Source: Bloomberg

The number of Chinese travelers during the May Day holiday increased, but they still tightened their wallets, reflecting that the emotions of the world's second largest economy were still sluggish.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated in a statement on Monday that the number of domestic tourism tourists increased by 28.2%compared with the same period in 2019, but domestic tourists spent only 13.5%compared with the same period in 2019.Michelle Lam, an economist in French Industrial Bank Greater China, said that this meant that per capita tourist consumption expenditure was reduced by 11.5%during the end of Sunday.

"What is worrying is that the per capita spending of tourists is lower than the level of 2019, which means that in general, people are just keen to travel rather than spend money," Lam said.

These data have further proved that despite the recent rebound of economic growth under the promotion of industrial activities, Chinese families are still cautious about consumption.A survey by the People's Bank of China showed that less than a quarter of residents in the first quarter tended more consumption, and the proportion of residents who tended to savings was increasing.

According to CCTV's official data reports on Sunday evening, 20.7 million passengers sent passengers in the national railway on May 1, reaching a record high in a single day.

Holiday season data also shows that the consumption model of Chinese tourists has changed since China relieved of crown disease prevention measures.Ctrip summarized in a holiday trip on Sunday that although large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are still popular, many people choose cheaper destinations and small counties.

"Sinking market provides possibilities for tourists to relax the holidays physically and mentally. Moreover, compared with the high holidays of first -tier and second -tier cities, accommodation and catering costs are more cost -effective."Expressed in this summary report.

The promotion of social media accounts allows tourists to understand more cheaper unpopular attractions.China's continuous expanding high -speed rail network and increasingly rising car ownership have also allowed passengers to reach more destinations within a few hours.

Data released by Tongcheng Travel shows that the number of hotels and tourist attractions in the northwest and west of the Northwest and West During the May holiday increased by doubled year -on -year.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that with the increase in the number of routes, the implementation of the measures for entry facilitation, and the increase in the number of mutual visa -exemption countries, entry and exit tourism quickly recovered.According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, there were 1.8 million people entering tourists during the May Day holiday and 1.9 million outbound tourists.

Ctrip data shows that long -distance outbound destinations are mainly the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Macao, and Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea are short -distance and popular destinations; countries such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait have higher growth rates, year -on -year, year -on -year, year -on -year, year -on -yearMore than three times.