The Workers' Party is very pragmatic. If you know you have no ability to organize the government, even a three -quarter seats can not be the goal.It can be seen from it that it is not blindly expanding the election lineup.

This column mentioned the last time that many people were speculating that the pace of the next election was close. After the announcement of the deputy prime minister and the Minister of Finance, Huang Xuncai will be on May 15th, after taking over the leader stick from Premier Li Xianlong, each opposition party willThe awareness of preparation is obviously higher.

The most obvious is the two days after the announcement of the work of the work of the work.

Infliance, Dr. Lin Zhu, a researcher at the Singapore Policy Research Institute, said in an article published by the Straits Times that after Huang Xuncai took over as the Prime Minister, he could create the most favorable favorable to create a platform for the party's party conference and budget.Conditions; and the opposition party has not relaxed, and many of the opposition party has strengthened cooperation in the past year. "The Workers' Party also said that they will tend to fight for the government's strategy in the coming election."

Bi Danxing, who is also the leader of Congress opposition, emphasized through Facebook that the mid -term goal of the Workers' Party still ensures that at least one -third of the parliamentary seats are not in the hands of the ruling party, not organizing the government.

Bi Danxing's response is so rapid that he also believes that he also believes that the next election is approaching, and he must quickly clarify his position so as not to pass on.

Bi Danxing set a third -thirds of the seats as a medium -term target at the Workers 'Party Member Forum in 2019 at the Workers' Party Member Forum.At that time, although the Workers 'Party had won the Ayuni set selection for the second time, Bi Danxing did not forget to remind the party members. The Workers' Party was just winning in the 2015 election.Naturally, he did not forget that during the 2015 election, a large number of rumors about the perspective of the DAP seemed to be unable to keep many seats. Through social media, the middle voters were worried that they would change the sky and voted to the ruling party.This is believed to be one of the reasons for the DAP to get nearly 70%of the votes.

Why did the Workers' Party formulate the goal of getting a three -third of the seats in the mid -term?

First of all, the law stipulates that the amendment to the Constitution must be supported by the Congress of at least two -thirds of members.More importantly, the Workers' Party is very pragmatic. If you know you have no ability to organize the government, even a three -thirds of the seats cannot be the goal.It can be seen from it that it is not blindly expanding the election lineup.

In the 2006, 2011 and 2015 elections, the Workers Party sent 19, 23 and 28 candidates.It was thought that it would send more people in 2020, and it could even reach one -third of the total seat, but that year it only sent 21 people to compete for four sets and two single constituencies. Among the 93 general seats, it was slightly higher than thatone fifth.

The Workers' Party currently has two seats at the moment. She is regarded as the potential of the potential to retreat due to peach -colored news. Will Bidanxing's lawsuit be held before the election, and it is still unknown.It is difficult to determine all kinds of adverse factors, and how many people will send the Workers' Party next.

It is speculated from the location of the party's sales party to report the party.At present, the biggest suspense is always whether it will compete for the Tannini set.The Workers' Party actually moved there many years ago. This set of constituencies also damaged a member of the scandal this time. In addition, the former leading deputy prime minister Wang Ruijie has moved to the East Coast Section.It's not surprising.Sure enough, the number of candidates it sent may be close to a three -thirds of the seat again.

Of course, a three -point seat can also be the collective goal of the opposition party, and it does not have to be achieved by the Workers' Party.However, the Workers' Party has always emphasized that "different ways are not the same as conspiracy", and will not completely avoid the triangle or even the four corners; other opposition parties have not won in Congress.Medium-term Goal.

It is worth noting that the Workers' Party has never explained the specific period and does not allow people to have too much expectations for it.

Singapore's political general Zhan Shizhong claimed as early as the 1991 election. Each opposition party should adopt the "re -election effect" strategy, that is, not to compete for all constituencies, so that the DAP will automatically be elected on the nomination date.This makes voters not worry that the ruling party will lose its power by accident and can vote boldly.The opposition party's emphasis on the three -thirds of the seats can be regarded as a "re -election effect" strategy, but it is not a progress of local opposition party politics, showing that the opponent has not been easy to achieve but more specific.