The protest of college students is fundamentally confused with the country and the international community.No matter how complicated the Pakistani issue in history is, how emotional the fields are the original, but in the conflict of war, the finger to the civilians should be very clear.

American college student demonstrations from mid -April have continued to this day. In the United States, it has attracted attention and attention from all walks of life. The political parties and ruling teams facing the elections are particularly anxious.The reaction is especially in developed countries and regions such as Europe, Australia.Media, scholars, and politicians in the United States and around the world have emerged as an analysis of incidents. After all, the world's strongest domestic coke is enough, which is enough to make some people feel excited.Sports like that.However, no matter what extent the incident will evolve and develop to, everyone should still understand what these college students are protesting.

First of all, the student protests starting from Columbia University are targeted at a specific war, that is, the Gaza War, which was launched by Israel, for more than two years for more than two years, but alsoIt was not the same tragic and anxious Sudan civil war.It can be seen that this is more and more closer to the U.S. students with the Harbin war. It is a clear evidence that the centennial conflict of the Middle East cannot be underestimated, and it is also the testimony of the United States that can dominate the situation in the Middle East.In contrast, although the Russian and Ukraine War is important, the US government's approach basically meets the views of all levels of society. To some extent, it represents their voices, so there is not much controversy.Even so, this wave of demonstrations are just a few people on the campus of American universities. It is definitely not the so -called wind rising, overwhelming.

Secondly, American college students protest about a war that causes huge humanitarian disasters. Only after half a year of the Harbin War, such protests are not different from the political position, but to personnel, especially women and children, and children and children.Great casualties are difficult to tolerate.So in anti -war protests, Palestine and Israeli supporters came together.This is a moral display that transcends racism and historical disputes, and it is a voic of justice from the tragedy of the times.Gaza's humanitarian disaster has aroused the attention and disgust of the world. As a strong side of Israel, Israel is the main reason, and then it becomes the object of various anti -war protests. It must be clear that it is Palestine or anyone else that causes huge disasters.It will also become the protests of these college students.

Once again, this war caused disaster. American university students protested schools that support war. They directly asked the school to sever the trade and academic connections related to Israel and reject any funding projects from Israel or Jewish groups.The common demands of this point make these college teachers and students stand on the same front to oppose the ride or inaction of capitalists and managers in the school operation process.This appeal fully reflects the huge influence of Israel and the Jewish Group on American universities and the entire society, at least it is at least to make ordinary college students feel the terrible influence.This may be the final struggle of the power of power before going towards society.I am afraid that few Americans can resist the pressure of Jewish capital in society.

After the second, college students protested by the school's right to linked the police and the government to bounce their right to demonstrate peaceful demonstrations.This kind of demonstration protest against the school in the school is not uncommon in universities in the United States and even around the world, and demands will be different.The majority of the protests have been carried out in a state of peace so far, but many schools choose to call the police to solve the problem. Some local governments even threatened the National Guard.This turns the original peaceful petition into a sharp contradiction, which is to touch the sensitive nerves of freedom and rights in the hearts of students.It is strange that why universities and governments in the United States refused to negotiate with teachers and students to solve the problem. Thinking of the arrogance of capital and power behind it, it may be even more irritated by these ambitious college students.This may also be one of the reasons why this demonstration has been slow to calm down, and there is an increasing momentum.

In the end, college students protested from the country and the international community.No matter how complicated the Pakistani issue in history is, how emotional the fields are the original, but in the conflict of war, the finger to the civilians should be very clear.Hamas must stop the damage of Israeli civilians, and Israel must also stop the compulsory migration and no differences against the people of the Gaza people.Unfortunately, on Israel ’s problem of more than 30,000 civilians in Gaza, the US government and society have shown it. This is the performance of challenging the most basic values ​​of human beings. Especially those Gaza children who have no chance to grow up have touched it even more.Students studying in first -class universities in the United States.In particular, the U.S. government also distorted the demands of students into anti -Semitism, trying to define the normal values ​​of college students as the recklessness and evil of racism.

From the perspective of the situation in the past two weeks, the situation does not seem to have developed in the direction of ease. The direct demands of college students may not be easy to achieve, but the instead of handling the idealism and universal value represented by college students seems to be in the opposite way.There are no good successful cases.Perhaps, when the authorities around the world are dealing with the impulse of these students, they must listen to what they are protesting, and maybe they represent a better future.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator