Reviewer Shi Feng

Cat candidates, but the pain of being "cat".

Recently.Earlier, many netizens posted on the Internet, saying that the student had recorded videos in the school dormitory to kill cats, and also joined a network gang with cat abuse.The relevant departments of Nanjing University's questioning of netizens' "considering the cat abuse incident", the staff said: "These behaviors may be affected."

After that.According to the re -examination arrangement issued by Lan University, the qualification review began on the morning of the 7th, a written test began in the afternoon, and an interview on the 8th.Whether the student can study, Lan Da undoubtedly put himself on the fire.

The author has no intention of washing the candidate here, and he did not intend to pay too much attention to Lan Da Neng. He just wanted to talk about people's attitude towards the wrong attitude.

Zuo Zhuan · Xuan Gong has a famous saying: Who has no one?Can be changed, good and good.The meaning of this sentence is that everyone will make mistakes, but as long as they can correct the error, it is a very great thing.

There are many places where Confucius talked about faults in the Analects.If you make mistakes to others, Confucius's point of view is: 1. Assimilation.Understand, tolerance, and not harsh.Second, forgiveness.

Mao Zedong pointed out when he talked about "after punishment, healing the disease and saving people": "Anyone who makes mistakes, as long as he does not taboo diseases and avoid medical treatment, does not solidify the wrong way, so that he can reach the incurable.If you are willing to correct, we must welcome him to cure his faults and turn him into a good comrade.

Lenin also said: "Young people make mistakes, God will forgive me." This sentence expresses the tolerance of mistakes for young people in the process of growth, and also emphasizes the education and guidance of young people's education and guidance.The importance is to help them recognize and correct their mistakes and promote their growth and development.

The author reads the online message on this incident. Most of them think that the student is moral and abominable, and applauds the practice of Nanjing University.Some media simply list "should" and "should not" binary standards on the voting options set.Is there any suspicion of "killing a stick" on the Internet and public opinion orientation?

It is reported that when the candidate studied at Southeast University undergraduate, he killed cats in the school dormitory and also recorded videos to upload to the Internet.At that time, the Nanjing Public Security Bureau responded to the incident: "The public security organs have quickly launched an investigation and have interviewed Xu Moumou (the classmate) and his family.Promise no longer occurs similar situations. "

The student was punished by the cat abuse, and the blame was taken.This time was discussed again, and it was also the price he paid.As for him really can't study?The result of this problem handling tests the wisdom of the school and the conscience of the whole society.