Source: Bloomberg

Beijing has become the number one attack target in the US campaign. At the same time, the Chinese government is resisting any acts that may have a negative impact on the world's second largest economy.

During the campaign in a swing state last week, US President Bayeng criticized Beijing to "excerpts" and vowed to double the tariffs on Huameang and aluminum, and China has shown restraint in the future.

On the same day, the United States launched a survey of China's shipbuilding industry, which led to a heavy plug in Chinese shipbuilding companies.The House of Representatives in the United States put the TIKTOK proposal in a fast legislative channel to bind it with the aid Ukraine and Israeli bill.

China's response to all this is relatively gentle.China symbolically adopted some measures: the Chinese Ministry of Commerce initially ruled that the imported proparic acid native to the United States was dumping.The Chinese government criticized the United States to announce the 301 survey on China's maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industry, saying that the United States was "out of domestic politics" and spoke to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "I want to ask the United StatesIn the end, whether these words are talking about China or the United States. "

After the meeting of Xi Jinping and Biden in November last year, "China understands that US -China relations will not be perfect, but it has improved compared to the previous year."Director Zhu Junwei said."China is learning to become more practical and pragmatic -distinguish between different fields."

The long -term real estate crisis and weak domestic demand have grown Chinese decision makers, so they do not want to upgrade Sino -US tensions.China relies on exports to achieve its annual growth goals of about 5%, and now it is relying on the strong consumption of the United States.

Another reason for the mild attitude of China is that the direct impact of the latest US measures is minimal.There are very few steel and aluminum products sold by China to the United States, and it takes time to investigate the shipping industry.The Tiktok Act still needs to be approved by the Senate. If Biden signed the bill, the company may apply for a ban.

Senior White House officials are seeking to keep communication channels to maintain the "guardrails" of Sino -US relations.A senior U.S. official said that US Secretary of State Brosky will arrive in China this week. At that time, he will explain the impact of Chinese companies' support for Russian war machines on European security.

Earlier, the US Treasury Minister Yellen visited China earlier this month, and China's new Minister of Defense and the US Minister of Defense made their first call.

Although Beijing may not consider those only symbolic tariffs, TIKTOK's prospects of being acquired by a American entity seem to worry China.Politico reported on Wednesday that the Chinese embassy staff is quietly meeting with the US Congress staff to lobby the bill.