According to Reuters reported on April 21, the Chinese ambassador to the United States called on the two countries to cooperate to improve the relationship, although the two countries face severe challenges on a series of issues.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in the United States on the 21st, Xie Feng stated at a forum at Harvard University that Beijing hopes to work with Washington to make Sino -US relations follow a stable, healthy and sustainable track forward forward.Development, but the two countries must establish correct cognition together.

It is reported that U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Brillings will visit China from the 24th to talk with China on a series of issues on a series of issues, including the Middle East crisis, the conflict between the Russia and Ukraine, and the tension of the South China Sea.

Xie Feng said at the meeting: "China does not bet that the United States loses, does not interfere in the US internal affairs, does not interfere with the US election, is willing to be partners and friends with the United States."

"If the United States has continued to interfere with China's internal affairs and damage China's interests on issues such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, and South China Sea.

Reported that in recent months, bilateral relations between China and the United States due to trade, allegations on national security threats, South China Sea confrontation, and the United States strengthening the relationship with Japan and the Philippines (Beijing has called it "group politics" and "small small" and "small small" and "small small"Circle ") and other issues are in trouble.

According to the Russian Satellite Society website reported on April 22, on the 20th, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng emphasized when he was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Harvard Kennedy China Forum that climate change must be a game of chess worldwide.Internationally, green capacity is not excess, but serious insufficient; the problem is not overcapacity, but overcurrent.While talking about climate change and setting up green trade barriers, it will only increase the cost of low -carbon transformation in the country, and it will also drag the pace of global clean energy development.(Compilation/Wang Diqing)