For us, the change of the prime minister is the transfer of the burden of governing the country and the intergenerational inheritance of the governing power, not a British -style power game.Although it looks plain, it is actually a highly sensitive moment.

【Li Xianlong Huang Xuncai Transfer】

What is political stability?Maybe we don't have to seek academic definition, as long as it meets the understanding of ordinary people.

According to Baidu Encyclopedia, political stability means that the political system (government) of a certain society maintains dynamic order and continuity.Specifically, it means that there is no global political turmoil and social riots. There is no sudden change in the regime. Citizens do not use illegal means to participate in politics or seize power., To maintain social order.In short, political stability is to control social conflicts in a certain order.Political stability is reflected in many aspects, mainly including the stability of the country's sovereignty, the stability of the government, the stability of the policy, the stability of the political life order, and the stability of social and political psychology.

The explanation of Wikipedia also says that a political stable society is less likely to occur in political turmoil, civil unrest or the probability of sudden changes in dynasties.Political stability is the need for national development, economic growth and social unity.There is a long -term planning, investment and prosperity with political stability, because this can be confident in business and citizens' continuity of governance and policies.

The question is: how can we have political stability?The answer may be simple.First of all, there must be a good and governing government that can be able to happily take the responsibility of governing the country happily.Secondly, there must be a socially united society.This is extremely difficult for a society of a diversified race, religion and culture.Third, there is no serious political party fighting leading to the split of the people.In a country that implements a multi -party system, this is also extremely difficult to do.

The above three points are measured. Singapore is special and lucky, because as of now, we have both.This is not accidental.The most critical factor is that Singapore ushered in a ruling integrity ruling party from the beginning. It can fulfill the promise, improve the national economy and people's livelihood, and form a strong social cohesion.

Most Singaporeans, especially the founding of the founding of the country, know the importance of political stability, and also cherish the political stability they enjoy, because they have experienced a very turbulent day in Singapore's history.However, in the later era, this historical memory and reference point was missing, and the understanding of political stability may not be the same, or it was taken for granted.This is a dangerous idea.

People noticed that at the Labor Day rally on May 1st, Premier Li Xianlong's speech repeatedly emphasized the importance of maintaining political stability.Both the facts.He proposed the three major elements of Singapore's future development: social cohesion, long -term planning, and political stability and trust.The so -called elements are indispensable and lacking.In fact, these three are also causal.If a society does not have enough cohesion, it is impossible to have political stability. If there is no political stability, it will not be possible to make long -term planning.

Looking around the world, we know that the society of many countries has differentiation and tearing. In countries that implement multi -party democratic systems, the general phenomenon is that the political party struggles are fierce and cannot reach consensus on various major issues.Compromise with each other.As a result, political turbulence, social uneasiness, dishonest people's hearts, and economic decline.That is, even the old democratic country Britain is no exception now.Political stability has become scarce in the world.

The politics of Britain in recent years is indeed dazzling. It has changed the Prime Minister like a horse lamp, but it has nothing to do.This chaotic phenomenon can be said to start with Prime Minister Cameron's initiation of Brexit and fake it. Cameron has successively served as the Prime Minister: Trisa May (three years in office), Johnson (four years), Tellas (no (no)By two months, the record of the shortest term in history) and the current Sonak (from October 2022 to the present).

Britain may hold a general election this fall, and is generally expected that the Conservative Party will lose north.In other words, the Prime Minister may be replaced.At present, the conservative party led by Sunak, the poll score, is the opposition party of the opposition party led by KEIR Starmer, which is 20 percentage points behind.However, the observers believe that even if Stammer came to power, if the Labor could not come up with a new economic plan, Britain would still toss in the existing quagmire.

The political turmoil and the stability of Singapore do have a strong comparison.If such a political turmoil also occurs in Singapore, foreign capital may have run away.There are many countries like the British "the Great King of the City", and there are only a handful of countries like Singapore's political stability.Because Singapore is a very small number, it is also regarded as "heterogeneous" by old -fashioned democratic countries such as Britain and the United States.Therefore, many of their politicians and media people have always tried to recover Singapore into a "normal" democratic country like them, including supporting opposition party, advocating objection, relaxation of drug control, abolition of death penalty, and so on.Therefore, Premier Li Xianlong's speech at the Labor Day rally repeatedly emphasizing the importance of political stability is not accidental.

Losing the consequences of political stability

Singapore's political stability is not from the sky, but the result of good governance and good governance. Without a good government, it is naturally impossible to talk about good politics, and no good politics can naturally not have political stability.This is believed that most people can lead the mind.Once our politics is as messy as many other countries, it is not unimaginable losing political stability.Once the political stability is lost, what consequences will be imagined.

First of all, the various diversified social fault lines that already existed will float one by one to the surface, so that the social cohesion will be turned into black.For our small country, once Mr. Egg heads in a fairy tale fall from the wall, even if the king raises the power of the national soldiers and horses, it cannot restore it.Secondly, as soon as politics is chaotic, it can no longer talk about long -term planning; when foreign capital gradually escapes, of course, there is no need to talk about economic growth.

For Singapore, political stability can be said to be the nationality, the original is solid and the branches.The inheritance and continuity of political stability are extremely important.The transfer of the Prime Minister is about to be held on May 15th. How to do a good job of being inherited.For us, the replacement of the Prime Minister is the transaction of governing the country and the intergenerational inheritance of the governing power, not a British -style power game.Although it seems bland, it is actually a highly sensitive moment, because various forces (especially hostile to Singapore) must be staring at it, trying to test the water to explore the temperature.

But Chinese people should have confidence, which will be another smooth transition.Because the People's Action Party has established a mechanism to ensure a stable transition.First of all, through the new team preparing to take over, it is the head of the dragon, reaching consensus to avoid internal fighting.Secondly, in combination with the front and post -opening of the inheritance, the specific approach is to step down as the role of the government in the new cabinet. A few senior ministers have also stayed to assist in the new ruling team.This smooth transfer allows the country and the people to avoid the major social costs of political struggles.

But steady transfer is just the beginning of stable political inheritance. More importantly, the new leadership team must strive for the people.With a strong commission, political stability can continue.In other words, only after the new leadership has a way to conclude a new "contract" with the people, that is, after trust and consensus, this process of political stability inheritance is completed.

The author is a former journalist, a member of the former DAP parliament