn. On the one hand, the guests are entertaining the guests with buffets.Go to the tent to watch the ceremony broadcast changed to the main building of the Presidential Palace.

Twenty years ago, the third prime minister Li Xianlong swore that the "rainy plan" was not required, because the weather forecast at that time was more accurate. Unlike today's climate, a gust of wind and cloud will bring pouring rain.This is like the world situation faced by Singapore today. We must get used to many unprepared, unpredictable, and estimated dark currents to make enough preparation, including psychological.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai's speech has several key sentences: we will lead this country in our own way. Tomorrow must be better than today, and the world will be very chaotic. It may last for decades.Different from each other, regardless of race, religion, language.There is no equation that can be followed.

Huang Xuncai's speech did not quote any predecessor's words, but the evolution of Singapore's leadership evolutionary history runs through.According to Prime Minister Jianguo, there is no set of equations of how to establish the country to follow; the second Singapore that Wu Zongdong has received the power to pursue the dream of "Switzerland living"; the third prime minister Li Xianlong will establish a tolerance society. At that time, these were at that time.The dreams are now true.Singapore is rich in society and the country is rich and strong. The ambitions of Prime Minister Huang Xuncai must be more bravely imagined on this excellent basis.The Best Postible Version of OURSELves should also be the "best country" that can be able to do.

He outlines the contour of challenges and vision as an employment speech, mainly a spiritual declaration, which is simple and powerful.How to deal with these challenges and how to go to the future, I think the National Congress of the National Day in late August is the most important platform he explained.

Singapore has developed to this day, rare raising, old -fashioned, and constant production of people. These are basically enough things that cannot be basic. Even if it is more tolerant of society, the government has often said "we can do more"More", as long as you work hard to maintain the development of the economy, have resources to be distributed, and make policies well, Singaporeans should work together.This includes improving the medical system, promoting lifelong learning, and skills updates to maintain the ability of employment.

There are some other problems that transcend material and resource allocation. For example, how to encourage young couples to give birth, how to persuade young talents in their 30s and 40s, and the sense of satisfaction of culture and spiritual faces, so that common values ​​and beliefsBecome a stable cornerstone.This is not only to establish a new contract with young people, but also to update with middle -aged people, although it is effective at present, but in the future, I don't know what kind of contract.

For Prime Minister Huang Xuncai, if he leads this country for more than ten or twenty years like his predecessors, in the future, the elderly will not be limited to the elders who provide some guarantees for the government to provide some guarantees, because the successful education in the past decadesIn the future, the economic conditions and mental appearance of the elderly will be very different.Hope to hear him explain more policies.

Democratic politics in Singapore is also political party politics. The Prime Minister was elected by the largest party of Congress, so the Prime Minister must also gain a foothold in terms of party affairs and obtain intra -party support.Within the People's Action Party, although Huang Xuncai has entered the Central Committee since 2014, the previous three sessions have entered in the form of supplement.Until 2020, because of the success of the joint resistance work, he began to get greater support within the party. High votes were selected.But at the time, the seven cores of the 36th Central Committee were not entered.

The last party election of the People's Action Party was at the end of 2022. At that time, Huang Xuncai's high votes that had been recognized as the first of their peers were elected to the Central Committee and served as the new deputy secretary general.In the past, even if the successor, the successors, such as Wu Zuodong and Li Xianlong, were only the first assistant secretary -general.In addition to adding this obvious deputy position in this session, it has also changed the practice of the first and second assistant secretary -general in the past, emphasizing that the two assistant secretary -generals are regardless of order, which will help make the new leadership more prominent.Especially among the fourth -generation ministers, including his former boss.

At a press conference to announce the two deputy prime ministers and the list of new cabinet, Huang Xuncai, who was the Prime Minister two days later, said that after the term of office of the government, if the People's Action Party he led was entrusted by voters again, He will mobilize the positions of ministers and other government officials , and then evaluate who can succeed senior seniors.In other words, Prime Minister Huang Xuncai will form his own team in his own way and according to his own evaluation, rather than inheriting the deployment left by his predecessor.

Winning the election campaign and gaining a strong commission is the first goal of political party leaders. Then I later talked about how to organize the strongest team to govern the country.The personnel rights are a very important composition in the power structure. Prime Minister Huang Xuncai, the "starting style", announced that he controlled the personnel rights in his hand. It was the real helm person. It was a high move to lay his leadership position.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai is not the leader of the "Born Winning" type. He is not from the top universities in Singapore. Although he has won the public service scholarship to study in the United States, he failed to be selected as a government elite team that he was selected for the first time after returning.His personal experience is atypical among our familiar ruling party leaders, but can inspire many ordinary people.

Isn't the early fate of Singapore the same?Regardless of the conditions, you must go all out and be the best self. Even if you do n’t live up every time, you will never fall behind.