The last informal summit between Premier Lee Hsien Loong and Indonesia's President Zoko changed from the "Four Eye Conference" to the "Eight Eyes Conference" and joined Singapore's premiere Huang Xuncai and Indonesia's President Prabowo.The communication between the two sides in a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere means that after the orderly transfer of Singapore and Indonesia, it will continue to look at the future and keep close connection. On the basis of a solid bilateral relations, many aspects will be expanded.For example, the two sides decided to set up a pilot near Batan, establish a bilateral cooperation framework to allow non -governmental organizations and other institutions to promote the community, and use Indonesia's huge mangrove resources in a more sustainable way.In addition, including green economy such as carbon credit, developing information, communication technology infrastructure and establishing data centers, and the introduction of sustainable energy in Nushan Dala in the new capital of Indonesia, all show that there will be more forward -looking new growth areas in the futureIt is the direction of strengthening cooperation between the two countries.

As the largest economy and population of Asianan, Indonesia's support and even driven by emerging industries such as environmental and clean energy are essential.The current leaders of the two countries and the leaders of the appointed leaders communicate in the same scene in the President Palace of Maowu, which is strong, not only the retrospective of the cooperation results between the two parties, but also the emotional review, but also the appreciation of the people.Exchange an important milestone for major subjects and establish basic consensus.At this time, it is profoundly explained that the new Indian leaders know the importance of bilateral relations and willing to continue to deepen each other's friendship.

The relationship between leaders can often affect the interaction between the country.It is an advantage to have friendly and frank and smooth -cooperative leadership relationships between the country, but the stability and harmony between the country cannot rely on the leaders, the people and the enterprise to interact with each other, understand each other, and deepen and consolidate each other.Long -term connection.

The 10 years of Zoko's ruling, the new seal relationship has entered a stage where it is more stable and can cooperate with each other.The Zoko government shows a highly pragmatic style, and the new seal solves a series of problems such as airspace, defense and extradition of long -term trouble in bilateral relations.Zoko is not only committed to boosting the national economy, but also draws a series of grand plans for Indonesia, including the relocation of the capital.

Indonesia, which is abundant and abundant in population, has been affected by the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, and the economy in the past 10 years has maintained a steady growth.Due to the large economic volume, the continuous growth of Indonesia is conducive to the overall Asianan. Although it may bring increasing competition to individual countries, it will also promote the more upper levels of economies such as Singapore, which will be more actively looking for more.Multiple development opportunities.In the new economy and industry of the Global Industrial Revolution 4.0, Singapore's active experience, talents and achievements have been able to play a complementary role for Indonesia's sub -security member states for many years.

The most important thing is that dedicated to economic development will drive the continuous improvement of Indonesian national income, improve life, further urbanization, and expand the middle class.These changes are conducive to the practice of the five principles of the founding of the PRC in Indonesia, and can also reduce the risks of the breeding of extreme religion and extreme racism, create a secular, harmonious and more friendly regional environment in Southeast Asia, and then allow the region to win the trust of the international community.Come to invest and travel.

Southeast Asia, which has a great difference in religion, race, and cultural background, the deep friendship that has been maintained for a long time has a high symbolic significance. It is precious and must continue.The key to maintaining this relationship is that each other can always be frank, respect each other, and help each other. There is both the need for interdependence and support for each other.Bring the benefits of coexistence and prosperity.In an interview with the accompanying Singaporean reporter after the interview, Premier Li said: "New Indian relations are important to Singapore. I hope Indonesia can also see the value of this relationship from their perspective."Improve all aspects of Singapore's conditions and increase our value to Asia's Delica and the international community, in order to continue to make a new chapter in the relationship between the two countries and play a more exciting music.