The House of Representatives of the United States rarely showed the spirit of cross -party cooperation on April 20, and passed four bills in one breath. The most important of which was to approve the Ukrainian military aid plan that had been delayed for a long time and enhanced defense support for Taiwan and Israel.From a series of comprehensive analysis of Washington to the present, the passage of the military aid Ukraine Act reflects that the United States has formed a strategic consensus. It is necessary to ensure that Russia will not win in Ukraine, and to force China to make a clear position between the West and Russia.Judging from Beijing's performance so far, western society may be disappointed; the Russian and Ukraine War will decide the global geopolitical direction since then.

The Foreign Minister of the Seventh Kingdom Group issued a joint bulletin after the three -day meeting of Italy on April 19, describing the Russian and Ukraine War as "the biggest threat to Europe since the end of the Cold War", showing the Western concerns about the war.As a result, the group has continued to support Russia's strong dissatisfaction and expresses strong concern for Chinese -funded enterprises to transfer military and civilian materials and weapon parts to Russia.U.S. Secretary of State Broskel, who is about to visit China, warns China that one choice between friendly relations with Western and supports Russia.The nature of this warning cannot be underestimated, and the United States is constantly deploying to ensure that China is aware of the seriousness of the West.

In the field of economy and trade, the "new productive productive forces" proposed by China to solve the weak economic development still failed to get rid of the export dependence on the international market. The pace of coordination with the United States and Western allies tried to use market access to make China.The US Treasury Minister Yellen, who had previously visited China, said on April 14 that the United States does not rule out any measures, including might impose additional tariffs to deal with the excess capacity of China.U.S. President Biden Biden was urged to increase tariffs of steel and aluminum to 25%by "unfair competition" on the grounds of "unfair competition".The four major bills of the House of Representatives, including the disable Tiktok of the Chinese short video platform, operate in the United States. The main reason is that it interfere with the US election, but it is similar to the nature of economic and trade sticks.

European allies, which have always advocated independent diplomacy, have recently become closer to the United States' stance in China.Following China's solar electric board, electric vehicles and train, the European Union announced on April 9 that it had launched an anti -subsidy investigation on the Chinese -produced wind turbine supplier.French Minister of Finance Lemer said on April 17 that Europe must defend its own industrial and trade interests and fight against China's subsidized production activities.In addition to talking with Chinese President Xi Jinping on April 16, German Prime Minister, who led the delegation of economic and trade delegations, also expressed Europe's opposition to China to support Russia.

Carrots with a sticky stick to China are likely to be the subject of the Taiwan Strait. U.S. or before the president of Taiwan, Lai Qingde, in office on May 20, as a exchange, it is required to stop supporting Russia.The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the State Council, which is responsible for cross -strait affairs, revealed differently that Qiu Kaiming, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on April 15, met with the United States who visited China in charge of East Asia and Pacific Affairs Secretary of State Kangda, as well as the senior director of the White House National Security Council.Sali and his line.Beijing has always emphasized that Taiwan is a issue of internal affairs, and rarely discuss directly with the United States.This implies that Beijing is very uneasy about Lai Qingde, hoping to join forces with the United States to join forces.

The series of western measures, although they are targeted at the pain points of China, may not be able to get their wishes.The Chinese economy is indeed relying on exports to developed markets. It feels that the Taiwan DPP government feels that it is too late. However, from the performance of the 20th National Congress of the mainland government, it is not difficult to see that Beijing's governance concerns have been reversed from economic development to political security.Whether it is clearing zero vaccine or strictly controlling large private enterprises, it is by no means economic logic.In terms of diplomacy, it is difficult to change the string of Russia as a strategic barrier to hedge the West.Therefore, the United States and allies' warnings on the nearly ultimatum of the Russian War in China should be difficult to work.

As Russia has recently advanced in the Ukrainian battlefield, the United States has finally got rid of the differences in party factions and vigorously supports Ukraine.The United States and Western allies have also reached a consensus, and the salary of the bottom of the kettle cut off Moscow's material support from China to end the Russia -Ukraine War as soon as possible.Therefore, China's diplomatic rotation space is shrinking rapidly, and step by step is to formally face the strategic choice of friends and friends in the West.Blingken's visit to China on April 23 should be a critical moment to determine Sino -Western relations.Beijing may make some tactical adjustments in response, but there are not many reasons for Westerners to optimize from the overall strategic situation.