This world is more and more demanded from us and our mobile phones. As for more power, more storage space, and requesting more attention.So why do we have to pursue comprehensive cashless transactions?Also, have tourists need to be considered?

Vigorously develop the digital industry and strive to promote digitalization of social life, which seems to be the general trend.But in this development process, we might as well think about it, what is the purpose of people to embrace digitalization?To Dali, it can be for humans to be more free and happier.But more people will say that it is to improve efficiency and save resources, which is probably the initial and most direct purpose of developing digitalization.Unfortunately, in the process of development, people often forget this "original heart", forget to turn back and think.As John Mueller said in the book of freedom: "Among the mistakes made by humans, half of them originated from a fatal tendency, that is, humans like to think about those things that no longer have doubts."

I went to China once last month.Originally worried about the issue of mobile payment, after all, China's "cashless transaction" development is famous.I also remembered to buy fruits in a supermarket in Xiamen a few years ago, because I couldn't scan the code, and finally gave up my purchase experience.However, this time is very different. After several years of high -speed development in paperless transactions, the Chinese government has finally begun to realize the problems. Every time, it will emphasize through the official media that refusing cash is illegal.This time I happened to catch up with this "vent" and successfully completed the transaction in a snack bar in Fuzhou, just like there is no code scanning in the world.In fact, a few years ago, I also bought snacks on the streets of Fuzhou. Everyone was scanning the code to pay. Only I took out cash, but fortunately, I was unobstructed.My personal experience is that China is too big. It is impossible to generalize. Short videos and words in social media often make people mistakenly think that all parts of China can only scan code trading and do not give people the second choice.

Last month, I went to Hong Kong.Many years ago, when I lived in Hong Kong, I usually only use the Octopus card to take the subway bus. Similar to the old Yitong card in Singapore, it can be seen in time on the gate.This time, I was surprised to find that Hong Kong has a sign at the entrance of the airport express line, telling passengers from all over the world that there are at least four ways to pay subways and buses, including the original Octopus cards, one -way one -way, one -way one wayTickets, VISA cards and other inductive bank cards (including mobile phones bound to it), as well as choices such as scanning code code.I also went to buy fruits in the residential area vegetable market. I can pay cash or swipe Octopus Card to pay a few apples.In addition, I also deliberately took into account some temporary stalls in small shops and malls, and most of them could provide more than two more ways to collect.

Singapore is also on the road to promote digital development. The rise of the crown disease epidemic can be said to be a catalyst for local digital development.Digital applications came out of a specific industry, and quickly penetrated into all aspects of life after the epidemic.In terms of daily payment, in just one or two years, there are a variety of payment codes, although there were very convenient Nets, and there were also near -field communication (NFC) payment methods such as PayWave.The common people quickly found that their own food, food, and transportation were gradually inseparable from their mobile phones.When you go to the sports field and swimming pool to go to the government, you need to make an appointment through the mobile application (APP), and the public hospital system must also make an appointment through application.The Yantong card used to take the subway and buses has also become a "new" Yantong card.

But in the process, experience and lessons in some countries and regions are worth learning; that is, while promoting digitalization and intention to make people's lives more convenient, have they left different options for people?Can people choose?

Let's talk about the "new" Yantong card. Many people upgrade during the period when "the old card is 0.5 yuan will be given back", but when choosing to upgrade, people do not know that this new card cannot display the car in time to display the car's charges in timeThe balance, but there is no regret medicine.At present, only the "Xinyitong" from January 9th to 22nd this year can change a old version of Yitong card.If someone wants to buy an old version of the card, sorry, there is no such option.Therefore, in this case, how many passengers issued by the official release to choose to use the "new" Yantong card data are completely meaningless, because this kind of data is as symmetrical in information and has no other choices with the people.What you can do is data that cannot reflect true public opinion unless you re -sell the old version of the old version of the Yitong card.

In December last year, I went to a postal bureau in Singapore to send a package to some Hong Kong friends.Unexpectedly, after the so -called digital reform of the Post Office, I must use my mobile phone to fill in all the information about my package online. The mobile phone interface itself is not only small, but also the fonts on the webpage are very small.Will be abandoned before.I took two hours to send two parcels for a full hour, and it was done under the guidance of the postal staff from time to time.Before the epidemic, I also sent parcels to Hong Kong many times. It was also in the same post office, which was enough to send two or three packages in 10 minutes.After sending the parcel this time, my eyes were dry, and my head was exhausted because of too concentrated attention.I am still young, what should I do if the elderly come to send Dongxi?Do you want to invest more manpower?What is the significance of doing this?There is no choice in the postal bureau, but there is a choice in the market. Later, I sent it again, and I went directly to some private logistics companies. They came to pick up it and had high efficiency.Fortunately, the market economy is itself a choice of economic form.

Full self -service customers voting with restaurants

Now when you go out to shop and eat in Singapore, there are many options for payment methods. Although occasionally encountering individual restaurants do not collect cash, people can choose to eat elsewhere.Some restaurants must be completed from ordering and ordering to pay. Although it saves costs for the restaurant, many services have also been reduced, and consumers almost enter a state of self -service.If the experience is not good, people will vote with their feet. After all, Singapore is the least lack of food.

People think that everything is digital, as long as you go out with a mobile phone.wrong!Now go out not only to bring a mobile phone, but also a bulky mobile power, otherwise you need to use your mobile phone everywhere. You also want to fill the fragments with your mobile phone. How can the power be sufficient?The life of mobile phones is actually more than one or two years. Why do some people be forced to buy new ones, mainly because of the problem of mobile phone capacity.There are more and more in this world to ask for us and our mobile phones. As for more electricity, demand more storage space, and ask for more attention.So why do we have to pursue comprehensive cashless transactions?Also, have tourists need to be considered?

Freedom and its betrayal is a lecture of Saiyaberlin, one of the most outstanding thinkers in the 20th century. There is a saying: "Technical tyranny is also hostile to freedom, and the same hostile concept is the following, that is, inThe most precious thing in human life is to choose for choice, not only to choose good things, but also choose itself. "Let's start here and reflect on the current life!"Cashless" does not mean advanced, and people have options to represent advanced.

The author is a former media person and creator of children's books