We can hope that politics can play a certain balance of balance. Through legislation, regulations, etc., we must ensure that these platforms bear certain social responsibilities, and on the other hand, we must also supervise whether the social media platforms play their due role.

The two hospitals of the United States Congress passed the bill of compulsory TIKTOK last week that must cut off the bumping relationship with the Chinese parent company. President Biden immediately signed the effect.If Tiktok cannot be sold to US companies within 270 days, the United States will ban it from operating in the United States.

The author did not use Tiktok, but recently found that many students were brushing Tiktok on the subway, and they were eye -catching.The nephew of Xiaosi Xiaosi in the Malaysian capital Kualapo also likes to brush Tiktok.The popularity of TIKTOK among children, teenagers, and young people is evident.

Facing the aggressive US Congress and the government, Tiktok decided to decide with the US courts with the first amendment to the US Constitution.Tiktok has emphasized that no matter what the results are, it will not sell the computing algorithm containing high technology and technology to American companies.

This is not the first time that Tiktok has become the target of the US government.In 2020, the former President Trump ruling, the White House issued an administrative order to sell Tiktok to American companies within 90 days, otherwise the ban would be banned.At that time, the byte beating indicates that Tiktok will not be avoided because it knows that American companies are looking at the TIKTOK computing algorithm.

Tiktok then sued the Trump administration to court at the time asking the court to stop the White House's administrative order.Trump lost the presidential election in November 2020. After President Biden took office in 2021, he signed an order to cancel Trump's banning, but also ordered the government to conduct further investigations on TIKTOKthreatening.

In 2022, the US Internet media Buzzfeed quoted a leaked conference recording report that the engineers with byte beating can contact Tiktok's American user data. At least one engineer has the so -called "chief manager" status and can contact all the dataEssenceThis has always been claimed that Tiktok has always been claimed that all American user data is stored in overseas servers in China and not being subject to Chinese legal jurisdiction.

There are other American media revealed that Tiktok allows the Chinese government to use its US user data.Since then, the United States has banned official mobile phones from installing Tiktok.The US members of the United States have also begun to change the attitude of banning Tiktok, so this time the TIKTOK targeted by Congress is carried out by Congress, rather than the president issued an administrative order.

Trump, which is worth mentioning, ordered Tiktok four years ago, now in turn opposes the ban. The reason is that this will only make social media Facebook, X and other platforms less competitors.

In fact, in the past few years, politics has become more and more fearful for social media's increasingly invisible hand.Facebook founder Zuckerberg has been tortured by members in the U.S. Congress many times.In 2018, after the media revealed that Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica to abuse user data, social media became a demon in the eyes of political leaders.The internal document of Facebook leaked in 2021 revealed that Facebook realized that the harmful impact of different social media platforms on society, but was disregarded for profit.

Beijing Media People mentioned in the comments that the two characteristics of Tiktok -can build public opinion fields and like young people. Once they are combined, they can manipulate information, endanger young people, and threaten national security, so that it will reduce it.Political target.

In fact, these two characteristics are also the common points of many social media platforms, including Facebook.This is why politics is increasingly jealous of social media.

This reminds people of China banned Facebook as early as 2009.At that time, a smashing and burning incident occurred in Xinjiang, China. The Chinese government determined that it was a foreign forces using Facebook to organize violence, so they blocked Facebook outside the Great Wall of Fire.Obviously, Chinese officials have long seen Western social media threat to China.Now the United States treats TIKTOK, it is undoubtedly a way to walk on China.

As a platform, social media uploads the content by uploading a large number of users, pushing the content to users through the computing algorithm, and creating advertising revenue in the process of manufacturing traffic.The social media platform is a commercial company that exists for business interests, so they can be ignored by social responsibility.Or from another perspective, they should not take the responsibility of screening content as much as possible.The screening content means to support the moral and ethical standards, but the moral ethics standards of each society are different, and it is easy to get the elder brother's affection; for the social media platform, it also represents the extra cost of losing money.

We can't expect that the social media platform will not do evil or do the right thing. After all, the essence of capital is profit -seeking, and the social media platform must make the most money with the least resources.However, we can hope that politics can play a certain balance of balance, and through legislation, regulations, etc., to ensure that these platforms bear certain social responsibilities, on the other hand, we must also supervise whether the social media platforms play their due role.