With the help of social media platforms, Li Xianlong broke the intermediate partition that may exist with the public, avoiding the filtering often existing in the government bureaucracy, and can have relatively accurate grasp of public opinion.There is also his own direct experience and mastery, which gives the world a chance to see his mild and soft side as a politician, and become the most popular Singaporean politician on the social media platform.

Singapore's independence has been born for 59 years, and three prime ministers have been generated, and the fourth will be taken over on May 15.

Li Guangyao served as Prime Minister, from autonomous state in 1959 to 1990, 31 years; if it starts with independent 1965, there are 25 years.Wu Zongdong served as Prime Minister for 14 years from 1990 to 2004.Li Xianlong served as Prime Minister for 20 years.There are also creations, inheritance, continuation, and innovation between the three prime ministers. They all have enough governing years to jointly create a governing paradigm that shaped the post of Singapore Prime Minister.

The so -called ruling paradigm means that after the shape of several generations of leaders, it forms a clear common characteristics.Gathering in the role of Prime Minister, on the effective power transfer mechanism, through personalized methods, to strengthen and enrich the governing paradigm of this position.The 20 years of Premier Li Xianlong, on the basis of the previous two,, with their own advantages and characteristics, fully sprayed it, projecting a very distinctive characteristic characteristics for the position, in the Singapore and the international community, especially Chinese society, created it.Unique image of politicians: wisdom, diligence, enthusiasm, and emotional.

The positioning of the position of the Prime Minister of Singapore must be "top sky" -as the highest responsibility of the government's head and handling state affairs, but also "standing" -Colidation -based substitutes must be played with the grassroots people and face it to face the people of the grassroots and face it.Election test every five years.This positioning will continue in the foreseeable future.In the past 20 years, Li Xianlong is not only the head of the government who is active on the international stage, but also a politician that has a huge popularity in the community and the people can often get in touch with.The prime minister's words, deeds, and temperament have become the best annotations for the outside world to interpret the major topics such as Singapore's political strategy, national governance, and social and people's livelihood.

Diplomatic paradigms active between China and the United States

As Singapore's most substantive representative on the international stage, in addition to dealing with neighboring relations in Southeast Asia, Prime Minister also needs to shuttle between the two most important countries in international relations -the Chinese and the United States.Three -party perspective is a complicated state of relations with intricate powers and strive for the greatest national interests for Singapore.This diplomatic paradigm was fully displayed from the Li Guangyao period and established Singapore's special role in the international political pattern.In the era of Li Xianlong, you can see the leopard from the frequency of access to these two big powers: In July 2005, Li Xianlong visited the United States for the first time after he served as Prime Minister, and then visited the United States many times. On the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in the United States in 2016, Li Xianlong visited the United StatesWon the president of Obama to set up a national banquet to be courteous.Later, Li Xianlong continued to visit the United States many times in 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

For China, Li Xianlong was officially visited for the first time in October 2005, and then in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2019, 2023Work or national business visits to China, until in April 2023, it was promoted to be positioned as "comprehensive, high -quality forward -looking partnership".Li Xianlong has also become the "one of the most foreign leaders who come to China to visit China" in Chinese President Xi Jinping's mouth.

In the visits of these two major countries that frequently shuttles in China and the United States, Li Xianlong has repeatedly expressed his views on Sino -US relations and has been listened to the leaders of the two countries.At the same time, in the past 20 years, various international conferences he attended and spoke significantly increased significantly, including Singapore's annual invitation to participate in the Group of the 20th Group of 20 in Singapore, which has been invited to the Grand Stage of the Great International Stage in the previous two -sided visit.In the context, discuss the relationship between the great power and the international situation.There is probably no second country like Singapore internationally. The prime minister also plays the role of ideological leaders at the same time, and has maintained close exchanges with many important countries such as China, the United States, and Japan, India, and the European Union.Singapore's special status and the cultural background and historical origin of the Prime Minister "Zhihua Tongying" are important factor in achieving this diplomatic paradigm.For decades, the basic principles of this diplomatic paradigm have no essential changes, and it should still be continued in the Huang Xiangcai era.

Political communication paradigm is the most prominent

From the perspective of details or micro, Li Xianlong's enhancement and improvement of the implementation of the prime minister in terms of language use and media communication is the most specific perception and awareness of the people.During the 20 years of serving as the Prime Minister, based on the principle of maintaining effective communication with the general public, Li Xianlong's creation of a paradigm through a language and a media communication paradigm has become the best political leader in political communication with the people, the best channels, and the most effective effect.

Twenty years ago, Li Xianlong created a phenomenal topic event with a language advantage: I visited China before I worked in May 2004, and chatted with the then deputy prime minister Wu Yi in China, and also made a "high altitude".Min Tian responded to Wu Yi's "step -by -step" wishes, with the wonderful words of double customs, and the language and cultural heritage behind him, which is a random but natural output.Li Guangyao has been interviewed specifically for this matter, explaining that the use of Chinese language is important to maintain the close relationship between the new and China. At the same time, the Chinese elite that the government planned to cultivate must have some understanding of Chinese history, literature and culture.

I remember interviewing Li Xianlong as deputy prime ministers in 1995, led a group to visit Suzhou Industrial Park and held bilateral cooperation councils. When a talk with China ’s then deputy prime minister Li Lanqing, after the opening of English before, it also changed the language very naturallyThe channel, the two sides communicated easily and kindly, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.When Li Xianlong's Chinese speech in the National Day Mass Conference in 2006, Li Xianlong also specifically quoted Li Lanqing's smoothness "herself is not affected, family is not suffering, reducing medical expenses, and beneficial to society" to encourage the people to take care of their own health and pay attention to health care.The consistent multi -language ability has become an effective language advantage in the outside world.

The speech of the National Day Mass Conference is the most important platform for Singapore's Prime Minister to show the language use paradigm and talk to the people of the people across the country.Since the first annual National Day mass meeting that started in 1966, the Prime Minister's use of Malay, Chinese, and English speeches has become standard, and it also shows the characteristics of Singapore's Mandarin, population proportion, and official language.Li Xianlong's skillfulness of the three Chinese and the emotional speaking skills, with the help of the new media tools, has been in the past 20 years, especially the Chinese world.Each time Li Xianlong switched the language on the TV screen, it was necessary to hold a tea cup and drink a sip of water.This cup was nicknamed the "Language Magic Cup", "Singapore Prime Minister drank a sip of water for a language", and once hit the Chinese Weibo hot search list.

The technical use of multi -language and text itself in the speech is an effective channel for communication.In various occasions, including the long stream of water in the National Day Mass Conference, at the end of last year, the DAP Conference and the May 1st Labor Day assembly, Li Xianlong had many feelings and tears, including the off -site audience.The attitude behind the language: sincerity and true temperament are the most straightforward.

New media communication paradigm span geographic boundaries

Language is to communicate and spread. The advantages of multiple language paradigms are complemented by the media communication paradigm.Successive prime minister's importance to traditional media does not need to say much. Under the communication paradigm of new media, the language paradigm crosses geographical boundaries, has been widely spread among inside and outside audiences, and has won recognition and appreciation.A degree of points.

Li Xianlong's ruling period, closely accompanied by the rise of social media -2004 as Prime Minister, Facebook was founded in 2004, YouTube was founded in 2005, Twitter (now renamed the X platform) was founded in 2006. Chinese social networking is founded.The Weibo of the media world was founded in 2009, WeChat was founded in 2011, Xiaohongshu was founded in 2013, Douyin was founded in 2016, and Tiktok was launched in 2017.Social media in Chinese and English was born, and the global media pattern has changed drastically, which has changed the mode of communication and political communication.

Li Xianlong opened a Facebook account in 2012. From the national affairs, and to life, they all actively shared with the public and cleverly brought themselves into their own views.With the help of social media platforms, he broke the intermediate partition that may exist with the public, avoiding the frequent filtering in the government bureaucracy, and can have a relatively accurate grasp of public opinion.Experience and mastery also given the world a chance to see him as a gentle and soft side of politicians, and become the most popular Singaporean politician on the social media platform.

Not only in Singapore, search for social media videos in the Chinese world's attention to Li Xianlong, whether it is the number of videos, the scope of the topic, or discussing the popularity and evaluation.One of the foreign leaders.Anyone involving people's livelihood issues, social security, talent training, integrity and government governance, international relations, especially Sino -US relations, Li Xianlong's speech, perspective, or serious, or humorous, can get very high attention in the Chinese network audience, which has attracted great attention, causing it, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention, which has attracted much attention.Enjoyment and appreciation.The video of the National Congress of the National Day Mass Congress has become a widely disseminated material in the Chinese network world. It often gets tens of thousands of likes or reposts.

The governing paradigm of the Singapore Prime Minister, in the shaping of Li Xianlong's 20 years, has both a rigid side and more flexible peace.Whether it is position positioning, power transfer, or diplomatic, language or political communication, the prime minister's governance paradigm shaped. In fact, the Singapore system, the relationship between the government and the people, and the governing goals of the party are actually reflected.After May 15th, people have the reason to expect that Huang Xuncai, the new prime minister who plays guitar and like to rock in IG, is displayed on the basis of the ruling paradigm of the first three prime ministers, so that the Singaporean people are full of vitality, prosperity, beauty, in it, inRegional and international are more influential countries.