Source: China News Agency

Recently, a short video of "the elderly vomited young people on the train sleeper and pave the curtains" appeared on Weibo hot search, triggering heated discussions on how to improve the travel experience and protect personal privacy.

In the

In the video, a young woman who was on the lower ladies on the lower shop was shot, and said that young people would not let the 70 -year -old man sit on, and called on netizens to evaluate.As of April 20, the number of topics on Weibo reached 880 million.

"No one is reasonable", "To make a seat is not allowed to be the duty."

Some netizens said that compared with the older generation, young people now pay more attention to the sense of boundary and personal privacy; some netizens have suggested that they set up mutual understanding of each other next to the lower shop.And guidance.

Zhejiang Online article pointed out that breaking the previous tacit understanding does not mean that it must be unreasonable.Nowadays, the public, especially young people, has an enhanced sense of personal space and self -feelings. It is understandable to expect to have a solid space during the journey.If you are willing to transfer part of your rights to others, of course, it is worthy of praise and advocacy, but you should not be abducted by "morality" if you don't want to sacrifice your self -feelings.

With the power of online social media, incidents such as unreasonable and unreasonable people in public places are frequently exposed."Skytop hanging curtains" is not the first time to become a hot spot in public opinion. Why this phenomenon has repeatedly attracted attention and what changes to reflect the social mentality have also become a hot topic of netizens.

The focus of the media focuses on how to meet the people's higher expectations for travel experience.

People's Daily's article pointed out that "sleeper hanging curtains" caused heated discussions, not bad things.This storm once again reminds relevant departments to provide more detailed services for the elderly travel, remind us how to keep the boundary, and also remind everyone how to understand how to be good, how to make people "convenient and convenient".

The comments of Shangguan News pointed out that this controversy around "sleeper hanging curtains" reflects the great development of Chinese society. The problem of resolving the law and emotional dilemma requires an institutionalized response, and it also requires human emotional echoes.In the same public space, when you meet the needs of individuals, you must also consider the feelings of others.Long -distance trek, no matter who is exhausted; when you go out, don't let the small bed curtains block the kindness and warmth between people.

While paying attention to ride rules and individual rights, they also need to be alert to the tendency of public opinion that confront the elderly and young people.The Beijing News pointed out that in this incident, young people are right, and it is difficult to say how unreasonable the elderly's demand is. This may require both parties to be more reasonable, more "other perspectives", and understand each other.Insufficient and difficult.