In many countries, who is the prime minister or president is the same.It has become a traditional Singapore power transfer model. It has uniqueness internationally and has allowed some Western media to advertise democracy and freedom.

After 10 days , Deputy Prime Minister Huang Xuncai will officially take over the prime minister's position from Li Xianlong.The public opinion survey agency YOUGOV conducted a new milestone in this political development and conducted an opinion survey to 1025 18 -year -old Singapore residents.

The data adopted by the survey is weighted according to age, gender and race, and has national representativeness.

The results of the survey are obtained two important information:

But the more important point is that more than half of the respondents believe that Huang Xuncai can be competent as the prime minister.The news title of the news is different, and the impression that the investigation gives the reader has completely changed.If the topic of this report is changed to a large title, the information conveyed will be more positive.This is a reading newspaper expressed by an old friend at a breakfast party a few days ago.

In any case, the results of this survey have a certain reference value, and it is also an evaluation of Huang Xuncai's personal strength and past performance.Who is the prime minister is a big event. It is a warm topic after tea in the past. The quality and talent of leaders determine the fate of the country. This is where Singapore is different from most countries.In many countries, who is the prime minister or president is the same.It has become a traditional Singapore power transfer model. It has uniqueness internationally and has allowed some Western media to advertise democracy and freedom.

The old -fashioned Western democratic country, the system determines everything, the fierce struggle between Western democratic parties, for the inevitable phenomenon of democracy, the prime minister's "take turns to sit" is normal.

British Weekly Economist published a comment on April 18, saying that there have been only three leaders in Singapore in 59 years.The first choice for candidates.

Weekly mockery comments have aroused the Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, refuted on Facebook.What makes him uncomfortable is that the weekly magazine said that the People's Action Party will still win in the election, including strong political parties, "ruthless targets" of the opponent, and "docile" local media.

Shang Morgan pointed out that the British "Commentsariat Class" has a subconscious and cannot tolerate countries that once used Britain as teachers, but now they have performed better than it.Obviously, the weekly magazine does not know that there is an idiom saying "Green is better than blue."

Huang Xuncai will be the fourth prime minister of Singapore's 59th year, while Sunak is the fourth prime minister in Britain's 4.9 years.Shang Morgan even pointed out that the former Prime Minister Johnson received a travel fee of 15,000 pounds (about S $ 25,000) and a decoration fee of 50,000 pounds (about S $ 84,000) during his tenure.EssenceHe said that in Singapore, behaviors like Johnson were long been charged to court.

Singapore's GDP from British colonial period was 500 US dollars per capita (compiled by the exchange rate at that time, about S $ 1,000), and increased to more than $ 80,000 today (about S $ 108,000).A recent report from Forbes said that in terms of purchasing power parity, Singapore's per capita domestic GDP ranks fifth in the world, and Britain has a lot behind.

Shang Mogan said that if the Singapore media is "docile", economists seem to appreciate the situation of the UK more: a person can control the main media, politicians presented him to diligence, and those who have the media can affect who is elected.Who is the Prime Minister; there are similar problems in Australia, and a former Australian Prime Minister describes this as "democratic tumor".

This is the second confrontation between the Singaporean government and economists in the past year.On July 27 last year, the Weekly published a column article entitled "A SLEW of Scandals Puts Singapore's Government on the Back FOOT" published a column of the Singaporean government.The Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Vivian, Dr. Wei Wen, was investigated by the Corruption Investigation Bureau for investigation by the Black and White House of Houses.

In this regard, Lin Chuanquan, the Singapore Supreme Commissioner of Singapore in the UK, gave a letter to refute the economist, emphasizing that the Corruption Council conducted investigations and did not require prime minister approval, and never prevented the bureau from investigating anyone.Even if the Prime Minister disagrees, the Constitution allows the Corruption Council to continue the investigation after obtaining the approval of the president.When the Director of the Investigation Bureau of Appointment and Removal, the president must also be approved by the president.It is Premier Li who required the Corruption Investigation Bureau to investigate the Lai Road incident.

The Supreme Commissioner of Lin asked: "Does the economist think that the head of the Scottish field (headquarters of the London Police Department in the United Kingdom) is appointed by the British Minister of the Interior and the mayor of London, so is it independent?"

If the Singapore Corruption Investigation Bureau is "lacking independence" like economists, how can Singapore be among the best in the integrity index of "transparent international" in the international anti -corruption organization?

For the Western media, who is self -righteous, high, and often laughs in the world with dual standards, the Singapore government does not eat their set no matter who is the prime minister, and will not hesitate to attack the shield of the son's spear.

May 15th is the first day of Huang Xuncai's work in the office of the Prime Minister, and it is also the beginning of his appearance and cultivation successor.The shape and cultivation requires a certain process, which may be another 10 or 15 years.Singapore does not need to follow the model of Western democratic countries. In the 59th year of the founding, there were only four prime ministers. What about it?This determines the continuity and predictability of policies in Singapore.The key to Singapore is easy to deal with other countries, the key is at this point.