Everyone usually has such experience: I used to check the information on the Internet with my mobile phone, but after completion, I couldn't help but continue to swipe the screen and waste tens of minutes; I wanted to watch short videos to relax after get off work. As a result, all kinds of mess The content continues to appear, and it is dizzy, but it is even more tired; the long article cannot be read, and the movie needs to be faster to watch the movie.

The Internet gives us a great convenience and rich information, but it has gradually controlled people's time and thinking.This is even more obvious after the development of big data algorithms and artificial intelligence.

How to deal with it?Some personal experience may play a role.

First of all, for important information, it must be passive into active, select platforms and account numbers.Online information is divided into two types: leisure and useful. The former is such as short videos and short dramas, and the latter such as political and economic news and industry information.The role of the two and the acquisition channels must be distinguished.The more serious areas, the more unable to rely on passive feeding, but to take the initiative to screen.

A relative once reposted the news that the author was obviously a political rumor. After the exchange, he found that his usual news source was actually a vibrato and WeChat circle of friends.I suggested that he spend some time to take the content of Lian Zaobao every day. Even if you only browse the title, you can know what happened in the world.Even if you are used to looking at the content of the social platform, you must pay attention to some serious media certification accounts, and you will not be easily biased by false news or title party.

Secondly, we must consciously maintain the ability to read high -quality long contents.Today, 140 words of Weibo, 15 seconds of short videos, and 10 -minute short dramas have given people a fast and strong stimulus. The consequences are that everyone is increasingly lacking patience.However, one of the most important abilities in work and personal growth is systemic deep thinking, which is completely different from "short flat".

Therefore, we must take out a period of time every day to force yourself to read the long content.It can be a special media, professional literature, or classic literature. In the process, we must create an interferery environment, sink to focus on the content, and consciously slow down, and read carefully.

Third, learn technical management and content management.Human nature has weaknesses, laziness, greed, and not long -termness, unchanged for thousands of years.The development of contemporary network technology and entertainment industry has fully grasped the weaknesses of human nature. It is difficult to fight against it alone, and it is difficult to use some skills.

It is difficult to stop the alarm clock that is difficult to wake up. Those who join the casino restrictions can save the gambler. Similarly, there is also a way for Internet addiction.For example, the mobile phone can set the use time of a specific app, which exceeds the time limit every day and will be forced to close.

For more than, you can find a less important time to brush short videos and play mobile games every day to concentrate your desires.

Also, in the layout of family space, the work areas, sleep areas, and entertainment are clearly distinguished. If it does not belong to the items in this area, you can change to play with mobile phones on the bed until late at night.If the above methods are difficult to do, you can also find a "baizi" to supervise each other.

In the future, with the advancement of artificial intelligence, the crowd will be more polarized.People who think independently, creativity and judgment are promising in the future; and those who can only passively receive and think shallow thinking will be further lost into the world of "tittytainment".There is not much time, just like the two pills in the Matrix of the Hollywood movie, now it is time to choose.