Like the success of Singapore today, many people think it is taken for granted: because it is above things traffic.Similarly, Li Xianlong's achievements are also easy to be covered by his father's aura.Many people easily ignore the huge differences in the governing style of the father and son.

Although it has been brewing for many years, the change and replacement of the leadership are major news. After all, the news that Premier Li Xianlong will step down on May 15 has attracted many attention at home and abroad.For politicians, we should listen to their words and observe it, so it is important to see the actual achievements.

After Li Xianlong took over 20 years ago, there was no shortage of doubts in the world.Like the New York Times on August 10, 2004, PHILIP BOWRING commented on his father's position (in his father's shots: Will Singapore's Heir Turn the Ship OF State?)?Later, in order to maintain a lead, Singapore still has many improvements, because foreign investment can be renamed other places.Singapore's change will not be easy, because conservatives in society are still strong.Coupled with the inherent problems, aging population, and the increasingly affordable national economic burden of politics, how to mobilize the innovative spirit of the people in Singapore is still a severe challenge.Therefore, the author finally said: "Singapore, which is tidy but tedious, has the impulse to entrepreneurship and art inside, and eager to fly from the cocoon created by Li Guangyao; however, whether Li Xianlong is willing to break the system of institutionalization for many years still needs to be observed."In the eyes of many observers, it is difficult to start a business, to be difficult, and to open up another way, and the model innovation is difficult.

In the next 20 years, the international situation has risen.After joining the World Trade Organization, China has grown rapidly, and its influence on the international stage has gradually expanded.To this day, a new situation in which East and West have formed confrontation, Singapore is in a dilemma.During this period, after the terrorist attack of September 11 in 2001, global terrorism was fully looked up. In 2008, the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression broke out, as well as recently swept the global crown disease.In this case, how to deal with many issues such as polarization of local society, especially in the face of the east -western competition in public opinion, must ensure that they can work hard to cope with the tension of the East and the West, and to maintain a friendly relationship with both parties. This requires handling to deal with it.The excellent leadership of complex geopolitics can be with outstanding diplomatic wrists.Fortunately, under the leadership of Li Xianlong, Singapore has basically not walked around in the international changes of the waves of waves!

For 20 years of Li Xianlong's administration, Singapore's economic and social development has made great progress.Not only does the per capita gross value grow a lot, Singapore is already one of the most developed economies.At the same time, the gap between the rich and the poor in the local area has also improved. In many soft social development indicators such as men and women's equality and social openness, it has also made great progress; more importantly, the transformation of the Singapore economic model.In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, relying on low -end manufacturing, it has now successfully transformed into high -tech and financial industries.Due to the stability of politics and society, local continues to attract a large number of foreign capital, and generally form a sustainable development model that relies on scientific and technological innovation rather than simply manpower investment.

In terms of institutional construction, Li Xianlong inherited the concept of governing the country in the founding of the founder of the country. In addition to continuing to emphasize integrity and efficiency, it also realized the old model that changed the independence of elites through negotiation and conversation with the public.Using the convenience brought by new technologies, vigorously promote electronic government affairs and improve government efficiency.In terms of decisions of major social issues, Li Xianlong has also strengthened consensus after negotiating with all classes, so it has achieved a transition from efficiency priority and gradually to fair priority.In the past 20 years, Singapore has made huge investment in many aspects such as reducing the gap between the rich and the poor, the balanced economic development and social cohesion.

Undergraduate personal achievements

More importantly, Li Xianlong also made a long -term pavement in the leadership.In addition to clear leadership training mechanisms, especially in key departments to cultivate and arrange potential future leaders in the future, the decision -making system for collective leadership and joint negotiation is also formed.Therefore, although the vice -prime minister Wang Ruijie resigned the fourth -generation leader in the middle, long -term planning and collective leadership system provided backups for resolving such potential accident crises, and provided institutional foundation for future political continuity.

Like the success of Singapore today, many people think it is taken for granted: because it is on east -west traffic.Similarly, Li Xianlong's achievements are also easy to be covered by his father's aura.Many people easily ignore the huge differences in the governing style of the father and son.Overall, Lee Kuan Yew is a decisive authoritative leader and cold pragmatism in the troubled times. Therefore, he can build the land of poverty -stricken projectiles into Oriental Switzerland in the shocking waves of the Cold War.Even if he is not popular, he will not hesitate to promote the strong implementation of policies to achieve long -term interests of the country.

In contrast, Li Xianlong is a kind elder brother and a gentle elder, which is more tolerant and emphasizes tolerance and negotiation.His signature kind of good smile is very different from his father's heavy and severe iron -fist image.When Li Xianlong became the prime minister, Singapore was no longer the relatively backward society. The local people not only had a higher level of education, but also the enthusiasm for political participation, which was far higher than the founding of the founding and the founding of the country.Therefore, Li Xianlong emphasizes the tolerance of the whole people and vigorously promote the transparency of government decision -making. It is possible in many Li Guangyao's eras that are not allowed. All of this is undoubtedly more in line with the needs of the long -term development of Singapore in the future.Great trend.

As the son of Li Guangyao, Li Xianlong is of course very lucky, but has been shrouded in his father's political influence for a long time.In modern society, there is a strong doubt about family inheritance of power. Therefore, the second generation of politics may be difficult to be regarded by political skirts anyway.

I have to mention a major blow to his life.Li Xianlong not only lost his wife, but also suffered from cancer twice, but he stood strongly every time. This tough determination was not easy.My family and I are fortunate to live in the Deyi constituencies responsible for Li Xianlong. For ordinary people, what we see is not his glory on the international stage, but on the festival.The absent smile; it was a few hours at the end of the year -end community scholarship distribution ceremony, and he had a humble humility with hundreds of noisy primary and secondary school students who took a photo with hundreds of noisy elementary and middle school students.For so many years, if there are any shortcomings in the community, the first thing we think of is to find this agent directly, because he will always deal with it without any fineness and avoid it.

The best spokesperson for the image of Singapore

In recent years, in various new media in China, Singapore's most popular Internet celebrities are not Lin Junjie or Sun Yanzi, but Li Xianlong.Many of his speeches and public speeches will have a huge number of likes and comments.原因不仅是他总用最平实的语言,来解释民众最关切之事,人们知道他不仅是国家领导者,更是身段柔软、态度谦卑的协调者;更重要的是,他所言,即为Singapore: Singapore is a small country, but has its own principles.We are not targeting nor deliberately welcoming any country.Singapore has its own national position and follows the international law as its standard.Therefore, Li Xianlong and Singapore, who are not humble, can always get a place on the stage of the country.

Nothing in the world is for granted, as is the son of Lee Kuan Yew.If Li Xianlong and Singapore succeed, there is only one correct road, but there are millions of possibilities in failure.Today, voters of Deyi District certainly hope he can continue to serve.But in the past 20 years, the heavy state affairs and the trivial affairs of the constituency let us obviously see his puppets and aging.The so -called Zhijin Zhi retreat, Fang is the best way!The new generation leader headed by Huang Xuncai now,Has experienced an unprecedented epidemic test; in any case, what we wish most is that Li Xianlong after retirement can maintain good health.