The transfer and replacement of the power of a national leader's power is related to the well -being of the people, the stability of the government, and the development of the country.Once errors occur, it is common for political turbulence.There are many examples internationally.Singapore leaders know where the mystery is deep, and ensure that power is transferred smoothly.Singapore, where the founding of the country, has gone through the successor of the three generations of leadership, and is smooth and stable.In mid -May, the third power transfer is coming. Let us look forward to the fourth -generation leadership team led by Huang Xuncai, and we can take the stick as in the past to lead the Chinese people to climb another peak.

Prime Minister Li Xianlong, who led Singapore for 20 years, announced that the news of transferring power to Huang Xuncai instantly became a news that major media reports were reported at home and abroad.From this point of view, Singapore, a small country, can attract international attention, indicating that Singapore itself has the uniqueness and the international community's high attention to Singapore.

Li Xianlong took over in August 2004 from the second prime minister Wu Zuodong.In the past 20 years, under his leadership, Singapore has developed into a mature economy, prosperous city, and civilization capital. The infrastructure is complete, the economic stable development, the social harmony and stability, the government's maintenance, the efficient public services, the healthy legal system, the living, living, living, livingHouses are continuously improved, aviation ranked among the best, expansion of incremental expansion of seaports, convenient travel transportation, improved financial center status, and significant development of higher education in the world, and significant development of cultural and artistic development.

In the past 20 years, according to the World Bank information, Singapore's GDP (GDP) has increased by more than 4.3 times from $ 115 billion, and Per capita GDP has increased from US $ 27,600 to $ 84,700, which has doubled by three times.Entering the top 10 wealthy countries in the world.

Since independence in 1965, Singapore has held more than ten national elections. The People's Action Party has won the ruling of the election to this day, so it has established an effective and sustainable political power transfer system.Since the first prime minister Li Guangyao has set a precedent in November 1990, after handing over the position and power of the prime minister and power to the second -generation leader Wu Zongdong, this is the example.

After Wu Zuodong took over as the Prime Minister, in addition to continuing to ensure that the construction was achieved, he also imitated Lee Kuan Yew's way of training his successors to deploy and form a third -generation successor to promote the requirements of the party's self -renewal.Later, he handed over the steady and orderly power to Li Xianlong and won the positive evaluation of the world for Singapore again.

After Li Xianlong took office, he also continued to find talents from all walks of life and joined the government.In the spring of 2020, crown disease was popular, and the successors also had some setbacks.However, Li Xianlong quickly adjusted his direction and used the "B Plan" to determine that the fourth -generation leader was Huang Xuncai.

The fourth -generation team with Huang Xuncai as the leader. In the three years of the crown disease epidemic, after three years of tempering and testing, the measures taken not only protect their lives, ensure employment, and keep companies, so that Singapore will quickly get out of the haze of crown diseases.The economy has also returned to growth.The fourth -generation team is time to take over the leadership stick and take the responsibility of leading the people to continue.

Nothing to look at is a kind of blessing

Singapore's leadership transfer is peaceful. Compared with other countries, it seems that there is no look, but it is a blessing to live on the people on this land.Look at the social turmoil and economic pauses caused by the sides of the world, which causes the people's anxiety and the impact of the country and society. This unique power transfer paradigm of Singapore is worthy of affirmation and support.

As a candidate leader, Li Xianlong is not close to the people, so in China, and the same overseas.Whenever he visits abroad, he will communicate with the local Singapore people.What's more valuable is that he boldly reformed and eliminated some policies that had long been "fixed thinking" in the past.Including the innovation and establishment of the Social Security Network.For example, the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao said publicly when he was in power that Singapore was not allowed to build a casino in his lifetime.Because of this, the government faces the public opinion of opposition and support before promoting the decision -making of two comprehensive resort to set up a casino.This is the most difficult problem encountered in less than a year Li Xianlong's reception of the Prime Minister.

For the future development of the country's tourism industry, dare to promise with political reputation, and is willing to carry all responsibilities and build two comprehensive resort construction.On April 18, 2005, Li Xianlong personally said when the Congress announced the decision: "The cabinet collectively concluded that there is no room for our choice, and we must develop a comprehensive vacation resort. As the Prime Minister, I assume the final responsibility for this decision."" This requires strategic vision and tremendous political pressure.

Another people talked about it. On September 28, 2008, the government introduced the world -class Formula Motor (F1) to start in the Binhai Bay. It is the first F1 Grand Prix held in the world in the world. It is Singapore.Starting the international brand image.In the past 15 years, in addition to the suspension of the epidemic for two years and running every year, it has attracted many overseas fans and tourists to travel and watch the game, creating many opportunities for tourism -related industries.

At the political level, Li Xianlong not only has insight and keen vision, but also has an open mind.

Taking the 2020 election as an example, Singapore holds a national election under crown disease.The election results were released.The Workers' Party also captured 10 seats, four more than the previous session.However, although the ruling party has 90%of the seats, Li Xianlong announced on the night of the election results that the press conference on the night of the election announced that the establishment of the parliamentary opposition leader was proposed by Bi Danxing, the Secretary -General of the Workers' Party.This is the first time since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it also explains the opening up of Singapore's politics as a candidate leader.

Power transfer, smooth and smooth, and the country's social harmony.Singapore politics will open a new chapter on May 15.Li Xianlong officially handed over the leadership of the leadership of nearly 20 years to the fourth -generation leadership team.Seamless political transfer can be said to be a major creation in Singapore and a great magic weapon to maintain people's well -being.

The author is the research and publishing director of local community