In today's digitalization, the Internet runs through all aspects of our daily life.At the same time, network attacks are becoming increasingly complicated. In order to ensure that Singapore keeps pace with the times in defense network threats, the Congress passed the network security (correction) bill yesterday to expand the scope of the Singapore Network Security Bureau's supervision, protect the digital field of Singapore.Interference, more timely response cybersecurity threats that may lead to basic service interruption.


Internet attack incidents have frequently occurred around the world, which has to be vigilant.Just yesterday, the third -party salary system used by the British Ministry of Defense was hacked by hackers, leading to the names of retirement and the names of the soldiers and bank information.It is a real risk to use cyber attacks as a means of war.Key infrastructure, such as power networks, communication systems, financial institutions, and government departments, can all become attack targets, causing serious economic losses and social confusion.Singapore's key infrastructure has also been attacked by hackers. In 2018, Singapore Health Group was attacked by the Internet. The personal information of about 1.5 million people was theft, including Premier Li Xianlong's outpatient medicine record.In November last year, local government hospitals and comprehensive clinic websites were maliciously attacked and comprehensively failed.

Ensign Infosecurity, the largest online security program supplier in Asia, pointed out in a report on Friday that more than half of the Internet attack in Singapore is to extort the ransom.Xu Ling and Mu Law Firm disclosed last week that they were attacked by ransomware in April.An independent website that claims to pay attention to the phenomenon of ransomware, saying that the law firm paid $ 1.4 million in Bitcoin as a ransom of Akira ransomware gangs.

When encountering ransom, the government opposes the victims to pay the ransom, because paying the ransom not only cannot guarantee that the locked data will be unlocked, but also may encourage attackers to continue criminal activities, leading to more victims.Threats may also regard these payers as soft goals and launch attacks again.However, in reality, the victims had to pay for re -obtain system control.

The Internet of the United States' largest United Health Group (UNITEDHEALTH) had an online security incident at the beginning of the year, resulting in almost one -third of Americans from obtaining medical services in time.The company confirmed at the US Senate hearing last Wednesday that the attacker paid $ 22 million in Bitcoin ransom.According to reports, the company paid the ransom to a Russian criminal gang, but the latter did not divide it to a subsidiary agency responsible for stealing data. The subsidiary was extorted again to the company and posted several documents on the dark network.Incredibly, the cause of this Internet security incident is because the company does not have basic security measures, allowing hackers to sneak into a server without multiple authentication (MFA).

The damage caused by cyber attacks by private institutions will not be slightly light than key government agencies.In the Internet era, economic activities are intertwined. When a company needs to cut off the service because of online attacks, the bone card effect may affect the operation of the entire industry, and even the lives of the people.As more and more private institutions provide public services, they must look at network security more seriously. Even if seemingly unrelated personal information, they may be used by hackers, which will eventually become a huge risk of threatening personal privacy and even public safety.Underest the severity of database leaks.

International Technology Company Cisco (CISCO) released the perennial network security preparation index survey in March found that only 1%of local private institutions are fully prepared for the risk of online security;The ability to defend network attacks has medium to very big confidence, indicating that many companies underestimate the threat of cyber attacks.

Creating a safe and reliable digital environment is not only a technical issue, but also a consciousness and responsibility.Enterprises must invest sufficient resources to strengthen network security measures and prevent potential threats.Cyber ​​attacks are like terrorist attacks. The government needs to enhance the training of network security technology and talents, improve supervision and law enforcement, and promote global network security cooperation, especially monitoring cross -border capital transfer to crack down on cyber extortion activities.