In some society, it is only the source of the use of alienation into social inequality, and no longer a measure to reduce inequality.

The Chinese competition at the end of last month, a neighborhood boy school won the championship with a dark horse!The defeated by this Saint -Garzal Middle School, including the Raffles Girls' Middle School and Nanyang Girls (Isn't it that girls have a stronger Chinese score?) And many overseas Chinese middle schools.

Because it is not a small unpopular door, it is also on the cover of Lianhe Zaobao to show encouragement.I later thought that among colleagues, there should be a lot of alumni of the above three famous schools, but San Garbaer?I hope that after a few years, there will be a very Chinese graduate who is very Chinese.

Speaking of the miracles of neighborhood schools, there was another impressive about two weeks ago.The student's name is Zhuang Yuwen, from Beishuo. The strange thing is that he was young, and he stopped studying for nine years because of his family economic situation!However, after Bei Shuo seized the opportunity to regain the textbook, he went all the way to the Institute of Education and then completed the course of the Institute of Technology. Now he graduated with excellent grades and was admitted by the National Academy of Education to prepare to be a teacher in the future.

I told the editor -in -law that I was pressed for nine years of suspension keys on the road of studying. It was probably you and me. It was probably finished, but he had done it with his extraordinary qualifications and willpower.In the end, we enlarged his photos, and in addition to the title of "Nine Years ..." Yunyun, we made up a tribute topic: an incredible overtake.

Of course, this month's larger neighborhood school successful story, the protagonist is Huang Xuncai.

This Prime Minister is a bit like me

In the fourth -generation team, he is one of the more civilians. There is no family political background or enlightenment. The growth experience is no different from many ordinary people.Another of them is Chen Zhensheng, but at least the educational in Raffles College.In any case, their achievements are particularly inspiring and encouraged.

Huang Xuncai from a young age to the House of Malaysia, the kindergarten in the upper area, and the kindergarten in the upper area, the nearest study of Hagrid men's school (now Danjung Kaodong Primary School), Danjung Kaodong Craft Middle School (now Danjung Kaodong Middle SchoolTo.The economist asked him for a non -prestigious school, and whether more civilians were kind. He said: "My background is like this. If this allows Singaporeans to resonate more, it is pretty good." Of course, he does not forget to emphasize that the Chinese people will know that the Chinese people will be.I care more about whether he can hand over a beautiful governance transcript.

A reporter from the Morning Post also reported a childhood past earlier: the thief was entered at home, and the police could not catch anyone. The mother took him to find the black boss on the place to see if he could help the case.At the beginning of his career after graduation, he was just an economist of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. According to him, he was not even selected as an administrative service official, that is, he was not on the "fast track".In the private field, he has also experienced a failed marriage.In short, growing, learning and work are similar to the trajectory of many people. Although it is not the bottom, it is by no means a rich second or second -generation.

It must be said that in an era of an impulse to start with an anti -elite, or how much hatement is full, politically, ordinary people from ordinary people are more likely to be regarded as "our people" and then accepted.Of course, it is not to say that the civilian background is in politics, it must be more empathetic and more grounded; on the contrary, from the political family, it may not be necessary to is just that for the former, the public will think that his origin is no different from himself. He can succeed. He must be true, good -minded, and struggling to overcome difficulties. Therefore, he naturally admires more admiration and admirationsense of trust.

Of course, this is just the first impression of the people. Huang Xuncai can eventually be elected by his peers. It is believed that his calmness, selflessness, smart, thinking and analysis, determination of the overall situation, and being good at communicating and being good at communication and communication and goodnessThere is a sum of affinity and other quality.

The miracles of San Gar, Northern Shuo, and the new Prime Minister, are accidental cases. It is an accidental case.Will it be buried?Or or can still pick problems in representativeness, such as distribution according to the number of people, Huang Xuncai and Chen Zhensheng in the cabinet should account for more proportion?It may also be that there is a time difference here, that is, in the 1970s and 1980s of their growth, personal conditions can still play a decisive role, so counterattack becomes possible.However, as more and more parents have joined the field, the fairness of the rules has been weakened, and the window of the opportunity has become smaller. In the future, 5G and 6G, it is difficult to have such a thing about the Prime Minister of the neighborhood school?

The unfair competition rules in the tutoring country

This is definitely a debate of the wisdom.State -funded Li Xianlong (still not used to this call) In his speech at the May 1st Labor Day rally this year, there is a very wonderful paragraph that can be used as a summary of the "square".He said that we are not like some countries, the situation of classification, and the number of residents' postal area will not determine the destiny of personal, because "every school is a good school" is an objective fact, including neighborhood schools.Provides special elective courses, covering music, dance, sports and robotics, and so on.

"There are good schools across the island. There is no difference between people who live in the ruling party constituency, the opposition constituencies, government groups or private houses. As long as they have talents, they can be improved; no matter what talent has, they will get opportunities."

But some people are obviously not so optimistic.This "anti -party" may wish to represent Zhang Youyuan, a associate professor in Nan University.In the unequal appearance of her published a few years ago, she discussed the phenomenon of intergenerational poverty and social inequality, and believed that education could not play the effect of "Meritocracy".The most often quoted sentence she was cited: "The tuition center and the gain class are everywhere. In a system that can be rewarded early in a contact surface and talent, some children have taken advantage in their class advantages.The moment you open it, you can go straight forward. "But she believes that these children are not better than others and should not benefit so much.She even believes that not only education, the rewards and allocation of the entire system must be changed.

Whether the class is being solidified, or there is no structural problem in the existence. How to repair it if there is something, it is a big question. Frankly, I can’t give an exact answer, but I would rather believe that our situation must be between the two.EssenceIf the children of the disadvantaged families are willing to fight, they will still be in their early days, but they must also see that wealth and so -called "social capital" will also make competition unfair.For example, in our "tutoring country", there are hundreds of thousands of tuition centers. If the charges are less, the charge will be made up together. If you can give more, you can invite a famous teacher to teach the answering skills for the most tricky questions to ask for the most tricky questions to ask for the most tricky questions to ask for the answer.Test a full score.Not long ago, I even read the news and said that "tutoring classes" had appeared in the market, and taught students how to deal with questions from law schools or medical interviewers!

Parents in the world, but a bit of surplus, will give their children the best educational support, which is understandable.Shimbing and unable to do it, and most of them are on the surface, because all aspects of advantages and mostly hidden.But this is not equivalent to saying that it should be left without any.At least I think that there are three aspects that must be done, or they have been moisturizing and silent.

First of all, try not to let the disadvantage fall too much, or lose on the starting line.In recent years, the government has increased funding for civilianization in recent years, modified the registration system for elementary schools, and moved Yinghua Primary Schools with more aristocratic losses from Barker Road to Dengjia New Town. I think they are all in a fair direction.effort.Similar to Yinghua's moving plan, maybe it will happen one after another?

It is worth mentioning, and there are tuition classes of various self -service groups, such as Hua Xianhui, their attention is obviously more than just the students' pointsThe number is pulled from C to B, or from B to A. Instead, it will use activities to try to expand the students' horizons, strengthen their confidence and mental toughness, and even incorporate their parents into the entire supporting support of care and support.EssenceI think this way is right and is the greatest distinction between the value of the business tuition industry.

Successful definitions can be a lot of people who want everyone to go to Rome

Secondly, the 4G team emphasizes from time to time: the definition of successful success, and then give reasonable remuneration.There are two more ideas, that is, to do the big road to Rome, not only one path. If you can't get through, you will eliminate people.Then, whoever says you have to go to Rome is the best scenery, can it be regarded as the success of life?

Because of these cognitions, knowing that children have different qualifications, interests, and aspirations, there are more categories in the school, including physical education schools, music schools, science schools, and of course through traffic, special selection, work and education academyWait, students are no longer carved by a mold.Those who can't catch up, don't worry too much about the "one test for life" spell; those who go to the wrong direction, the entire system allows you to go around a long way and finally reach your own Rome.The other is to gradually remove the divergent labels to try to make the students in each class more background.These are positive changes and have not yet reached the end.

I always believe that education is still the largest balancer. If you do it right, you can promote social flow and create the future "Huang Xuncai";It can make the wealthy "hereditary", and the poor will never turn over.This is exactly what the "anti -party classmate" is worried.

In the end, it is the absolute number of economic cakes that continues to make big economic cakes. In this case, it can absorb more people in the country.Like poor education resources in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there are so many places in all grades. Although there are no tigers and tigers and tutoring, they can not feel any pressure and internal scrolls, but because the elimination rate is too high, the competition is actually more cruel.Essence

Borrowing President Shangdaman's "Electric Prosttery Theory", everyone has different positions, but they are all flowing upwards. They are all happy.Conversely, the economy messed up, and the pond shrinks to metaphor. The powerful fish is okay, but some weak ones will be particularly hard, and even the big fish in the pool will be compared with the small fish in the large pond in the large pond.Go down.

Michael Young, the late Society of British sociologist, described an anti -Utopia society in the risses of the Meritocracy published in 1958.And hard work (in fact, to satire the British middle school diversion system at the time. Yes, diversion!) Form the pattern of elite rule of the lower levels that have been deprived of rights, and describe the end of the 2034 "populist" against the elite.Obviously, as shown in the title, in some society, it is only the root cause of alienation that can be alienated into social inequality, and no longer a measure to reduce inequality.

Meritocracy, we often translate it as "only use/is to lift", deliberately avoid "eliteism".The differences or relationship between the two can be understood in this way: If the former can't keep or change color, it will slip to eliteism, and then the class will solidify.The more, the ultimately attract the anger of populism.

In 2016, Trump became the US president, and the rise of populist politicians such as Johnson and Farachi in the UK.Some people say that the author of the elite book is foreseeable, and the realism of reality is earlier than predicted.

In short, for politicians, social liquidity and great affairs of the country must not be observed.