A protests against Israel broke out in American universities.Multiple factors such as changes in population structure, new media narrative reconstruction, long -standing history, and multiple factors such as absence of nothingness, domestic and foreign politics dissatisfaction, etc., have led to this series of demonstrations.In particular, the campus demonstration highlights the intergenerational differences between Americans on Israel, as well as the disconnection between young voters and most Democratic values, and is becoming a new political spectrum in the United States.

More than 40 local universities in the United States have successively broke out of Palestinian campus demonstrations. Many students in each school have been arrested, demonstrations have begun to spill, and European countries such as Britain and France have also broke out of pro -Pakistan campus demonstrations.

The demands and slogans of the American campus demonstration are withdrawn from Israel.The core of the protest is a company that is connected with Israel, or withdrawn from companies that profit from Hamas.The second is academic / project resistance.In addition to requiring universities to disclose their investment, demonstrators also demand cutting off academic connections with the University of Israel.For example, the protesters of Columbia University want to cut off their dual degree projects with the University of Tel Aviv, such as Princeton University protesters asking the Ivy League to stop the research on war weapons that "use for racial extinction".The third is to exempt and protect students.A protesters in Southern California demanded a comprehensive amnesty of the detainees, and demanded that "no police officers on campus."Fourth, your own life demands.According to student organizations, the protesters of Columbia University require support for low -income Harlem residents, including housing and compensation.

The main cause of campus demonstration

1. Structured changes in population.The crowds of generations (born from 1980 to 1990) and generations (born from 1990 to 2010) are replacing the X generation (that is, from 1965 to 1980), becoming the leader of the international narrative.As the CEO of Stagwell, the International Marketing Group, Penn said that the conflict of Harbin was not a problem divided by the party, but an age -based issue.In this conflict of Harbin, young people in generations and Z generations used new social media to talk to their peers directly to convey the misfortunes of the Palestinian people to the world.

Although these young people have limited understanding of Palestine, the awareness obtained through new media is triggering their collective anger for Israel's continuous cleaning of Palestinian race.The dual factors of migration and fertility have led to a sharp increase in Muslim immigrants, which has changed the intuitive understanding and understanding of the Muslims of the United States.On the one hand, the Immigration and National Acts issued by the United States in 1965 opened the door to Muslim immigrants in the United States.From 1966 to 1997, about 2.78 million people immigrated to the United States from many Muslim regions.On the other hand, a key driving force for the growth of Muslims in the United States is a higher fertility rate.This trend is reconstructing the population ratio of the United States.According to the data of the Pew Research Center, Jewish Americans fell from approximately 3.2%in 1957 to about 2.4%in 2020.Muslim Americans rose to 1.1%in 2020. It is expected that by 2040, Islam will become the second largest religious group in the United States.

2. New media narrative reconstruction.Xinshi Media plays an important role in the awareness of the U.S. youth in the U.S. youth. At the same time, these media have also spawned a new form of news, that is, citizen news.In this round of conflicts, traditional media (BBC / VOA / New York Times, etc.) basically lost to new media such as TIKTOK due to political correctness and lagging reports.: "Is it Tiktok? This is why some young American people sympathize with Palestinians."

In this round of conflicts, local ordinary people became frontline reporters, sharing real -time audio and update videos to effectively marginal news reports.When traditional media cannot provide comprehensive information, the X platform, TIKTOK, Instagram, etc. become valuable sources of information.In the new social media, the younger generation of the United States played a vital role in improving people's understanding of Palestine, aroused anger for people around the world, and eventually caused the United States to put pressure on Meta (Facebook and other social software parent companies).It is required to be prohibited from supporting the Palestinian business with influential accounts.

Three, history has a long -term promotion of nothingness.Some young Jewish Americans feel alienated or unfamiliar with the story of the founding of Israel and struggle.This alienation promotes the role positioning of Youth to Israel as a "strong person" rather than "weak".For generations, they witnessed the process of Israel's independence, including the suffering experienced by the Third Middle East War (1967) and the Fourth Middle East War (1973).Among these conflicts, Israel is regarded as a poor weak by the United States, and "group wolf is serving" to try to destroy it.But for the Y generation and the Z generation, not only staying away from the memory of war in time, but also that Israel has always been a nuclear military country, which has always been stronger than opponents.

As the Think Tank Brukins Society governance and research senior researcher Kamak pointed out that Americans in the 1960s learned about Israel's heroic stories and sympathized with Israelis who experienced the massacre and many wars.But young people don't know these stories and history.This has led to the emotional emotions of the older generation and the younger generation of Israel.

In May 2021, the investigation by the Pew Research Center showed that 67%of the 65 -year -old American Jews felt "very / some attachment Israel", while only 48%of the American Jews from 18 to 29 have this.connect.

Fourth, American youth's expression of dissatisfaction with politics.Domestic aspects: Some American youths will treat the United States for the benefits of colored races with the treatment ratio of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the Jordan River.In the protests of Brooklyn, the protesters held information such as "Black Life VS Palestinians' lives" and "White Silence is violence".After comparison, their support for Pakistan reflects the impact of the "Black Destiny (BLM)" movement on some young people's thoughts.

According to the official opinion survey data of the University of Nini Piak, by 2021, the support rate of Israel will change.In March 2019, registered voters of all ages, the sympathy and different emotions of the Israelites were 47%to 16%.14 percentage points.Many things happened in those two years, including the anti -protests that black Freud in 2020 was kneeling by police officers who could not breathe after the neck could not breathe, and the air strikes of the Gaza high -rise buildings, including the Associated Press Office of the Associated Press.

Internationally, the Israeli Prime Minister Neiaho and the former Democratic Democrats, including former US President Barack Obama, are disclosed. Today, the right -wing government led by Neutanahu regards the opposition of Bayeng government and expands the settlement of the West Coast.The reform of the Israeli judicial agency that he promoted this year not only triggers the large -scale protests of the Israelites, but also caused thousands of American Jews to protest.Therefore, the conscious right leaning of the Neihuhu government has caused Israeli issues to become a common problem facing the United States.

(the author is a lecturer in Shanghai Foreign Studies)