During the chief executive officer of the technology giant Apple Corporation, Cook's visit to Singapore last week, Apple announced its investment in about 340 million Singapore dollars expanded and large -scale increase in the park in Hongmao Bridge to do it for the development of artificial intelligence and key areas.Prepare.Cook described this as "a new chapter of Apple's writing history here". He should not mean Singapore, but including the entire Southeast Asian region.

Cook also visited Vietnam and Indonesia before, obviously to be more in -depth evaluation of the investment environment of the two countries.Although there are many users from mobile phones to computers, Apple currently does not have a production base in Indonesia. There are only some development training centers for consumers, and Indonesia with low cost in all aspects. If they enter the manufacturing link, Apple's sales in Southeast Asia mayIt will have considerable efficiency; in addition, according to the Vietnamese government data, Apple has invested about 16 billion U.S. dollars in Vietnam through the supply chain in the past five years, creating more than 200,000 jobs, allowing Vietnam to improve the manufacturing value chain.In recent years, Apple has continued to increase investment in India, increase production capacity, and drive upstream and downstream cooperative manufacturers such as Foxconn to transfer, and has the same effect on India.

The all -round struggle of the United States and China is expected to continue to upgrade. In the past few years, in order to avoid US policy constraints, international capital leave China to find "China +1" on the supply chain, or to accelerate the pace of hedge production lines.India and Southeast Asian countries have successively benefited in the process. The data released by the Asian Investment Report released at the end of last year showed that Asia's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 2022 reached 224 billion U.S. dollars, a year -on -year increase of 5.5%.Southeast Asia is the most popular development in the world in this wave of international investment.

High -quality enterprises such as Apple's production line and R & D base are located in Southeast Asia, which is very helpful to improve the level of manufacturing technology in the region.At the end of last year, the trip to Southeast Asia, the founder of the Wing Weida, the founder of artificial intelligence advanced chip manufacturers, also has the same significance.For the historical opportunities of this era, the state government in this region must firmly express support, because this is related to the future industrial direction of the world, and it is also closely related to the success of each country's economic development.The struggle, missed the opportunity to improve the people's living standards.At the same time, entrepreneurs and employees of various countries must also actively improve themselves, because the development of many industries will involve new technologies in the future.In this regard, Singapore's active promotion of skills re -education in recent years to encourage the self -improvement of the Chinese people is a planning action.

The people's sentiments and political differences in Southeast Asian countries are very different. As a regional organization mainly based on economic cooperation development, Asia's Danian can play a greater role, condense consensus, and express the welcoming will for international capital and technology.The advantages of Asian'an are that although the development process of different countries is quite different, it can meet the needs of different stages of international capital. From the upstream and downstream of the production chain, to logistics and capital management, there are different choices in this area; the disadvantage is that some countries are some countries in some countries.The system and institutions are still not sound, or they cannot keep up with the latest international needs, and the level of education needs to be improved. In addition, public security or political stability also has hidden dangers that have worried long -term investors.

Investment selection and other decisions of high -tech industries in Europe and the United States are aimed at long -term.Apple has invested in Singapore for more than 40 years. It has increased and expanded several times, indicating that all aspects of Singapore can bring confidence to each other. From this to establish mutual trust and achieve a win -win situation.Cook said in Singapore to eagerly look forward to "innovation in the next decades". Southeast Asia has a young productivity and huge market. It will also be a new source of innovation in the world. After the middle class is gradually rising, market potential is moreThere will be no limit.A major variable worth noting is to what extent the trade and scientific and technological warfare between the United States and China. As long as there is no infinitely outline in politics, the Southeast Asian countries are blacklisted. The continuous flow of funds and funds in this area should not be a problem.

In any case, as long as the national development and construction is the primary goal, the Asianan countries should seize the opportunity, take the ride to benefit the country and the people, and at the same time drive the overall area to promote together and move towards a new era of mutual benefit and win -win.