On June 7th in another month, China's annual college entrance examination will kick off. 13.53 million students have entered the examination room, and the college entrance examination will once again become a hot topic of public discussion.In the face of this phenomenon, I can't help but ask: Can the college entrance examination really change their destiny?In particular, can Hanmen students really pass through the college entrance examination?

In fact, the public's understanding of the college entrance examination may really have some deviations.The college entrance examination is indeed important, but every step of life is important.Life is a marathon -style long -distance running, and it needs to be persistent.Someone was young, and some people were late.What's more, the success and failure of life are coupled with various subtle elements. Eventually, the results of the flowers require the accumulation of personal talent, encounters, hard work, and more importantly.For thousands of students, setting up the college entrance examination room is just the first step in the long march. It is unrealistic to expect to achieve a test of the sky.

For most students, including parents, it is difficult to have a systematic understanding of universities and future life in middle school.Many people lack a clear understanding of important life topics. In addition, there are limited rooms that can be selected, and they can only follow the flow.In particular, some students with relatively weak family foundations, due to the lack of information and resources, are usually blurred in future planning, and are often difficult to cope with free and open university life.

When I studied undergraduate in a certain 211 in Central China, a classmate from remote areas from northwestern regions came to Wuhan for the first time.The college life is very free. Without the atmosphere of the night war, without the supervisor of the class teacher and the teacher, the first semester of 20 credits had 15 credits.According to the regulations of the school, 25 credits for hanging subjects must be forced to drop out. After the counselor asked him to talk, he thought again and again, and decided to drop out of school.The main reason is that his first volunteer was a category of management. It was not suitable for the boring courses of engineering majors, and that he would only be stubborn in middle school.More than a year later, he was admitted to a university in Ningxia.

According to the author's observation when I was in college, comprehensive literacy of students from economic and developed areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is generally high, and more or less interested in photography, painting, dance, etc., and there are few types of death reading, even if they are crazy, even if they are crazy, they are crazy.Staying up late and warning up late, you can also keep the 60 -point bottom line; but most of the students from the relatively backward area of ​​the economy are socially shy in socially, and there are no special lengths.

In fact, since the expansion of Chinese universities in early 2000, the entry rate of colleges and universities has increased from 4.7%of the first college entrance examination in 1977 to more than 90%now. Higher education has gradually moved from the past elite education to mass education, civil education and quality.educate.For the vast majority of people, admission to college means that the new learning stage and growth process cannot be forever and for all.I just hope that one test to determine the lifelong realization of the class is against the connotation of modern education. It is not advisable to integrate too much utilitarian factors "learning and excellent".

At present, even the gold content of Chinese prestigious schools is declining.As early as 2010, doctors who graduated from prestigious universities such as Qingbei Foury also have the opportunity to directly enter local government agencies.However, after 2015, the channels of rising to obtain rising through education are getting narrower, and the conditions for doctoral graduation to teach in colleges and universities are getting higher and higher.The teasing is "selected and unsatisfactory", and the surrounding students are in the large manufacturer's annual salary of dozens or even millions of yuan. In contrast, the psychology will inevitably be unbalanced.

"I will be relaxed in the university, it will be easy in the future" This is what many parents encourage their children to say the most in middle school.However, the road of life requires persistent efforts, and the motivation of persistence often comes from interests and goals.Any opportunities and changes are the result of quantitative change to qualitative change. Even if you reach a larger stage, you need to continue to pay more sweat.Unfortunately, parents did not realize that under the guidance of utilitarian thoughts such as a lifetime, many children's nature has already become numb at the golden stage of growth, and has lost interest in learning and even in the future.

What are the standards for changing destiny and successful?I am afraid that many parents are unclear.The biggest difference between the question of life and the college entrance examination is that there is no standard answer, only individual choices.In a utilitarian social atmosphere, it is difficult to have a unified understanding, especially today, where values ​​are becoming increasingly diversified.In the increasingly fierce anxiety of social competition, some parents have given more and more utilitarian colors to reading, and they run counter to the original intention of educating people and their children's healthy growth, bringing pain to themselves and children.

The more experience, the more you feel that for all beings, you want to take life to the college entrance examination and through a college entrance examination to achieve a class leap. I am afraid that it is just a huge gap between reality and ideals.

The author is Jiangsu Semiconductor Equipment Engineer