Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Xiangliping

The "May 1st" Golden Week of Mainland China ended on the 5th. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government reported that as of the 4th, 670,000 travelers in mainland China visited Hong Kong. The entire Golden Week is expected to bring more than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars consumption income.Although Tiangong is not beautiful, Hong Kong is even rainy, and the major attractions and business districts are still gathered, which fully confirms the charm of Hong Kong tourism.The Hong Kong industry said that Hong Kong has rich tourism resources, which can further excavate and innovate, and strengthen tourism competitiveness.

Hong Kong's tourism industry has been resumed since February last year. Last year, 34 million visitors visited Hong Kong, far exceeding the previously estimated 25.8 million people.In the first quarter of this year, there were about 11.23 million travelers visiting Hong Kong, which continued to recover.This year, the policy of the central government's Hong Kong -benefit Hong Kong has come one after another, and more cities have included the list of "personal tour" in Hong Kong, which will be more and more beneficial to the development of tourism in Hong Kong.

As the growth of tourists in Hong Kong in the mainland, the consumption model has actually changed significantly.In the past, I was keen on shopping, especially luxury goods, and now pay more attention to in -depth and leisure tour.The tourist route has also become diversified. The famous monuments, theme parks, shopping hotspots to the country park, outlying island scenery, and regional shops can be seen.Moreover, more and more young people in mainland China have discovered new punching points based on social platform promotion, and come to Hong Kong to experience urban atmosphere, watch exhibitions, listen to concerts, and participate in festival activities.

Hong Kong, which is a collection of Chinese and Western culture, has rich tourism resources and has unique advantages. In addition to developing various deep tourism, characteristic tourism, including festivals, regions, folklore, culture and other theme products. If passengers love nature, Hong KongThere are also more than 200 outlying islands and three -quarters of the land and beautiful scenery. Moreover, Hong Kong is also the capital of international events. There have been more than 40 large -scale events and international conferences in Hong Kong this year, and it also has a magnetic effect on passengers.

Tourism is one of the main economic pillars in Hong Kong, which can drive the surrounding series of industries and create a lot of employment opportunities.Before the epidemic, in 2019, it accounted for about 3.6%of the local GDP, and the number of employees was about 230,000, accounting for about 6%of the overall employment population.This year's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is vigorously "for the people's livelihood, fighting for the economy", formulating a blueprint of Hong Kong tourism development blueprint 2.0, and will optimize the development of tourism in various fields and further develop special tourism products.

However, there are also some shortcomings in Hong Kong's tourism industry. It is a problem that must be faced in the future to enhance the competitiveness of tourism. For example, regional space is limited, some tourism supporting facilities are relatively insufficient, hotel prices are high, and tourism service staff is short.

The Hong Kong industry said that how to make "popularity" into "wealth", the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the industry need to "change, respond, and change."Recently, the fireworks performance launched by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government achieved a certain degree of attractive effects through the strengthening of the publicity of mainland social platforms.In the future, the development of the tourism industry will also follow the trend of the times and take the road of high quality and characteristics. While working hard to enhance services and experiences, polish the gold lacquer signboard of the "Good Capital", focusing on creating attractive tourism routes and products.Expand new tourism resources, improve supporting facilities, and meet the increasingly diversified needs of passengers with a novel and high -quality experience.