The Prime Minister bowed deeply at the Labor Day rally. He sincerely thank the people who have supported and trust him over the years. This bow is actually won by close labor and government relations.Good leaders and good governments are also good people who have a good righteousness because of (should).

Singapore experienced the first economic recession after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1985, reversing Singapore's economic appearance of more than 8%of its annual growth.In the second quarter of that year, the GDP was 1.4%, and it was 5%negative in the last quarter.The unemployment rate in Singapore also increased from 2.9%in the first four years to 4.1%in June 1985.

The signs of economic recession actually emerged in 1984. I was tailored that year.Four people, I just joined for more than a year.In the 20s, it is inevitable to be frustrated, but the burden of life makes you have no time to sorrow. You must quickly find out the way. It feels personal.

The news of Singapore's economic data has fallen into the following year, the news of more companies' failure and layoffs, and the government's establishment of the Economic Council to completely review and reorganize the economic direction of Singapore, and know that the layoffs are a big event for the country's economy.

In his speech at the May 1st Labor Day rally this year, Premier Li Xianlong mentioned the incident in 1985 and repeated the economic committee that he led in order to greatly reduce the commercial costs of Singapore.The proposal of the payment rate, these difficulties that were not easy to swallow the economy and insured work were supported by Wang Dingchang and the union leader, and persuaded the generals and workers to accept them together.

A major proposal of the Economic Commission in that year was to greatly reduce the employer's provident fund payment rate from 25%to 10%, far exceeding the market expectations of 20%.

Li Xianlong re -enlightened this past at this year's May 1st Labor Day rally, which has its significance.This is the last time he attended as the Prime Minister, and it was also the last important speech before he made a stick on May 15th. In addition to reiterating the unique and cooperative mechanism of the mutual benefit and mutual benefit of labor, government and government, and cooperation mechanism, it also prominently and affirmed that these years were these years.The trade union and workers are willing to cooperate with the government and assets to enable Singapore to transition in peace in several major crises such as the recent crown disease, and to achieve a good economic rebound and strengthening social toughness.

There was a saying at the time that the economic recession in 1985 was the first difficult challenge of the second -generation political leader led by the first deputy prime minister Wu Zongdong.Wu Zuodong established a cross -departmental economic committee at that time. The members include all the characters described as the second generation of heavyweight: also the second deputy prime minister's vocational general Wang Dingchang, the Minister of Trade and workers, Chen Qingyan, the new financial minister Hu Ci Dao, Foreign Minister Minister of Foreign AffairsDanna Banan, Minister of Labor Li Yuquan, and Li Xianlong, who was the Minister of Trade and Industry at the time.

Li Xianlong was appointed by Chen Qingyan to review the Singapore economy. He was 33 years old.Members of this economic committee include 8 private corporate leaders in different fields.After the government adopted the economic measures of heavy drugs proposed by the committee, the Singapore economy began to improve in the third quarter of 1986, and then rebounded and continued until the following year in 1987. At that timeThe second generation of leaders successfully made Singapore out of the economic recession.

From serving the second -generation team to the third -generation team of Singapore at the age of 52, Li Xianlong also slaughtered other holy cows by hand.In addition to cutting the employer's payment rate by Singapore, he was unprecedented when he was young, and for the first time in 2004, he proposed the concept of comprehensive resort to develop a casino, and extensively debated in Congress and the civilians.He also personally explained that Singapore had to develop a comprehensive resort to develop a comprehensive resort to improve Singapore's tourism and the competitiveness as an international convention and exhibition center.In the area, the Hong Kong Disneyland was about to open, and Malaysia also held a first -class track car every year.The two comprehensive resort plans to open in 2010. They announced a large -scale expansion plan last year, and they are expected to create another 5,000 employment opportunities and create additional economic benefits for the country.

In the era of my growth, when I joined the newspaper to run the news, from time to time, people complained that the government was too close to business, especially for transnational companies, so that the salaries often had to clenched their teeth and worked hard.In recent years, the complaints heard are the government's family and Singapore employees, which have repeatedly aggravated the labor cost of the enterprise.For example, the government announced in the 2023 fiscal budget statement that from September 1st of that year to 2026, gradually increased the monthly salary limit of requiring provident funds in four times.Yuan.Coupled with the increase of salary and maternity leave, this year has also doubled. When a number of members stated in the Congress debate budget, it stated that the company is still digesting a gradual salary model and increasing measures such as older employees' provident deposits.Now you have to face the pressure of more pro -employees.

A relatives, family or family employees should not debate from the opposite side. The change of any measure must ultimately be guided by pro -pro -Singapore. Only the large ship of Singapore is stable, can you see the composition, common values ​​of the community on the boat, and the common values, as well as the common values, andHow to continue the conditions of the ship's voyage to navigate and do the necessary resource allocation and support.The relationship between labor and government and mutual trust and cooperation sounds cliché, but how is it effective and what is meaningful practice. It tests the understanding of each generation and the true understanding.In the case of this prime minister's class and the increasingly divided international situation, people on the Singaporean ships need to recognize the weight, so that they will not destroy the ship own.Essence

Premier Li praised the spirit of Singaporeans in different fields at the May Day Labor Day rally to surpass their duties in communities and work positions, supporting each other and excellence.Singapore still needs to be business, family, family, and the people, and to work hard to make these "pro -pro -pro -" no contradictions and more tolerance.After all, Singapore needs to create Singapore Team, not the top Singapore Inc..The firm labor and capital relationship is our home.

The Prime Minister bowed deeply at the Labor Day rally, and sincerely thank the people who have trusted and supported him over the years. This bow is actually won by close labor and government relations.Good leaders and good governments are also good people who have a good righteousness because of (should).