The United States claims to be the best system in the world, and it must be a problem.In this issue, the law and politics seem to be uncoordinated, the law is almost incomparable with politics, and politics is to do whatever they want.As for how this kind of problem should be solved, I am afraid that it can be made clear.

On April 18th, in the court of Manhattan, New York, USA, the first former President Trump, which faced criminal trials in history, ushered in his jury.After many twists and turns, it was finally in place.Although five substitute jurors are required to continue to select five substitute jurors in the whole society, Trump's criminal trials have been unavoidable on April 22.A movie called the Twelve Angry Hans (compiled by: 12 Angry Men, produced by MGM in 1957), was used as an excellent window to observe the United States and the Western world, which was remembered by the world; today's ""Twelve Angry Han" meets the most powerful figures in the United States, and may also see a lot of interesting things.

On the first day of the twelve angry Han jury, Trump heard his views on him, including personal characteristics, style and governing level on the defendant's seat.It is shocking and unexpected that these jurors' perceptions of Trump showed obvious division.One female juror said Trump was extremely selfish and self -centered, and was not interested in the former president; another male juror believed that Trump was an outstanding businessman and created American history as the president.

This is the current situation of American society. Extremely split and openly, and each party can come up with strong evidence to prove its extreme point of view.Trump is the focus of the split of these society. After four years, he caminated the president again after he stepped down, and pulled this split to the people, so that they had to make their own choices without evading.

Trump, who created history, was facing the criminal charges this time.It was before the 2016 US presidential election voting, Trump's inacular lawyer Michael Cohen paid a sealing fee of $ 130,000 (approximately $ 176,800) to an adult movie star Stomian Daniels, asking her not to disclose many years agoThere is something to be dyed with Trump.The trial cycle of this case will last about six to eight weeks.New York's law stipulates that the defendant should participate in the trial throughout the process, that is, four days except Wednesday every week except Wednesday.In this case, it will greatly affect Trump's campaign; but the outside world is estimated that Juan Merchaan, the trial judge, will give Trump some convenience, allowing him to not be in court at appropriate time in order to participate in some other eventsTreatment.

From the trial situation in the first week, Trump is either cherished the word such as gold or fell asleep in court.EssenceThe trial process is not video broadcast, but it is allowed to take pictures and leave a certificate.Trump hopes that there can be more live broadcast opportunities so that he can make remarks of political persecution.American society generally believes that Trump's possibility of final conviction is very small. In case of guilty, he can also be free with high bail.This is the role of money in American society.

For Trump, the sealing fee case is only one of the four criminal prosecution he currently faces, or it may be the lightest and easiest and will be tried before this year.The other three include intervention in the Federal Presidential election case, intervention in the presidential election case of Georgia Asia, and inappropriate processing confidential documents, all involve more complicated evidence chains and more external interference factors. I am afraid that it will take many years.In contrast, Trump involved hundreds of civil cases such as financial fraud, reputation defamation, etc., and have been sentenced to more than $ 400 million in fines.Trump, who has standing on the court many times, is obviously accustomed to this and is familiar with the car.

It is strange to make the whole world feel strange that Trump, who is in a lawsuit, turned out to be the most popular candidate for the US presidential election in 2024.As the most powerful country in the world today, he has to choose a president between the two 80 -year -old elderly people. Where do so many young talents go?What do you think of so many political elites?What kind of mechanism has Trump on the defendant's first choice for American politics?

In many countries in the world, many allies in the United States, Trump is an out -of -the -box "sinner".Like the former British Prime Minister Johnson, French President Sarkozy, Italian Prime Minister Berluskini, etc., all of which have seriously affected their political career and personal life because of much small lawsuits;Crimes, even small moral defects, may be buried in political future, and the examples are endless.

But in the United States, these are not things. From the romantic affairs of Kennedy, Clinton and others, to Nixon's eavesdropping scandal, and to Trump's crimes today, it may be at least one point, that is, the United States is from the United States.It is definitely a problem in the world's best system.In this issue, the law and politics seem to be uncoordinated, the law is almost incomparable with politics, and politics is to do whatever they want.As for how this kind of problem should be solved, I am afraid that it can be made clear.

Trump facing twelve jurors on court may be a world wonders in the future for a long time.Although people cannot expect that things will change in amazing changes like the twelve angered men of the movie, from this observing all sentient beings in the American society, from the head of state to the head of state, and the nakes of the people of the civilians, it is a good window.Different people may see different scenes, which is the key to be able to help their society.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator