The increase in multi -language elite is the jump of national competitiveness.Several top scholars from all over the world have admired Mr. Li Guangyao's wisdom and response, and even admired Singapore's language education and policy sense, especially for his willingness to face the blind spots and correct his response, and expressed shock.

At the Labor Day rally just in the past, Premier Li Xianlong delivered the last important speech of the Prime Minister's term.At the end of his speech, he was glory, choked with tears: "I want to say to all Chinese people: Thank you sincerely!" Then he bowed to the people.I couldn't help but think of his father, Mr. Li Guangyao, Founding of Guo Guo, shed tears on August 9, 1965, choked to speak, and announced that Singapore was expelled from the Malaysian Federation and forced to be independent.59 years apart, the two generations of father and son, the position of the highest leader in the same leader, the tears of the father's father because of the country's future, "must be responsible for the life and death of 2 million people";Later, Singapore, which was able to give 6 million people, "entrusts intact to successors and is deeply satisfied and fulfilled."In the middle of the 59th year, it is because they and countless ancestors spend their lives throughout their lives, and they bow their miracles and stories in Singapore.

The highest political leader seems to be far from us ordinary people, but in the tears of moving, it seems to be very close to us -a community of life.The closest time to me may be from 4 pm to 5:10 pm on September 9, 2011.

On that day, in order to cooperate with the second Chinese language education and academic international seminar hosted by the Singapore Chinese Teaching and Research Center, we arranged for the international adviser to meet him in the office of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in the presidential palace.Foreign scholars include Professor Twila Tardif, Professor Twila Tardif, Dr. Yuan Boping of Cambridge University Linguist, and Professor Xie Xijiu, an educator from the University of Hong Kong.Remember, and are extremely profound.

Professional Consultation of National Language Policy and Education Status

Mr. Li's office is simple and clean.We were introduced all the way. When we saw Mr. Li, who was 88 -year -old at that time, he was very good and his eyes were still sharp.We knew that he had completely unloaded his political task a few months ago that year, and he would no longer serve as a government. He imagined that he might be more easily communicated.I do n’t want Mr. Li to ask everyone to sit down without much noise, let us enter the topic immediately, and let everyone share the observation of Singapore's language status.

Overseas scholars first recognize the level of Chinese teaching in Singapore's preschool education. The professor at the guest at Singapore also quoted the encouraging observation of children when studying at Nanyang University of Technology's preschool center.Everyone almost talked about it. For pre -school children, a rich language environment will help them learn Chinese. On the contrary, if the language is too simplified and single, children will lose their interest in learning.If young children can hear the difference between tones and sound from early, they can better learn vocabulary -it can be seen that the emphasis on hearing and language learning cannot be divided.

However, scholars who are familiar with Singapore's language environment also mentioned that when children enter elementary school, because the subjects increase and the curriculum is more structured, the opportunities for them to learnThe chance of turning is also difficult.Everyone emphasizes that children are not small adults; so they need to adopt different teaching methods to teach Chinese text through richer content and less structure.In other words, for children, teaching language cannot be simplified, and learning through game learning is more interesting.The foreign scholar even gave an example, indicating that his child refused to invite Chinese tutor because he did not like the teaching method of Chinese teachers.On the contrary, he wants a Chinese nanny to play with him and communicate in Mandarin. It can be seen that game elements are very important for the interested in stimulating the language learning of young children.

The sun is just right outside the window, and Mr. Li's interest is getting stronger, and it is urged everyone to share their research.We finally understand that this is not a polite communication with the old gentleman, but a professional consultation on national language policies and the status quo of education.Mr. Li, who is always worried and always worried about every detail of Singapore, politics, never never, will not stay away.

"so i was ingrong!"

Professor who is good at more adult and children's language learning, that is, in -depth research results: For children's learning language, comparative methods or diversified methods (for example, different types of cups to strengthen the concept of cups) are the best;This is not necessary for adults, because they have understood concepts.Adults are best to learn through a direct or single method (for example, repeating a new sentence).However, for the language of professors, the method of direct translation is the worst (especially for children under 8 years old), because it will be confused.In addition to feeling memory, don't forget to have short -term memory and long -term memory.If the translation method is used, an English translation is provided immediately after introducing a new Chinese phrase. Although the child may understand when hear the phrase, after hearing the sound of Chinese words, it feels that memory is covered by English words.Without feeling memory and hearing impression, children will not remember Chinese words, that is, it is difficult to leave short -term and long -term memory, so we must provide the most diverse and real multi -language environment.

Mr. Li Guangyao suddenly sighed loudly at this time: "So I was ingrong (then I was wrong)!" As soon as this remark, everyone in our here could not help but stun the boss.Probably no one would think that the national language policy was regarded as the biggest challenge for a lifetime, and the founding Prime Minister who used the consequences of the use of consequences of every citizen from childhood to large will be so frank and even naked admits that his past blind spot and mistakes will be naked., Such efficient (more virtuous), have a new understanding of the diverse and rich real language environment and children's language.

After everyone reacted, I continued to discuss methods and challenges about learning Chinese characters.In the opposite of the general point of view, everyone is that Chinese characters not only have visual elements, but also sound elements -most of Chinese characters are phonetic and have sound symbols.Studies also show that there is a positive correlation between the ability of children to master the voice and their language (including reading).According to research, the ability to speak affects reading ability -those who have more spoken vocabulary will actually become a better reader.

Mr. Li said that he thought that speaking and reading were different, but scholars proposed in the results of research that if the oral ability was cultivated in the early years, the reading ability in the later period would be stronger.Everyone agrees that Mr. Li's point of view must be learned from a young age, but it is mentioned that for written language, you can learn from adults, and even further give an example. For exampleDue learned English at the age of 29, and then began to write novels, and became a writer who became famous for his native language.

We further mentioned that there are good research evidence that exposure to multiple languages ​​under the age of 6 will make children more likely to learn three or four languages ​​when they grow up.Children's strong Chinese learning ability is like sponge, and they can gradually judge the differences in different Chinese without confusion.If the child starts to learn the language very early, he will be able to master the tone and foundation of the language, and even learn two or three languages. This tone and foundation will accompany him throughout his life.Although the child may forget some of the content or vocabulary because of less use of this language, they will not forget functional words (such as, live, ones) in the future, and this is re -Familiar with the language is extremely critical.Everyone also suggested that young children expose the third language other than English and mother tongue.Mr. Li said that this has been implemented in school, but everyone agrees, for the third, for the thirdIn Chinese learning, we still have a lot of room for improvement.

Then everyone talked about personal examples of learning the second language -some who only learned the second language after the age of 25, but now they can use the language fluently and speak.It can be seen that motivation is one of the most important factor for adults to learn the second language.Of course, in addition to motivation, it is also important to maintain students' interest in Chinese, and visit China and experience its culture, playing an important role.

The same language dialect will have a complementary effect on Chinese

The topic turns, we talked about dialects, which is quite sensitive in local language policy.Mr. Li Guangyao reiterated that if a person wants to master English and Chinese, he must give up dialects, because dialects will affect the study of Popular calls.Everyone is familiar with Mr. Li's stance on dialects. However, he also hopes to seize the rare opportunities to meet and share the results and observations frankly.Some people mention dialects related to culture, and believe that dialect does not weaken students 'reading ability. For example, Hong Kong, which uses Cantonese teaching, is always among the best in terms of students' reading ability.Some also added that there are many dialects in Canada and other places. Many Canadians speak English and French in schools, and many other languages ​​including dialects, Canadian school enrollment forms, and even 52 different languages ​​-so to adapt to adaptThe goals of so many languages ​​are not impossible, just thinking that the goal should not be confused with the method of achieving these goals.Some also proposed that most Belgians will speak at least two languages, even as many as five languages, and their multi -language situation is widely studied.Of course, we can say that the multi -language situation in Europe and the United States is related to the same or similar language, so we can complement each other and produce the positive effect of the language of the language.But in the same way, the dialects of the same language will also have the role of complementation and migration of Chinese.

Although everyone has no intention, the discussion has exceeded the original time.How much I want to talk to Mr. Li about his own family language education and ask him how he cultivates the child who is proficient in three -character -it is a family affairs, but it is actually state affairs.The increase in multi -speaking elites is the jump of national competitiveness.I even selfishly hoped to ask him if he had a change in literature, and the relationship between language, literature and the country (after all, the article is the great cause of the country).

On the way back, several top scholars from all over the world have admired Mr. Li's wisdom and response, and even admired him in Singapore's language education and policy sense, especially for him to face the blind spots and correct himself.The reaction means shocked.As a driver who focuses on driving less, my heart has risen to confidence in our country and overflowing.

This is the closest to our highest leader so far.At the moment when the highest leadership rod is transferred, we are fortunate to read and our island nations. The leaders still dedicate to the country's wholehearted and dedication to the country regardless of whether they are within or out of office.Follow the sense of hard work!

(the author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local culture)