Source: Bloomberg

Author: K oanh ha

The scale of Chinese tourists spent the May of the May Labor Day is close to the level before the epidemic, which accelerated this rebound in the world's largest tourism market.

Analysis of the data provided by Forewardkeys, a forecasting agency for air tickets, travel agencies, and other industry data, showing that the outbound tour between out of 2019 from April 27 to May 5th is only 7%lower than the 2019 level.The tourism research company said that the peak at the last moment caused a surge in bookings, and its speed exceeded the expectations based on the sales of tickets in early April.Domestic ticket revenue in the same period increased by 4%over 2019.

The results of the Chinese tourist confidence research studied by Bloomberg industry showed that although people are worried that the economic downturn is affecting consumer confidence and expenditure, the demand is still rebounding.In 2019, before the epidemic caused the tourism industry to basically stop, Chinese tourists spent nearly US $ 48 billion in outbound tourism. Their rapid return is the key to filling the huge gap in the global tourism industry.

"We are far ahead of this step now, which is the most important," said Tim Bacchus, a senior analyst at Bloomberg industry research, said, "We see the acceleration and expected improvement of China's outbound travel. Its recovery speedFaster than expected at the beginning of the industry. "

The data of the World Travel and Tourism Council shows that in 2019, Chinese tourists exit 170 million people, and their expenditures account for 14%of global tourism revenue.Analysts have previously predicted that China's outbound tour will remain stable this year, and some predictions predict that it will return to the level before the epidemic in 2025.

Now, there are many signs that China's recovery momentum is increasing.Bloomberg Industry research predicts that after the first quarter, it will exceed 90%of the level of 2019 by 90%of the 2019 level before the end of the year.

Domestic travel is also booming.According to local media reports, after the start of the labor holiday on May 1st, there was a peak of passengers in the Chinese railway station.CCTV said that the number of domestic travelers in the first quarter exceeded 1.4 billion, an increase of 17%over last year; the Chinese holiday consumption of 1.52 trillion yuan in the last quarter also increased by 17%.