Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong is about to pay the stick to the Vice Premier and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai, and transferred to the state -owned capital.State -owned assets are set up in Singapore and originated from the Bachelor of Palace (Great) in the Song Dynasty in the Song Dynasty.Song Zhenzong Jianlong Tu Ge, with the east preface of the Pavilion as the Temple of Zizheng.In the second year of Jingde (1005 years), he participated in the political affairs Wang Qinruo, and Zhenzong deliberately set up a bachelor's degree in government.

One day, Zhenzong saw Wang Qinruo's class under Hanlin's bachelor.Wang Qinruo said: "I had a ginseng from Hanlin to know about political affairs, and had no fault to be fired. The class was lower than the original official.College scholars, above Hanlin's bachelor's purpose.Since then, the college at Zizheng Hall has been a transition official post after the prime minister.

There is a set of official positions in the Song Dynasty called "museum", which is the official title of academic honor.From the Guanwen Temple of Guanwen Temple in Erpin, to the straight secret pavilion of Zhengba Pin, his own system has a strict level.High -level libraries, such as university scholars, bachelor, direct bachelor, and treated, can be regarded as the emperor's consultant.During the Southern Song Dynasty, the Bachelor and Bachelor of Zizheng Hall were the three grades, and their status was quite high.

Golden state -owned and government -funded doctors are officials and officials, and Yuan and Ming have changed to Zhengbai.The assets court was a parliamentary preparation agency established during the late Qing Dynasty constitutional movement, and was later replaced by the temporary Senate of the Republic of China.During the Republic of China, the Presidential Palace hired a number of people in charge of capital, from various professional fields. For the country, it was the honorary title of no salary.

The direct origin of Singapore's state -owned assets is Senior Minister.Senior minister is not unique to Singapore.In Canada, Deputy Prime Minister was only set up in 1977.Previously, there were senior ministers, equivalent to Deputy Prime Minister.In Singapore, in 1985, Rajerean was appointed as Senior Minister after his deputy prime minister.In 1990, he stepped down as senior minister, and in 1997, he was renamed the cabinet government government, and his English unchanged.In 2004, Wu Zongdong stepped down as Prime Minister.Li Guangyao still serves as the cabinet government, but the official English name is changed to the Minister Mentor; Wu Zuodong is a state -owned administration, and the English name is Senior Minister.

State -owned capital and regulation are led by the Prime Minister and Individual Vice Premier.Now, after the State -owned Assets and Political Ranking is after the Deputy Prime Minister.Only Li Guangyao was the cabinet.Li Guangyao, Wu Zuodong, Shang Daman, and Zhang Zhixian were served as the state -owned capital.Luo Guangyao and Wu Zuodong only served as state -owned assets, while deputy prime minister Shang Damman and Zhang Zhixian also served as minister of government departments while serving as state -owned assets.For example, Zhang Zhixian served as the Minister of State and Politics and State Security, and Shangdanman was the Minister of State and Politics and Social Policy.After serving as a state -owned capital, Wu Zuodong also served as honorary state -owned capital.

In 2016, Myanmar set up State Countries.This official position should be translated as a state consultant according to the original intention, but due to the influence of Singapore's political system, translation is translated as a state -owned assets.Weng Shan Shuzhi served as the State and Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Presidential Office.State -owned assets ranked second in the order of etiquette in Myanmar, second only to the president.

Some people think that the state -owned capital is equivalent to the Prime Minister.In fact, according to responsibilities, Myanmar's state -owned assets are the highest consultant of the president, and the etiquette is high.Weng Shan Shuzhi's real power comes from her leader of the greatest ruling party.Even if there is no stand -up coat, she is still the most powerful person in Myanmar's election regime.

In 2020, after Malaysia Malidin served as the Prime Minister, he did not appoint the deputy prime minister. Instead, he appointed four senior ministers, which was higher than the minister.In 2021, Esmomi Siberi coexisted with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister and Senior Minister.In the same year, Isemishabili served as the Prime Minister, with no deputy prime minister, and the original four senior ministers remained unchanged.In 2022, Anhua was abolished the senior minister after he served as the Prime Minister.

In summary, Singapore has set up state -owned capital, providing a effective way for national leaders to retire and exert the residual heat.State -owned assets originated from China, and traced back to the Bachelor of Palace (Big) in the Song Dynasty.

Myanmar's state -funded and senior ministers in Malaysia are inspired by Singapore's state -owned assets.However, the essence of state assets and politics is a state consultant, and senior ministers are high status.For example, Malaysia's senior minister is not an official who retires or is about to retire.The State -owned Assets and Advanced Ministers should be distinguished. The former is translated into State Countries, and the latter is translated as Senior Minister.