Premier Li Xianlong used his method to establish a set of political frameworks to set up opposition leaders in Congress to allow increasing opponents to accept the same review as the ruling party.Whether this method can effectively establish a Singapore -style good politics will probably become a perspective of political historians in the era of Li Xianlong decades later.

The 20 years of the 20 years of Prime Minister Li Xianlong can be divided into two stages.The first stage was from 2004 to 2011, and the second stage was after the May 7th election of the 2011 Political Separation of Singapore.

On August 12, 2004, Li Xianlong took 20 years of experience in politics and started the first half of his master's governance with a descendant attitude.After taking office 10 days, he held his first National Congress of the National Day. He delivered a 3 -hour and 20 -minute speech in Malay, Chinese and English.Many important policies were announced that night, such as the implementation of the five -day working system, extending maternity leave from 8 weeks to 12 weeks, fourth child, and fourth child.Economic development is also one of the hardships that Singapore lives. He has also been in charge of economic and fiscal policies for many years.

"Although Singapore is a small country, we have great ambitions and ideals. As long as we are still the little red dot in the Southeast Asian map, we will prove to the world that we will continue to try and never discourage it. As longSpirit, will be created by yourself in the future. "

He endured this long speech in this sentence.Fortunately, I was a reporter from the New Tonsen that year. I don't have to rush to the deadline that night. I can watch it calmly. The daily colleagues who need to rush the draft listen to him at 11 o'clock.

In that year, Singapore had just passed the Shas epidemic, and the economy was getting out of the trough. When he took over in 2004, Singapore's per capita GDP was $ 27,608.Under the rule of Li Jing, five years later, the per capita GDP rose to $ 38,926.In 2014, when Li Xianlong's 10th anniversary, this number rose to $ 57,564, and Singapore entered the ranks of rich countries.

However, national economic growth and domestic support have been not proportional in the age of Li Xianlong.In May 2006, the first national election led by Li Xianlong was held. The support rate of the People's Action Party dropped sharply from 75.49%in 2001 to 66.6%.

Under his leadership, Singapore has continued the trend of economic development by the economy in the past 40 years, and everyone has enjoyed a leap -up progress of life quality for a period of time.The per capita income has doubled, but it does not mean that everyone's income increase is the same.The hardships of economic development have been questioned, and other problems at the social level have also begun to appear. Some topics that were considered very sensitive in the past include race, history, politics, language, gender, etc.challenge.

Anyone who is familiar with the political development of Singapore knows the watershed election in 2011.In the last few days of the election campaign, the ruling party felt that the situation was very unfavorable. At the well -known Crrton ’s noon mass meeting, Premier Li publicly apologized to the Chinese people.

"No government is perfect. We have always done our best, but there are still some omissions ... After we make mistakes, we will admit mistakes and apologize to the people to take responsibility and correct problems. If we need to adopt discipline, we need to adopt disciplineWe will do this and we must learn from the lesson, and we will never make the same mistake. "

The apology of the Prime Minister could not recover the tide. The Workers' Party captured the first settlement area.60.14%.After that, the two former prime ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Wu Zuodong unloaded all the cabinet positions.Premier Li Xianlong led a number of members of the fourth -generation leaders who debuted for the first time to start the second half of the age of Li Xianlong.

Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said straightforwardly that without avoiding the leadership style of hardship, the new generation of Singaporeans may not be accepted, and people of different generations feel the most urgent problems.Some potential contradictions in society have not yet diluted and left over the history.The more negotiated way of governing the country in Wu Zuodong's era has adjusted Singapore's leadership attitude, but the long -term one -party unique environment does not conform to the ideal of pursuing multiple openness in the new generation.

In addition, Premier Li, at the time of 59, had to prepare for the next echelon, and had to consider leaving what a Singaporean to give it to the Singaporeans who were born after the founding of the People's Republic of China.Can you still accept the government's discussions on topics such as race, religion, language?How can Singaporean people who have received different education and exposure to various historical views interpret political history?It is difficult to avoid changing the government for political and diverse demands. After that day, everyone can learn to adapt and adjust. Or before that day, the current government strives to strictly discipline and establish a common standard for Singaporean political leaders?

These are not the last word, but hard bones.At first Premier Li didn't know how to scramble the hard bones at first. He first said that if there are more opposition parties in Congress, he has to exhaust his time to deal with them.People obviously do not buy this way.

Politics is not polite, and it is impossible to innocently think that you can sit like "" sitting and eating fruit and fruit ". Once you. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the ruling party leaders to deliberately send the opportunityHowever, if the ruling party cannot forever forever, then the good leaders at the moment must ensure that the choice of democracy is the final line of defense.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong still used his method to establish a set of political frameworks to set up opposition leaders in Congress to allow the increasing opponents to accept the same review as the ruling party.Whether this method can effectively build a Singapore -style good politics (Good Politics) is now difficult to conclude.This will probably become a perspective of Li Xianlong's era of Li Xianlong decades after decades.

Li Xianlong has entered the crowd with the image of the people. Since the age of 10, he is determined to report to the country. His growth history, studying abroad, organizing family, anti -cancer experience, and even embarrassment of hands and feet are all dry under the sun.But one thing he is quite low -key is the individual donation of charity.

Many people criticize the million annual salary of Singapore's ministers. In fact, this is not a matter of how much money individuals make, so the Prime Minister has donated his salary and other income several times, and he has always maintained a low -key.I accidentally discovered that the Charity Fund set up by the Prime Minister helped people who need actual needs, including low -income families, elderly people, and some people to complete their niche dreams. Most of the beneficiaries did not know the identity of the donor.

Although his life is in power, life is as simple as ordinary Singaporeans. For example, eating in line at the hawker center, his parents dressed like a simple white T -shirt and black trousers like ordinary citizens.In the future, the prime minister who is smarter and capable than him hopes to adhere to a Singapore -style leader life style.

For the 20 years of Li Xianlong's main administration, he has done his own comments in the future. I borrowed 20 years old and wrote to Cambridge Mathematics Professor to show that he would return to the country to serve.

"I would rather choose to do things at the same time and may be cursed by others at the same time.