The Russian New News Agency website published on May 5th, entitled that Europe could not afford the cost of losing China, the author is Peter Akobov.Article excerpts as follows:

On May 5th, Chinese President Xi Jinping started a trip to Europe.This is Xi Jinping's first visit to Europe over the past five years.

Europe is still very important to China. It is both a trading partner and a technical source.Europe itself also needs China, both the EU and the leaders of various countries have frequently visited China.However, the sound of Chinese leaders reiterated the more loud: the relationship between the two sides should not be subject to external forces, and Europe should become an independent and independent force center and better defend their own interests.In other words, Beijing is out of mind. In order to strengthen and maintain relationships, both parties must make a difference.Europe itself also talks about strategic autonomy and talks about improving the role of Europe on the world stage, which is exactly what China appreciates.

China hopes that the European Union can be more independent of the United States.But does the EU hope that it is hoped for?Theoretically yes.Many people in the European Union are worried that the United States has abandoned the European Union for deep internal problems.But in fact, Europe has become more dependent on the United States in the past few years.However, Beijing does not want to treat Atlanticists with Europe, hoping that Europe will still follow the path of independent development.

Although the United States has been trying to render the "terrorist" mood in Europe for many years, the effect is not significant.European countries are very clear about the benefits and significance of doing good relationships with China.Europe could not accept the geopolitical plan of the Anglo-Saxon Alliance for trade with China.If the United States gets the opportunity to control Sino -European relations, the European Union will not be able to bear it -Brussels, Berlin, Paris, and Rome are unwilling to sacrifice the European Union for others.

At the same time, the pressure on the United States on Europe on China will only increase.Not only that, Washington also tried to scare China with "losing Europe".This is obviously bluffing and at the same time for China and Europe.It should be worried that Europe, because the United States can theoretically cause trouble for European trade with Europe.But whether the United States will be determined to do so is doubtful.Because the de facto trade war on the EU will force Europe to self -defense, which will adversely affect the unity of the Atlantic Ocean.

Therefore, everyone knows that the United States is bluffing, but still dare not neglect the threat of the United States.In response, China is taking action on the European front. Xi Jinping chose France, Serbia and Hungary as a visit to the country.

Xi Jinping will meet Macron, which is to a certain extent because the French president has been talking about European strategic autonomy and destiny.The opportunity of Xi Jinping's state visits takes the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and it is also a time to remember the Da Gaulle era. It was the era when France carefully tried to play independently.

Although Serbia has not joined the European Union, it is an important partner in China to penetrate the "old Europe".The same is true of Hungary. Although it is a member of the European Union, it is as unique in the European Union in terms of geopolitics or ideology.