Ancient people: "You can know that you can know people, and you can know the ancients." But in turn, can people be pushed by themselves, and they can also learn about it?

The so -called "Kanggan prosperous world" in the Qing Dynasty, the seller Juejue became the norm in life.The court clearly marked the price of various official positions.So that the newborn babies can "donate and supervise students."Because there are more people who buy officers, the official position is limited, and everyone will line up.Therefore, in order to become an official first, people have to donate "use" and "use" and even "use first", and even "first use", all of which are clearly marked.The entire process of buying and selling is also open and transparent, bright and bright.

Of course, this approach is absurd.Although the donor's money, or pay the state treasury, or use it to raise military expenses, control the Yellow River engineering fee, disaster relief fee, etc., all of which are attributed to the state finance.Application value, double the previous "investment", do not hesitate to the people of the fish, to poison the villages.In the long run, it is bound to be corrupted by the government, the dynasty is not bad, the disadvantages are overwhelming, and the country is in trouble.The so -called "three years of Qingzhi House, 100,000 snowflake silver" is also said.

With the evolution of society today, China is also advancing with the times, and of course it will not increase financial revenue in this way.But there are exceptions. Although they are not selling officials, they are "selling" titles.It is also clearly marked in some colleges and universities, publicly and legal.For example, a school stipulates that in the field of humanities science, if you can get a horizontal project of 6 million yuan (RMB, about 1.12 million yuan, the same below), it is qualified to participate in the evaluation professor; the price of science and engineering is higher-Get 12 million yuan.Some people calculate a account for this. Even if there is such a project, only one tax will be paid for 600,000 yuan, and it is just "may be a professor", not "it must be a professor", not a very important thing.It can be seen that both the buyers are very savvy.It is impressive.

Even the ugly running officials and selling officers are not extinct, but they are different.The seller of the Qing court belongs to the official franchise and is a state behavior.Today's seller is purely personal, that is, individual greedy power people use the official hat as the wholesale of the commodity."Promotion reuse" describes vivid.As a result, personal profit and national losses.Although the east window was incident, the seller could not escape the French network after all, that is, the court's prison was collected, and the previous unrighteous wealth was also investigated and paid to the state treasury.However, this trading process not only causes a major loss of national interests (these people often sell national interests in exchange for money to pay for each other), and cause invisible national resources to lose major losses, such as the reputation of the ruling party, government credibility, and official teams of poor coins to expel good.The deterioration of currency, the corruption of the social atmosphere, and so on.

What's more, there are still people who can even sell their own personality and dignity in order to get greater promotion.According to reports, in order to attach Qin Guangrong, the former "Fengjiang official", Long Xuefei, who was the editor -in -chief of Yunnan Publishing Group, actually kneeling to the Qin Guangrong couple loyaltylessly; the former deputy secretary general of the Provincial Party Committee Zhang ChaodeWhen you are sick, you will also massage your legs and pinch your legs ... This kind of officials are a problem. What are the bottom lines for officials?In recent years, the reason why Chinese corrupt officials have been cut off a batch of batch like cutting leeks, and one of them can't be finished. One of the important reasons is that many people have "diseases" before they do officials.

The time disadvantage that is difficult to remove in China

In addition to corruption, in recent years, it has also been unpredictable formalism in the 1980s and 1990s, and it has also become more and more intense.The essence of formalism is to fraudulent achievements.If it is said that gun violence and racial discrimination are difficult to eliminate the United States, formalism can be regarded as the time disadvantages that China is difficult to remove.Why China's corruption behavior and formalism are so difficult to eradicate, and high -level high -level seems to make deeper institutional reforms and design.

Of course, the disease is severe.Those who have a "serious illness" with the upper buy official and have corruption can count them now.But those who are not good enough for their own personality are not one or two.For example, a university I know is as general as teaching and scientific research.It is not ordinary that the school is particularly able to "get out of officials."Over the years, almost a dozen universities or quasi -leaders of more than ten provinces have been selected from the school's cadres, which can be described as the cradle of educational bureaucrats.Of course, these people cannot say that there will be any corruption problems in the future, but they are watching coldly, the kind of "handling, no dementia", there are good personal cultivation, and there are few morning stars.Therefore, even if it is not a corrupt official in the future, it is likely to be a mediocre official."Qian Xuesen's question" said: "Why is it difficult for Chinese universities to have a sharp talent?" As a result, there is probably a preliminary answer.

The corruption phenomenon on China's officialdom spreads to the people, and it has formed a atmosphere that cannot do things without making money.A few days ago, a girl in the Baicheng Medical College died unexpectedly during the morning exercise, but unexpectedly brought out the girl who had given the girl to the counselor "a catfish and several catfish".Although the matter is not big, even the famous media person Hu Xijin acknowledged that "in the Chinese society that pays attention to human affairs, the phenomenon of gifts for students and parents to give teachers is still quite common."EssenceBecause in the time of the author's teenagers, there were never or few students giving gifts to teachers.At that time, it was also a social society, but the relationship between teachers and students was very pure.No matter how good the relationship is in private, there is no material relationship.

Not long ago, there was a junior high school classmate who hadn't seen 20 years of the time, and asked the author quite abruptly. Whether he knew the first leader of a college and could he help it, because her daughter who graduated from her 30 -year -old master's degree graduatedWant to join this college.Everyone understands what it means to introduce.Of course, I can help help.The question is that she is the staff of this college. Why should she go around such a circle and find the "intermediary" like me to meet her leader?And anxiety, eager to care about whether you are decent or not, go to a junior high school classmate who hasn't met for more than 20 years?Probably the human affection of "acquaintances" in Chinese society.Even if it is given gifts and money, you can find the right door.

What day is the very abnormal atmosphere of officialdom and even the folk?Fair, although there are many problems in the Mao Zedong era, corruption is rare.But at that time, the economy was very dead, and there was no vitality.Corruption should be said to start from the Deng Xiaoping era.Reform and opening up bring many benefits to the people, but there are many problems.In 1990, the author went to Shandong to travel on a business trip. Some farmers in the country told the author that (economy) was done well, but (the society was chaotic), and many people did not talk about the minimum rules.This is the existing system in China. As soon as it is released, it is chaotic and died as soon as it is collected. Now many people say that the phenomenon of "national advancement and the people retreats" is the reflection of this "collection".On the one hand, the economy must not be liberalized, on the other hand, the relevant management system cannot keep up, and even some structural contradictions have occurred, which cannot be resolved at all.To this day, they are fighting corruption, but no one can fundamentally solve this problem.China has always wanted to find a balance point between "receiving" and "release", and it seems that it has not been found until now.

Back to the beginning of the beginning: buying and selling, buying and selling, no buying, no sale, no buying, so there is buying and selling in the world.But on the other hand, everything in the world is not available for sale, such as the aggressive revolutionary era, the belief and will of idealists; and in a peaceful period, ordinary people's love, affection, friendship, personality, chastity, etc.If public power and even a person's personality and dignity can also be realized, it becomes a product that can wholesale retail, then the ancients said: "Intersection

The author is a professor at Xi'an University of Science and Technology