Source: Bloomberg

Author: Ethan Bronner

Israel took action to control the Lafa transit port from the Gaza Strip into Egypt, which triggered a fierce debate on its ultimate goals: this is the beginning of Israel's long -term invasion of the southern city of Gaza.Pressing Hamas, forcing it to reduce the conditions required by the stop of war and release the hostages?

According to Prime Minister Benjamin Neitanahu and the military officials, the answer is that the two are both.Due to the internal machines, these officials demand anonymous.

Neitanahu has repeatedly promised that more than 1.4 million civilians were allowed in the La Fa to be transferred to a safe zone before the dispatched troops entered Lafa.He claimed that as many as 8,000 Hamas militants and his leaders, and more than 100 Israelis hid in Lafa.Israel ordered some civilians to leave on Monday to launch an attack.

But international negotiations, including the United States, have suspended or ended the seven -month war negotiations and are in a subtle stage.The potential agreement may cover the humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian prisoners and increase the humanitarian assistance to the sea belt of Gaza.

Hamas agreed on Monday night to agree to the Gaza ceasefire proposal proposed by Qatar and Egypt, but the Cabinet of Israel quickly rejected it.This is because there are two details: the first 33 Israelis released first may be the body rather than the living hostage, and the agreement will be incorporated into permanent ceasefire instead of temporary ceasefire. This is the red line that Israel has persisted for a long time.

The Israeli tank resumed operation and controlled the transit point of the La Fa on Tuesday morning, blocking the flow of personnel and assistance.

Neitanahu said in a statement on Tuesday, "Hamas's proposal to prevent our army from entering Lafa on Tuesday.The basic requirements are far away. "

But this statement was later refuted by the United States.The National Security Council spokesman John Kerbir said at a press conference on Tuesday that the American assessment is that the two sides "should be able to reduce the remaining gap."He said that the director of the CIA Berns will participate in a new round of negotiations on behalf of the United States, and it is expected that Israel will also participate.

"Hamas made a response yesterday," Cerby said, "Someone proposed amendments. This is the task of negotiation. This is the meaning of negotiation."

The Israeli military spokesman described the "precise counter -terrorism action" in Lafa's activity, because some intelligence showed that the Laifa transit point was used for "terrorist purposes."

Benni Gantitz, a member of the Cabinet of Neitanahu during the war, said that the preliminary action in Lafa was "a part of our continuous efforts and commitment to rescue hostages."

This illustrates Israel's dual goal: destroying Hamas and taking the hostages hijacking by Hamas on October 7.

The mediation countries including Qatar, Egypt, and the United States oppose military operations in La Fa, and try to find the ceasefire conditions that both sides can accept, even for temporary ceasefire.Hamas said that it was impossible to reach any agreement without ending the war, and Israel said it could not agree with the ceasefire before eliminating Hamas.

Bynden has warned Israel not to launch a crackdown on La Fa without protecting civilians.During his visit to Tel Aviv last week, US Secretary of State Anthony Brinkeakin said, "We haven't seen such a plan."The White House made a summary of Biden and Neitanahu on Monday that the president reiterated his clear position on Lafa.

A Israeli official said that Neitanahu understands why Bayeng does not want to fight during the re -election period, especially the pro -Palestinian protests spread all over the United States.However, Neitanahu believes that the elimination of the remaining Hamas soldiers is a strategic urgentity, so that the organization cannot re -organize and launch an attack again.The Right -wing ministers in the Governance Alliance also held this view that made him almost no room for rotation.

An official said that the remarks about the invasion of the Rafa were forced to force Hamas leaders to agree to temporarily cease the fire for survival.

The United States told Hamas that if the ceasefire starts, the United States will work hard to permanently.For Israel, the United States said that the suspension of hostile operations can pave the way to achieve a larger regional agreement, including the recognition of Saudi Arabia.

A senior government official said that the United States suspended to transport arms to Israel and was worried that Israel was about to make a decision to launch a large -scale military offensive against La Fa.

The official said that the arms should include 3500 bombs.Because of talking about sensitive matters, it requires anonymous.The U.S. government is worried that large bombs may cause damage to the densely populated cities such as Lafa. The United States has not yet made the final decision on how to deal with the matter, the official said.

According to the Israeli National Defense Army, the Carem Shalom transit point has been reopened, allowing assistance materials to enter Gasha.