Source: Bloomberg

Ivy zhang once thought that he could fly Huang Tengda.

With the departure of the Chinese real estate market and graduated from chemistry, she joined one of China's largest real estate companies in 2016.After she worked every day at 11 pm, after being rated as the "sales champion", the company transferred her to a larger city.Her rest time is limited. In order to reward her hard work, she often purchases $ 550 spa package."The bank card is a string of numbers," ZHANG said. "This number has not been less, so where do we have any money concepts."

zhang and colleagues sell things.It is so important to have a house, which is often a prerequisite for getting married.House prices seem to only rise, and a house has a variety of functions of wealth storage, insurance and retirement savings.According to Bloomberg economic research, real estate once accounted for about a quarter of China's GDP.Some estimates are even higher.

But this kind of good day is always at the end.Although the official mentioned that "housing does not fry" many times, in 2021, the speed of the developer's selling houses exceeded the speed of the building and a large amount of debt to expand.When the government suddenly strictly targeted borrowing, the market began to collapse.The construction is stagnant, and many house buyers can only wait for the buildings, causing anger protests.Country Garden He has fallen and the debt defaults of housing companies such as China Evergrande Group.Government revenue has decreased sharply.

A group of young professionals originally thought that he found an automatic escalator to the rich middle class to China, but now he finds that life has turned.The seemingly -like behavior that seems to be able to do a lifetime eventually becomes just a period of time to participate in a bubble.According to the calculation of real estate research institutions, within the three years of 2023, the property market has not lost 500,000 people in real estate development practitioners.This does not include workers in related industries such as construction and marketing.Alex Capri, a senior researcher at the National University of Singapore, said that these were frustrated in the middle of their careers and were forced to "large -scale" skills adjustment.

Some real estate companies have distributed Mercedes-Benz car as the year-end bonus, but many analysts said that this is not the bottom.According to Bloomberg economic research, by 2026, the proportion of China's GDP may be reduced to about 16%.Analysts wrote that if the prediction is true, there may be about 5 million people (equivalent to the Irish population) to face the risk of unemployment or revenue.After China's adjustment of statistics, the unemployment rate of youth still reaches 15.3%, which means that it is not easy to find a job even if you are young workers with youth.J Capital Research LTD co-founder Anne Stevenson-Yang said people are very frustrated and scared, and the situation is very serious.

30 -year -old ZHANG said that she helped Country Garden to sell a house worth nearly 1 billion yuan, and now she is a micro -business selling skin care products and skin care products.So far, she can't make ends meet for the time being, and the business of Weishang has only made two or three orders a month.This is different from her income of up to 83,000 US dollars in the past.She and her husband have postponed the life of raising children. They often find discounts on the Internet, eat food by herself to avoid ordering takeaway, and minimize social activities to reduce expenses."If you still want to live your previous life? Dreaming!" ZHANG said."For example, it used to spend 3,000 yuan in the past. See if it can be reduced to 2000. If 2000 can survive, it may be possible to drop to 1000, as long as you can survive."