Why can't the US media such as the New York Times use the entry angle of Tunisia self -immolation 13 years ago to analyze the self -immolation protests of the two young people in the United States. Do you have to dig out the "cause" from his psychological process?There is only one explanation: they dare not face the reality of the United States, because this reality is exactly what they work and promote formed.

In the two months from February to April this year, two self -immolation cases occurred in the United States, both protests, but the protests were not the same.Once upon a time, all the self -immolation cases in the world occurred in countries that needed the United States. For example, on June 11, 1963, Vietnamese monk Shi Guangde was self -immolation, and it was on immolation as Tunisia hawkers in December 2010.Analysis of classic mold books.Now the United States has two self -immolations, and the New York Times will certainly not be absent.Compare the newspaper's analysis of the current American self -immolar and the self -immolar of other countries.

Two self -incinerators in common: Despair for the United States today

Judging from the contents of the two American youth's testament, the reason for their choice of self -immolation is very different.

According to the New York Times, a self -immolation protest of the end of the US pilot's twists and turns on the end of the end of Israel (February 28), on February 25(Aaron Bushnell), born in a conservative family.According to his friends, before he joined the army, his thoughts experienced a sharp turn, from conservative belief to extremely left -governmentalism, anti -imperialist values, and the remains left to oppose the Palestinian policy against the United States to support Israel. "I will no longer stopThose who are ethnic for extinction are Wu "" liberated Palestine! "

On April 19th, Max Azzarello, 37, died of self -immolation opposite the Manhattan Court, which was tried by former President Trump.Based on the public record and his LinkedIn page, he was a registered Democratic party. He studied at the University of North Carolina from 2005 to 2009.He obtained a master's degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Rogers in 2012.His last words are like a political declaration, claiming "we are in a doomsday cult of totalitarianism", and the United States is facing "the ruling of thieves under the gun", warning that the upcoming "World Doomsday Fascist World Coup".The President Bush and Clinton of the Republican and Democratic Party.The media can only quote from the New York police. Azarilo has been publishing conspiracy theories and attack power, social media companies and institutions for a long time, and also referred to as the "ending of the economy".On April 19th, the title of his report on the New York Times was the burning of the person who was occupied by the conspiracy theory under the public gaze, saying that "his paranoia has embarked on a dark road."

The important part of the two lasts words reported that the New York Times did not quote, but was enthusiastic about commenting.

Two Don Quixote Fighting with Windmill

Aaron's protest is more specific, mainly Israel's policy of the US government.Anyone who knows American politics knows that the role of Jews in US politics is pivotal, and both parties in the United States dare not be guilty.In 2004, after President Bush's Global Anti-Semitism Review Act through the Global Anti-Jewie Act, Jews have since become a believer with criticism of US law protection.The Harbin War began in October last year, which directly led to the collapse of the "Jewish victims" in the United States. The left in the left was severely divided by supporting Israel or Palestine.A survey conducted by Harvard Harris Public Opinion Company from December 9th to 16th last year found that 73%of Americans from 18 to 24 years old believed that Jews were oppressed.The trend of Baza (Ha) in all parts of the United States has risen. At this moment, starting from mid -April, it is at the occupation campaign of anti -Semitic students at the University of Columbia.They announced the occupation of the school and renamed it as "Renmin University". Harvard, Yale, MIT, Michigan University, Michigan University, New York University and increased their response from Berkeley.

But now the U.S. government is governed by the Democratic Party, and the party is in a dilemma: if it does not support Israel, it will lose the huge political donation of the Jewish Gold Lord;Human opposition.The solution of the Washington Political Circle is to support Eba at the same time: On April 19, the House of Representatives voted for the foreign aid bill for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza with an overwhelming majority.This bill said: The US Washington politician supports Israel's blow to Hamas (naturally attacking Gasha, because Hamas is there) and support the Gaza people (but Hamas members are scattered in the Gaza people).Washington politicians believe that this bill not only meets the requirements of the Jewish Gold Lord, but also keeps the Jewish Democratic votes, but also maintains the moral image of the United States supporting victims of Gaza.Readers understand that anti -Semitic in the United States is still unable to touch the taboos.

Azarilo's last words are involved in very broad American social issues.In terms of time, since the Bush period until the Bayeng government, the five US presidents have been continued for more than 20 years. From the perspective of space, the political, economic, cultural concepts and media circles including the United States, and even most Americans have not yet.Cryptocurrencies involved in it.Everything in Azarilo's last words is not fictional. It is indeed a problem that the United States has existed and worsen in recent years. It is scattered in various reports and social media.Azarlo cares about the United States and is naturally anxious, thinking that he has become Lisa Simpson, a Risa, who broke the idol, who broke the idol.She tried to expose the founder of the town in the town, Jobidia Springfield, was a hidden criminal scammer. The lives of residents in the town were lies, but residents were hostile, indifferent, suspicion, and party prejudice.

There are different praises to other countries and their own self -immolation

The trials of the two self -immolar people show that they have strong beliefs and clear values, and they are critics and desperates of the current politics of the United States. They want to express anger and protest with their own death.However, the US media's reports on these two self -immolars focus on the abnormal state of their mental state, and only a few comments are gently brought in the last words.If you do n’t understand the history of self -immolation by American media reports, of course, you will not feel abnormal.However, after all, I have published two monographs that studies the internal and foreign propaganda in China, which is easy to identify where the problems are.

There are contrasts to identify.The report of self -immolation monks during the Vietnam War was a story 60 years ago, but most of the reporters and editors who worked in the New York Times in 2010 should still be there. Compared with how the New York Times reported the self -immolation incident of the Tunisia hawker.

On December 17, 2010, the Tunisian hawker Muhammad Bowagi self -immolation incident opened the prelude to the Jasmine Revolution.For his life, all the media introduced only a few points: Born on March 29, 1984, he was the poor of Tunisia, and he lived on the ground.No media is interested in his growth and mental state.In an analytical report on how a self -immolation triggered a revolution (January 21, 2011) in the New York Times, it emphasized the political significance of self -immolation in response to the slogan of the Arab world against self -immolation at the time.In the article, he asked: "What drove an ordinary person to self -immolation?" Then listed a series of events: "It is not new with self -immolation as a political protest. Many Americans remember that during the Vietnam War in 1963, Buddhist monks Shi Guangde Shi GuangdeThe terrible picture of Saigon's self -immolation ... In Europe, the 20 -year -old Czechor Yang Parach died in Prague for a few months in the Soviet Union in 1969., India, Turkey and other places, someUnknown protesters died of fire.In China, Buddhists have a history of at least 1600 years of self -immolation."

After analyzing the dispute between Shi Guangde's self -immolation incident, the author must be "political or social protests" to all other protests, such as "the corruption of these countries and suffocating dictatorship, which leads to the ruler and the rule of the rule."The huge gap between the people", "The recent Arab self -immolation, seemed to be more angry and desperate for their social and economic dilemma.By".

The focus of this article is not the reasonable analysis of this report -I think the reason for finding from the social environment is correct -but why the New York Times (not only this US media) cannot be treated with Tunisia self -immolation 13 years ago.The entry angle to analyze the self -immolation protests of two American youths.Do not dig the root of social and political level, but do you have to dig out the "cause" from your psychological process?There is only one explanation: they dare not face the reality of the United States, because this reality is exactly what they work and promote formed.

I hope the American media should not forget the phrase "Journalist who wants to be the head of the bow" because of adhering to the so -called "political correctness", and seriously think about the two self -immolation protests in the United States.background.This method of "occurring in other countries is a political protest, and the self -immolar has a spiritual problem in the country", which violates news ethics.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States