On April 12th, the Beijing News released a day off, is it feasible?no?Video reports have triggered widespread discussion.#.Since then, many media followed up, and the topic of adjustment has continued to cause heated discussions.

We have sorted out the issues that netizens care about and confused in the comment area, collect the voice of netizens, and answer them one by one based on facts, official statements and expert interpretations, hoping to provide reference for further optimization and improvement of my country's vacation system.

Recently, the Beijing News released a day off, feasible?no?Video reports have caused widespread heated discussion.The Beijing News knows the video screenshot

Interviewed guests:

Wu Bihu Director of Peking University Tourism Research and Planning Center, Academician of the International Tourism Research Institute

Dai Bin Dean of China Tourism Research Institute, Director of the Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Question 1: What level of the number of days in my country is in the world?

In October last year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document to interpret the five highlights of the holiday in 2024. Among them, the total number of days of legal holidays in my country is 11 days, a weekend break of 104 days, 5-15 days with paid vacation, and total holiday days (120 (120 It is at a medium level internationally internationally.

"But this is not meaningful." Wu Bihu bluntly stated that although the 11 -day public holiday level is not low, and 104 weeks of holidays are also consistent with international, the West, especially Europe and the United States, the number of paid vacation days far exceeds my country And well implemented, "That's true."

Director of the Peking University Tourism Research and Planning Center, Wu Bihu, an academician of the International Tourism Research Institute.The Beijing News knows the video screenshot

Question 2: Who "invented" the rest?Which department has said it?

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in 1949, the holidays of Chinese holidays were 7 days. It increased to 10 days in 1999. By 2007, it was improved to 11 days. Since then, the number of days has not been adjusted, and it has been running for 17 years.

The first emergence of my country's resting system was in 1999.

In response to this situation, in 2000, the State Council issued a notice on further development of holiday tourism, and put forward the establishment of the national holiday inter -tourist inter -tourist meeting system.Wait for the establishment of 11 departments.Its office is the "National Holiday Office" familiar to the public.

The National Holiday Office studied and put forward opinions on the "Golden Week" holiday date at the end of each year. After being reported to the State Council for approval, the General Office of the State Council was announced to the country.

In September 2014, the National Holiday Office, which has been running for 14 years, was officially revoked. All functions were merged into the inter -joint meeting system of the Tourism Work Department of the State Council of the new institution. Members include 28 departments of the State Council.The joint meeting office is located in the former National Tourism Administration.

Question 3: Is it still obvious to the stretch of the economy?

Dai Bin said that the emergence of the resting system is objectively speaking of economic reasons. At that time, he hoped to put together a long vacation and drive consumption through travel.Over the past 25 years, is the Golden Week's stretching of the economy obvious?

As early as the 2014 National Holiday Office was canceled, Dai Bin said that the two long holidays of the 11th and the Spring Festival accounted for only 25%of national tourism consumption.big.

Dai Bin, the director of the China Tourism Research Institute and the director of the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.The Beijing News knows the video screenshot

However, Liu Simin, a special researcher at the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, has different views that the functions of the holiday office are incorporated into the joint meeting, indicating that the holiday office is not simply revoked, but more deeper and comprehensive, which means that this meansGolden Week will continue.

Question 4: Do you have to rest?

The National Development and Reform Commission responded publicly last October. "Overall, the rest is better than the unsatisfactory, and it is unique."

The reason given by the National Development and Reform Commission is that during the 7 legal holidays in my country, the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival are determined according to the lunar calendar. As a result, the holidays are not connected with the rest of the Gregorian calendar.

If you do not rest, basically occur between one working day between the holidays and the double holidays every year, causing the "fragmentation" of holidays to form a lot of "single jump".Restalism is an effective policy arrangement made by the "fragmentation" of holidays under the premise of the total number of holidays.

Question 5: Why do people complain?

Since the tuning is helpful for the economy, it can also avoid "fragmentation" during the holidays. Why are people still complaining about the transfer?

In the middle of the street, "fighting workers" generally reflect that the rest of the holiday has not played a role in rest, but it makes everyone more tired.

On the one hand, some office workers will choose to travel during the holidays. After the boat and car are worked, they will have a 6 -day class when they return to their jobs.At the same time, concentrated travel within the same period also caused high -speed rail tickets to be unable to grab, highway traffic jams, air ticket hotel prices, and scenic spots full ... people's travel experience is not good.

Question 6: Do we still need to rest?

Whether or not to rest and how to adjust the current public opinion is relatively large.

In addition to the entire economic development still requires the contribution of holiday economy, it also objectively exists in some actual needs for individuals.

Wu Bihu said that in the past ten years, as the urbanization process of my country has accelerated, the population has gradually gathered to cities and even large cities. Young people working in cities have the actual needs of home visiting relatives. Some people go home for a long distance, and they really need long vacations to go home.

From the perspective of the needs of Chinese people, China is vast. "From Guangdong to Xinjiang, he can't go without 7 days long vacation." Only on a long vacation can everyone travel long distances.

It can be seen that the real needs of the Chinese are long vacations.

But at present, my country's long holiday supply is relatively small. "You see that every year is particularly blocked, everyone can't complain, why will they go out the next year because he has no choice." Wu Bihu pointed out.

Ask 7: Can implementing paid vacation replace the rest?

As early as 2007, Tsinghua University's Holiday System Reform Reform Group, which was the leader of Tsinghua University, made relevant suggestions.In 2014, Cai Jiming also published an article entitled to further adjust and improve my country's holiday system in the humanistic magazine, and once again proposed that the paid vacation system was strongly promoted.

In the past 20 years, my country's paid vacation system has not been fully implemented.Wu Bihu and evenSpeaking of the outline of the National Tourism and Leisure Development (2022-2030) issued in 2022, it will be proposed that by 2030, a paid vacation will be achieved, and "I still can't achieve it."

Question 8: Why can't you implement paid vacation?

As early as 2008, the employees formulated by the employees formulated by the Labor Law and the Civil Service Law have been formally implemented.


Regulations did not make compulsory provisions on the implementation of paid vacation. The unit considers the employee's wishes in accordance with the specific situation of production and work, and considers the employee's own wishes to make overall arrangements for employees to take annual leave.With the consent of the employees, employees can not arrange for employees to take a holiday.For employees, the number of days should be paid three times.

This has left the "bargaining" space for the implementation of paid vacation. At the National Two Congress of the country this year, Huo Qigang, a representative of the National People's Congress, brought suggestions to modify the number of salary annual holidays and changed to increase according to the age of work.Related policies for vacation and improve the provisions of corporate violations of legal responsibilities.

Dai Bin said that one of the reasons for the current difficulty of paying on a paid vacation is to enforce the enforcement. Creating a social atmosphere that is more conducive to vacation requires our legal departments and administrative departments to keep up.

Question 9: Do you increase the holiday "there is a play"?

In this round of discussion, in addition to requiring the implementation of the two breaks and paid annual leave, increasing vacation is also a mainstream sound.Specific suggestions include restoration of the "May 1st" three -day vacation, only rest and no class, no reissue after small holidays, etc.

"Do you want to add a 1 to 2 days of holidays next and put it on May Day or the Spring Festival. Where is it, you still need to solicit opinions." Wu Bihu said.

Dai Bin also said that if you want to increase the vacation of 1 to 2 days appropriately, I believe that the decision -making department is also thinking, but this is a systematic and rational decision -making process.

Question 10: When can the vacation system be changed?

Wu Bihu revealed that he himself has attended some meetings. The adjustment of the vacation system has entered a government -level discussion, but the plan has not yet come out.

In addition, there are some voices in public opinion that the current "young childization" and "aging aging" in our country exist at the same time. In addition to the improvement of fertility vacations, the elderly vacation and reasonable arrangement of holiday distribution should also be used as fertility facilities.Support measures allow people to have more time and energy to grow, raise, and educate their children.They believe that in the context of negative population growth, the reform plan of the vacation system should be released as soon as possible.

Beijing News reporter Jiang Huizi

Editor Tang Yan School Division Zhang Yanjun