Israeli leaders insist that the war against Hamas as a battle between good and evil will make things worse.Evil belongs to the concept of metaphysics, not politics.As the Gurian itself said, the Baza conflict is fundamentally a matter of land and sovereignty.Such disputes must be resolved with political means.However, as long as the Israeli leader in Palestinians only see the door of Oswelin, it is impossible to have any solutions.
In 2002, during the visit to Ramallah, the Nobel Prize winner Portuguese writer Jose Salamagi would live the living conditions of the Palestinians on the west bank of the Jordan River.Extinction.This unusual remark triggered a commotion in the international community, but Sarah insisted that as intellectuals, he was responsible for "emotional analogy, so that people can understand deeply."
Saramago is not the first (certainly not the last) to quote Nazi Germany to completely eliminate Jewish conspiracy to condemn the people of the Jewish country.In the last volume of the British historian Tang Yinbi, a British historian, "A Study of History" published in 1961, "Western Jews recognized the non -Jewish Western civilization in the most unfortunate form of Western civilization in the most unfortunate form.They have accepted Western nationalism and colonial behaviors. "From the perspective of Tangyopi, "the house, land, and property of the Palestinian Arabs who have become refugees have become refugees."The most serious and unfair crimes below. "
All these judgments are ridiculous: equivalent to non -Jewish Western crimes with "non -Jewish Western civilization"; suggestions that most European Jews who move to Israel are nationalists, conquerors and colonists, not because of the massacreRefugees who are out of discharge with racial extinction; and the land and property of the Palestinians trying to seize the Palestinians (no matter how condemn this behavior should be condemned), and equivalent to the extreme violence of Western colonists for non -Western people.People can only want Tang Yibi to include Nazi Germany's crimes.
Although the large -scale slaughter is overwhelming, the Nazi is still unprecedentedly unprecedentedly unprecedentedly to use the absurd racist ideology to make the entire ethnic group.Whether it is malicious or pure ignorance, compared with other forms of violence in other forms, such as the US members of the United States, Warren Davidson, will be compared to the massacre of the vaccine vaccine, which is not only wrong, but also destructive.This comparison always dilutes the atrocities of Jews in the 1930s and 1940s, distorting our understanding of current affairs.
However, these massacre ratios are once again described to describe tragic events that are happening in Gaza.At a joint press conference with German Prime Minister Tsold, Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu called Hamas "new Nazis".He pointed out: "The brutal acts we have witnessed the murderers from Gashas are the most serious crimes that have been committed by Jews since the Holocaust."
Nei Tanahu's remarks undoubtedly reflect the views of many Israelis.I heard an Israelis who criticized Neitanahu said that the current situation is like 1940. The war against Hamas is a "anti -evil battle" that must win the victory through "completely eliminating" the enemy.EssenceBut Hamas's terrorist slaughter on more than 1,400 Israeli on October 7 is more like a brutal massacre in terms of scale, rather than a complete extinction of European Jews.
The Israelites were deeply shocked by Hamas's vicious attack.The main motivation established by Israel is to create a safe shelter for Jews, while ensuring the security of the Jewish minorities that have been facing hundreds of years of persecution.Protecting Jews for exemption from massacre has always been the core of Neyahu's appeal.Several generations of Israeli leaders mentioned that Israel is a fortress to prevent the second massacre.
The founder of modern Israel, David Ben-Gurion, has foreseen this tragedy as early as 1919: the Palestinians had to suffer suffering because of the safety of Jews' desire to feel safe in their country.Two years after the British government announced its support for the establishment of "Jewish National Homeland" in Palestine, Ben -Gulian pointed out: "There is no solution. We want Palestine to belong to our nation, while the Arabs want to belong to them.I don't know which Arabians will agree to Palestine belong to Jews. "
Since then, both sides have a lot of violence, misjudgment and malicious behaviors.Just like the previously -Gurian, Negatohu believes that the Baza conflict cannot be resolved and can only be controlled.Neutana believes that by making political differences in the Palestinians, the expansion of Jewish settlements on the west bank of the Jordan River, and regular military offense on Gaza, he can maintain control of the Palestinian and ensure the security of Israel.Although this strategy has failed completely, comparing the behavior of the Israeli government with Nazi Germany can not stand both, but also almost always anti -Semitic.
At the same time, Israeli leaders insist that the war against Hamas as a battle between good and evil will make things worse.Evil belongs to the concept of metaphysics, not politics.As the Gurian itself said, the Baza conflict is fundamentally a matter of land and sovereignty.Such disputes must be resolved with political means.
However, as long as the Israeli leader in the Palestinian, only seeing the door of Oswelin only after each hostile operation, there is no solution.Only complete rule can solve the problem.
For the Palestinians, the same is true.As long as the Israelis are regarded as the evil "settings" and are compared to Nazis, terrorist attacks as terrible as on October 7, they will be praised as heroic and necessary resistance.Judging from the current situation, in view of the painful cycle of terrorism violence and cruel revenge, political solution is far away.But if it is regarded as an anti -evil battle, political solution will be impossible.
Author Ian Buruma is a writer
English Original Title: The FUTILITY of EVIL
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