副总理兼财政部长黄循财5月4日在新加坡援人机构55周年庆慈善晚宴致辞时说,新加坡将继续研究了解儿童和青年过早或过度使用数码产品和社交媒体的风险,探讨如何Strengthen preventive measures to better protect the psychological health of the younger generation.The Internet and smartphones undoubtedly greatly enrich their daily life, and also improve work efficiency and convenience in some areas.There are disadvantages of everything, especially the popularity of social media, coupled with the accurate capture of users' interest and use habits, which can easily lead to addiction and disadvantages. The potential harm of children and adolescents cannot be ignored.

More and more studies have shown that digital products and social media have penetrated into people's daily life.According to statistics, 56.8%of the world's population is an active user of social media, which is equivalent to 4.48 million people over 13 years old; and the lighter age, the higher the user ratio.And more than half used social media.In terms of the proportion of social media population, Singapore ranks eighth and 84.7%.Social media have kept some friends and relatives who have been lost for many years to keep in touch, and the timely and diverse information provided by the provided also expands people's vision.However, the problem of digital addiction is worthy of attention.

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 21 million people in the world.The definition of popularity is a digital product that uses 5 hours or longer every day, and the performance of mandatory behavior is an addict.Research, including cerebral cortex scanning, found that the reward mechanism of social media interactive models is very similar to the stimulus effect of gambling or cocaine.The accurate content push of artificial intelligence algorithms will especially exacerbate users' dependence.The legitimate use of drugs in any society is also strictly controlled to varying degrees of strict control for activities and goods such as gambling, alcohol and tobacco.Therefore, the problem of digital addiction must be paid attention to, especially the impact on children and adolescents.

Studies have found that similar to the phenomenon of gambling, drugs or alcohol addiction, the negative effects that digital addicts are prone to include emotional fluctuations and excitement during use; users' behavior, attention and emotions are completely monopolized by social media.Do not care about the surrounding things; you must use the serious dependence of the desire to use for a longer time, you can't stop; the restlessness when you do not use the social media are like addiction symptoms or drug abstinence;The alienation of family and friends leads to conflict between interpersonal relationships; as well as recurrence of addiction and other pathological phenomena.In addition, the dragon and snakes on the social media platform are mixed, fraud and even bullying are popular, which is especially dangerous to children and adolescents.

Adults are still unable to restrain the use of social media and even addiction, not to mention children and adolescents with poor self -control.Parents who have the most direct influence on young children must be aware of the potential harm of social media, avoid making children from contacting prematurely, and even considering sacrificing their dependence on social media as an example; otherwise, once children are addicted, the impact is life -long.Including the cultivation of the basic social capabilities that hinder their future work and the basic social ability of the opposite sex.At the same time, it is also necessary to acknowledge the major role of the social environment. For example, the use of digital products to assist in teaching, so that children and adolescents have the reason to use smartphones and social media.

In addition, the powerful motivation of social media companies means that they will continue to improve artificial intelligence algorithms, improve users' "stickiness", and dominate their attention for a long time so that advertisers can push more information.Huang Xuncai pointed out that although major social media platforms acknowledged potential risks, setting users must be 13 years old, but the facts of children under the age of 13 show that the fact that children under the age of 13 have shown that this type of setting is more of the stories of virtual response and did not take it seriously.Moreover, comparing the age limit of tobacco and alcohol products that are also addictive, whether the age setting of the 13 -year -old is appropriate, whether it should be improved, it must be discussed and made in depth, and it should be too late.

As Huang Xuncai pointed out that in response to the potential harm of social media, we cannot rely on government legislative control alone. Parents should also take responsibility to prevent social media from becoming a "nanny" to prevent children from disturbing themselves.There should be more publicity work in this regard, so that young parents know the seriousness of the problem.However, the nature of the problem also surpasses the ability of parents, such as the needs of school teaching and the profitability of social media.This requires collective efforts of society, face up to the threat as soon as possible, and formulate a comprehensive response method to protect our next generation of physical and mental health.