The state of Singapore's strong government and weak society has been transformed, but after the new leadership of new leadership elites comprehensively controlled power, they should also enhance social citizenship and make it a relatively balanced with the government and the government.Comparison of power, thereby helping anti -corruption and protecting cleanliness.

Singapore is a society with high economic development and a highly managed society. The government's governance of social order, freedom of people, political and political party politics, and bureaucratic systems, exchanged strictly restricted costs for rapid economic growth.From Lee Kuan Yew, Wu Zuodong to Li Xianlong, the management and control gradually loosen, the development pace has not been reduced, but the price paid by the control and control is getting greater.

Prime Minister Li Xianlong has been in power for nearly 20 years. He has the style of his father on his tightly tightening clockwork. He has promoted Singapore's rapid development and running, and the pace has not slowed down at all.He also strives to show the image of flexible, because he knows that Li Guangyao has the tough leadership style that is said to be straightforward, and it may not be acceptable to the new generation of Singaporeans. This is the difference between people of different generations.Singapore's survival is hard -handed, but it is not possible to do it according to the style of Li Zizheng, but spend more time to persuade the people.

Indeed, he has done his best to adjust, and the people have obvious feelings, but the pace and the trend and expectations of public opinion are obviously not enough.Therefore, Li Xianlong and the People's Action DAP's governance performance is still impressive, but the degree of support for public opinion has declined, and the disadvantages of the political system are not open enough.

Li Xianlong has repeatedly stated that high -standard character, personal ethics, and maintaining righteousness are the fundamental reason why the people's trust and respect for the People's Action Party and authorize the party to form the government.The strictness of him and the ruling party did not relax, and there was a slight loosening of the civic society and the opposition party's control, but whether it had reached the degree of recognition, there was a lot of room for discussion.The guarantee of the integrity government is facing increasingly challenges, showing that the control mechanism must keep pace with the times.

After the founding of Singapore, he made every effort to greedy and established integrity politics, and became a pillar and assets that politics and the people supported by the people.According to the report of the transparent international of the corruption supervision agency in 2022, Singapore was rated as Asia's cheerless country, ranking fifth in the world, only behind Denmark, Finland, New Zealand and Norway.The Singaporean government is so honest that it can be attributed to high -paying policies to a certain extent, which can make officials do not need to be greedy. In addition, it also depends on the firm determination of the highest leaders and the effective implementation of the government's corruption institutions, so that officials dare not be greedy and cannot be greedy.

Since independence, the government has always adopted a zero tolerance attitude towards corruption, and white party uniforms have been reflected with the innocent integrity.Zheng Zhangyuan, the Minister of Development of the National Development in 1986, accepted bribes. Li Guangyao refused to tolerate.Last year, Minister of Transport Yi Huaren involved corruption, and Li Xianlong never loaned and was sent to justice.The unremitting and decisive disposal of leaders is an important way for officials to be honest.Huang Xuncai, the leader of the fourth -generation team, has publicly stated publicly, emphasizing that the DAP's determination to forbearance for corruption zero tolerance is both the soul and the party's soul. This firm position will not change.

In addition to the determination of leaders, the integrity unit contributed. The Corruption Council (CPIB) has excellent corruption function and has not yet been slacken.However, the mentality of leaders and the strictness of the institutions are internal anti -corrosion and greed mechanisms. If the lack of strong supervision outside the administrative system, whether the effect can continue to continue for a long time, it is necessary to explore.From top to bottom, the government strictly controls the civil servants' laws and laws, coupled with the transparency of the decision -making and execution process, the distribution of resources and the people's affairs are not based on the law, and the basic guarantee can be obtained without relying on the relationship.However, in addition to being aware of the integrity of politics, the people can actually exert positive forces as the government's backing as the government's corruption and preservation.

Multiple measures are active for anti -corruption and anti -corruption

The determination, system, and laws of the Singapore government to be greedy are complete. If more open politics and society are added, the power including citizens, opposition parties and the media will be assisted together.In order to prevent corruption and anti -corruption, it should be positive for help, and it can also ensure that the unclean atmosphere will never grow and take root on the political soil of Singapore.

The main responsibility of cracking down on corruption lies in the government's anti -corruption institution; another important item is to disclose and report the system, including the internal staff of the unit, as well as the investment of the relevant people or the stakeholder.In addition to the reward, the protection of the reporters must also be implemented.For example, the anti -corruption law of South Korea has clearly stipulated the protection of the identity of the person, the guarantee of the right to work, and the quota of the prize money.When necessary, the National Council may ask the Police Department to protect the reporter, and the identity of the leakage of the reporter will be sentenced to a penalty of less than three years or less than 10 million won (about 10,000 yuan).

The ways of citizen participation are indispensable in corruption.In recent years, international community organizations have mostly advocated that by increasing the participation of the people, forming a force to supervise corruption, and assisting the government to prevent corruption.For example, the World Development Report of the World Bank proposes a concept that "puts the poor in the center of public services so that they can supervise and punish service providers to expand their right to speak in the decision -making process."The logic of this thinking is that the community people directly benefit from public policy, so they have more incentives to monitor the quality of public services than government officials and members.

An open political system must implement free, democracy, public participation, and transparent and clean and honesty into the public domain, becoming the normal value and public life of the world, and making civic society and free independent media a powerful tool for anti -corruption.The Singapore government is strong and powerful, but the civic society is relatively insufficient to promote anti -corruption. For example, how to make citizens, non -governmental organizations, trade unions, chambers of commerce, community organizations, think tanks, and even religious groups play a more active role in cracking down on corruptionThere is still a lot of effort.The anti -corruption role of the opposition also needs to be improved.

According to the opinions of scholars, civic society is "an open, voluntary, self -born, organized social life field. Some of these areas are independent of the country by self -maintenance.Value to maintain ".The state of Singapore's strong governments and weak society has been transformed, but after the more civilian new leadership elites are fully controlled, they should also enhance social citizenship and compare it with the governmentCorruption and clearing cleanliness have become greater help.

One of the keys is the power of the media. How to make the loose news and speech environment can give full play to the facts of reporting, investigating the truth, derogation and right and wrong, and the role of public opinion supervision. It is also a great help for greedy.Free and independent media can put pressure on the government's greed, and can also mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors of society to participate in the reporting of illegal behaviors. The effectiveness of greed has long seen the history of all countries.Adhering to professional positions and social mission, journalists have fulfilled their obligations of the fourth power. Through independent, fair and free reports, they can often play the effects of revealing the truth and public opinion pressure.

According to the research of international transparent organizations and unparalleled journalists, the freedom of the press is negatively related to the impression of corruption, that is, the relationship between the people's corruption impression and the freedom of the press is negative.Although this relationship is not absolute, it is enough to show that the freedom of pressing on the media has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the media.

The cleanliness and virtuousness of the Singapore government can be unquestionable, but the openness of the political system that democracy should have to be promoted. This is the positive force of anticorrosion.Prime Minister Li Xianlong's duty should be a turning point in Singapore's politics towards a more open state.The new leadership team should seize historical opportunities, provide more advantageous space for the development of civil society and democratic politics, and lay a thicker foundation for clean politics.

The author is the former chairman of Taiwan Central News Agency


Taiwanese senior media person