In the final analysis, the competitiveness and response capabilities of individuals and enterprises do not depend on their current skills, but to depend on whether they can continue to gain new skills to show their flexibility to adapt to market changesEssence

In the fast -growing business environment, the rapid development of digital technology, the opportunities brought by green transformation, and various factors such as labor force are re -reshaping the nature of work and creating new opportunities.In order to make full use of these development opportunities, enterprises must ensure that employees have the skills to support business goals.

However, in the case of tension in the labor market, it is not feasible strategy to rely on recruiters to meet these changing skills, because all employers are competing for limited talents.Although many employers admit that they need to improve their skills, "no time" is often the main reason why they do not send employees to participate in training.A survey by the Promotion Bureau in 2023 found that 31%of enterprise interviewees said that in order to maintain daily business operations, they could not arrange employees to participate in training at working hours.Similarly, 29%of individual interviewees said that the long daily schedule and working time make it difficult for them to draw time, accept skills improvement and re -training courses.This response is particularly common among interviewees who are 40 to 59 years old.

These employees in the middle of their careers generally have 15 years or longer work experience.However, the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day. The requirements of the company's skills are very different from the skills required by these employees when they graduate.The challenges faced by these employees may include: too old, unable to advance with the times, do not know how to use technology, and lack necessary skills.The labor market survey from the first and second quarters of the Ministry of Human Management shows that employees aged 40 to 49 and 50 to 59 are most likely to be cut off.

Fortunately, the Chinese are actively responding.In the past five years, the participation rate of training courses has remained at a healthy level, and the participation rates of individuals and enterprises are about 500,000 and 20,000, respectively.Although this phenomenon is encouraged, individuals and enterprises still need to participate in more dense training in order to be fully prepared and seize new economic development opportunities.

Overcoming the main obstacles -no time

There is no doubt that skills re -training and skill improvement need to work hard.Employees and employers must work together to put in time and resources to master new skills, learn new knowledge, and apply what they have learned.

To make individuals and employers willing to invest time and resources in order to increase skills, they must first realize that skills are an investment that can promote growth.If employers are willing to invest in employee skills, they can benefit from income growth and talent retention.Research from the SUSS-IL of Xinyue Social Sciences has found that local SMEs that actively implement the dual strategies of business and talent usually get higher profits, income and market share such as business returns.Employers should take the lead in finding the skills required for the transformation of enterprises and promoting business growth, solve the skill gap in the employee team, and provide sufficient resources for employees, so that they can master new skills from related courses to apply it to work in workEssence

In order to help employers and Chinese people understand the skills required by the market, the profound bureau regularly releases future economic skills demand reports and skill creation future work skills analysis, provides data, and helps companies confirm the urgent needs of the market and related courses.Employees can use it to understand the types of skills required for their work roles, and whether they have related skills to continue to stay or develop their careers.

SMEs who intend to carry out training within the company can make good use of the workplace skills certification plan provided by the National Center for Excellend Learning (WPSR) to help employees improve their skills to help improve their skills. Can.

The workplace skills certification plan aims to support small and medium -sized enterprises, based on the foundation of training in the workplace, and provides certification for employees' skills training in the workplace.In this way, employees do not need to be absent from other training locations to receive training.Small and medium -sized enterprises can also use the in -depth bureau's skills to create future cooperation agency networks to obtain skill consultation and understand the skills required for business transformation.So far, more than 30 companies have been appointed as "the leader of the skill creation industry."These companies come from all walks of life to meet the completely different business needs of different enterprises.

In order to solve individuals -especially the problems of family and work -limited time, the profound bureau cooperates with adult training and education institutions to provide flexible learning models and time arrangements to meet the needs of on -the -job adults.The Skills Creation Future Personal Resources Website (MySkillsFuture) provides nearly 30,000 courses, including in person to teach, online and offline hybrid, and online learning methods, which can be used for Chinese people to choose courses that are suitable for their learning needs.The profound bureau also formulated a unit course, and some of them can also be superimposed. After completion, you can get a complete qualification certificate. In this way, you can complete the unit learning according to your progress.

Don't wait until the time is late

In the final analysis, the competitiveness and adaptability of individuals and enterprises does not depend on the skills they currently have, but to see if they can continue to gain new skills to show flexibility to adapt to market changes.If the employee team of an enterprise can master the latest technology in time and adapt to the new market environment, it will be more competitive than those companies that do not have this ability.Similarly, those who actively ensure their skills and time to advance, or learn to master the urgent needs of the market, will look forward to having a better career development.

Recently, many companies around the world have carried out business reorganization, which shows that enterprises are actively adjusting their business models and operation arrangements, and re -reviewing talent and skills.This business reorganization momentum will continue.

Singapore has the ability to create a future movement to support enterprises to transform and help Chinese people to achieve ambitions.Huang Xuncai, Vice Premier and Minister of Finance, announced on February 16 the advanced plan of skill innovation, which is an important measure and commitment to support Chinese people in the middle of their careers and to promote employment liquidity.Lifetime learning has become an important pillar of our social contract.Chinese people who are in the middle of the career will receive a 4,000 yuan skill creation future training subsidy. They can use this subsidy when applying for selection and selection of the course to offset the tuition fees that they must pay for their own pockets.Since 2025, the Jingshen Bureau will also provide a professional enhanced allowance of skills in the future, for them to go to the local college universities to enroll the selected full -time professional diploma courses.

In the future, it belongs to those who give priority to improving skills and re -training.Everyone's time is always limited, but the skills you master will directly affect employment ability.Only by ensuring that skills and time are advancing can we have the toughness of overcoming challenges and a broader care space for career development.

The author is the chief skill officer of the deep skill development bureau