The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Mogan, issued a statement of "National Drug Management and Control Policy" on May 8th, described the crimes against drugs as a war.He emphasized: "This is a battle we fight in Singapore. If you don't fight, or lose, thousands of Singaporeans will be harmed."

There is no doubt that anti -toxicity and anti -virus are a protracted war. In the context of the flood of the world and regional drug transactions, the anti -virus war in the world and regional drug transactions has also faced various new challenges in the face of various new challenges.EssenceTaking the death penalty of drug dealers as an example, Singapore's severe punishment against drug dealers has been doing it for years, and it has achieved outstanding results, but in recent years, it has begun to face rare challenges in the past.One of them is the legal entanglement of Shang Morgan in the statement and the law of the death prisoner of drug dealers. At the last moment when the convicted drug dealers are about to be in the Fa -rectification, they repeatedly appealed for various reasons to delay the execution of the death penalty.How to cope with this new situation is one of the key points that Shang Morgan issued a statement to clarify.

Through continuous lawsuits and appeals, they have managed to delay the execution of the poisoning again and again. This approach has long been in Western countries, and effectively weakens the effect of the death penalty.In recent years, this approach has risen locally. It should be mainly involved in external forces, that is, a few of the minorities pointed out by Shang Morgan who oppose and vigorously advocate the abolition of the death penalty.Some people are based on humanitarian or personal beliefs, and they are understandable to oppose the death penalty, but intervention in national judgment is another matter.As Shang Morgan pointed out, they continued to spread false news, assisted in drug trafficking row to make unreasonable appeals, and questioned the justice of judicial justice.Due to the entanglement of this kind of law, many cases of appeals have long maintained the original sentence of the death penalty. They have been unable to implement the judgment, and some have been delayed for more than 10 years.

Obviously, to avoid this deliberate legal entanglement, there must be new legislative countermeasures to make up for the shortcomings of the current judicial procedures.The official has therefore formulated a follow -up application decree after the appeal of the death row.The bill was approved in Congress in November 2022 and will take effect a few weeks.One of the new rules is that if the appealing court has rejected the probation application, the subsequent application must be obtained first.

In addition to using the "legal entanglement" strategy, those who oppose the death of deaths also confuse the people through various methods, try to stimulate people's sympathy for death prisoners, question the injustice of legal procedures, and the death penalty is invalid.However, it turns out that the scam of drug dealers is absolutely effective. For example, after the implementation of more than 1.2 kilograms of opium in 1990, it can be sentenced to the death penalty. The number of smuggling opium has decreased significantly in a few years in the afternoon.

The vast majority of Chinese people actually understand that dealing with drug dealers must be severely punished, including death penalty.Judging from the survey data quoted by Shang Morgan, in the past two years, the number of people supporting the death penalty has increased.A survey made by the Ministry of the Interior in 2021 showed that 74 % of people supported the death penalty, and the percentage rose to 77 % last year.Those who agreed that drug dealers who traded a large amount of drugs also increased the death penalty from 66 % in 2021 to 69 % last year.This shows that Chinese people still retain basic common sense and have not been confused by popular ideology.

Even if Singapore is so severe against drug dealers, due to the great profit of drugs in the local market, drug dealers still try to transport drugs into Singapore, and use various channels to seduce some ignorant young people to take drugs.Last year, the total drugs cracked by the Drug Administration reached 15 million yuan, and the official also destroyed 25 drug gangs.Drug -addictives arrested last year increased by 10 % over the previous year, and those who smoked marijuana also reached a new high.This is still the case for severe punishment. If you relax or soften, the consequences can be imagined.As a result of a large number of young people infected with drug addiction, the new Prime Minister of Thailand decided to re -listed cannabis as anesthesia drugs by the end of this year, which is limited to medical use.Can't soften your position.

However, anti -virus and anti -virus can be worked by punishment alone. Reform the drug -addter, help them return to the society, increase the publicity of adolescents, and continue to expand the participation of the community.measure.The official set up a cross -departmental committee last year to increase the anti -virus education of adolescents (including students in primary and secondary school students and college students).Starting in May this year, the "Drug victim commemorative day" will also be held every year to make the information of drug harm more popular.These are the correct and help consolidate Singapore's overall anti -toxic forces.