In early May, Japan ushered in the Golden Week holiday.The number of people going abroad with Golden Week gradually returned to the crown disease epidemic.However, due to the depreciation of the yen, the destination of the Japanese travel is basically concentrated in near neighboring countries and regions.Nevertheless, except for Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai have failed to enter the top ten lists on the first choice of Japanese travel.One of the backgrounds is that the Japanese are afraid of going to China.Although the epidemic has ended, the tourists from Japan to China cannot be restored to the past. It is better to say that it is not possible to restore the epidemic.Increased.

In 2023, an employee of a Japanese pharmaceutical company with many businesses in China was detained in Beijing and brought a strong impact on the Japanese economy.In addition, in 2019, researchers at Japan's national universities in Japan were detained, and it also brought a strong blow to Japanese society and academic circles.Since then, Sino -Japanese academic exchanges have been greatly restricted.In addition, a Chinese university teacher who has recently coached in Japan has been increasing by the official detention of Chinese officials when he returned to China for a short return.After entering 2024, the Chinese teachers of the Kobe College and Asia University of Japan were also detained by Chinese officials. This is the tip of the iceberg.Teachers are detained, and students will be nervous. What is worrying is that this may hinder the exchange cause of young people in and Japanese.

Before the Golden Week in 2024, disclosed in the trial of Hong Kong's violation of the National Security Law, a former member of Japan (former House of Representatives Takino Sakurai) was requested to formulate in JapanAct to protest the National Security Law is considered a problem in the trial of Hong Kong.The former members did believe that Japan should have the global Magnitzki Human Rights Human Rights and Responsibility Law.However, she denied direct contact with Li Zhiying.According to Japanese media reports, the Hong Kong courts accused the sin of Takino Sakurai and Li Zhiying.This is the so -called "application of domestic law" attempts, and it is also considered to be a restraint of Japan.

China often refers to Japanese reports that are biased. Is this really the case?Sometimes I hear a saying that questioning that China acts in accordance with Chinese law, it constitutes interference in China's internal affairs.However, the reason why Japanese society detains the Japanese incident and "applicable to the domestic law of Chinese law" is very heavy. The first is because the standards such as the anti -spy law and other standards are not clear.The crime is unclear.Second, today's situation is a major change in the history of Japanese and middle -aged exchanges since the 1970s.At present, the number of civil exchanges between China and Japan, especially the number of people in Japan who wants to go to China, has been greatly affected.Does the Chinese government want this state to last?

Of course, China also believes that it is important to expand Japanese and Chinese people's exchanges, especially to promote young people's exchanges, which is very important.In March, the National Political Consultative Conference pointed out that the standards of anti -spy laws were unclear, which caused foreign students to study in China to decrease.However, even if there is such a voice, the tendency to attach importance to "national security" is at least not eased on the surface; in fact, measures taken by the name of "national security" have greatly suppressed international exchanges.

On the contrary, the number of people from China is increasing.However, in China, especially people who work in public agencies and universities, the procedures for going abroad to go abroad become more cumbersome.Many documents are not so much to obtain a visa, it is better to be the procedures for China in China.Japan must invite Chinese people to Japan, and the Japanese side must also prepare a lot of documents.The current situation is that between Japan and China, it is difficult for the Japanese to go to China, and the Chinese continue to flow towards Japan.To this end, the Japanese side must prepare many tedious documents.

If this continues, China and the world, especially the relationship with developed countries in the West, will be severely hindered, and private exchanges will be greatly suppressed.For any country, "national security" is very important, and it is understandable to attach importance to this.However, regarding the application and application procedures, the information is first of all to explain the obligation of the explanation, and in addition, the impact on other fields must be considered.Don't you need to take a suitable response based on reality?Today, it is necessary to communicate extensive exchanges in Japanese and Chinese people, but the communication itself is greatly limited.The author expressed strong concerns about this.

(the author is a professor at the University of Tokyo)