Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Reporter: Guan Xiuying

After the defeat of the South Korean ruling party in the parliamentary election, the support rate of President Yin Xiyue continued to decline to 24%.In the face of the adverse administration of "Chao Xiaoya", Yin Xiyue took the initiative to throw out the "olive branches". On the 29th, the first talks with the most Democratic Party leader in the Wild Party, Li Zaiming, in the Longshan Presidential Palace in Seoul.This is also the first time that Yin Xiyue has held talks with Li Zaiming since he served as president in May 2022.

On the same day, the necessity of the two sides on the need to expand medical reforms such as medical colleges and other medical reforms, and agreed to meet and communicate frequently in the future, but there were differences in opinions on most of the remaining problems.Experts believe that the contradiction between the two parties is extremely deep, and the conversation between the two parties seems to be timely and necessary, but it is actually full of "gunpowder", and there are differences in major issues such as national politics and governance.The situation of the fierce struggle between the two parties will not stop, and it will even exacerbate.

Guo Rui, director of the Department of International Political Science, School of Administration of Jilin University, told reporters from Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on the 29th that the failure of the ruling party in the parliamentary election reflects the attitude of the Korean people to the current government's ruling policy.It can be described as a hit.Coupled with the continuous upgrading and continuous strong impact of Korean medical reform and medical schools in the near future, it has further lowered the public opinion support rate of Yin Xiyue's government.

Guo Rui said that for the Yin Xiyue government, it is necessary to solve the long -term difficulties in Korean economic and social development, such as the expansion of medical colleges, and properly resolving the deeper social contradictions, which is inseparable from the support and support of the Wild Party.Cooperate.Therefore, this time Yin Xiyue had to lower his position and seek dialogue with the opposition party with a "positive attitude" and fight for his support.

Guo Rui said that the talks release multiple information.On the one hand, this is a kind of explanation of Yin Xiyue's government's expectations, showing that the government attaches great importance to public opinion and pays attention to people's the other hand, it is also attempt to be passive as the initiative. While throwing "olive branches" in the wild party, it is obvious in the design and arrangement of dialogue issues, but it has done it.A certain isolation treatment.

Guo Rui pointed out that the two parties in the Han Dynasty and the opponents are extremely deep. Although the formal dialogue between the two parties seems to be timely and necessary, it is difficult for the two parties to reach consensus on major issues such as the national politics and governance direction.contradiction.He estimates that the fierce battle in South Korea will not stop in the future, and it will even increase.

On the same day, Lu Chao, the dean of the United States and East Asian Research Institute of Liaoning University, said in an interview with a reporter that Yin Xiyue wanted to put down his body and realized the Taiping scene of "coordinating the country and the country" with Li Zaiming, and also wanted to buffer the pressure from the opposition party.The atmosphere of the meeting seemed good, but it was actually full of "gunpowder".From the information released by the talks, it can be seen that Li Zaiming did not cooperate with Yin Xiyue and put forward three views directly: one is to regret the doubts of Yin's abuse (rejection of the president);The third is to respect the decision of Congress in the future.The dialogue is polite, but the words are very concerned.

Lu Chao explained that the above -mentioned dialogue Li Zaiming's subtext is: First, your "presidential veto right" can no longer play, be careful of packing; second, he must accept the solo bill of Jin Jianxi (Yin Xiyue's wife) and work with Jin Jianxi.The one who played Germany's stock stocks is still sitting in prison; the third is that the proposal discussed in the future will be the majority of the common Democratic Party. You have to listen to it if you don't listen!