Readers outside Malaysia may ask, since Sultan Ibrahim can affect state affairs, does it mean that they will also have an influence on foreign relations?The answer is yes, and the strength may be greater.Because the Royal royal family has always attached great importance to regional relations. For example, when the late Sultan Iska was alive, Rouzhou maintained a close relationship with Singapore and Brunei.Under the influence of Sudan Ibrahim, the unity of the government in the future operating regional relations, especially the foreign relations between Singapore and China, will deepen.

The term of the current head of Sudan Abdullah, Malaysia, is about to expire. After the secret vote of the members of the Malaysian ruler council, the Sultan Sultan Ibrahim in Johor will be selected as the 17th head of state and will be next year.Started on January 31.As a virtual monarch in the Malaysian Federal Government, the heads of state of state are in accordance with the convention, and the Malay ruler of the nine states take turns.Pahang Old Sudan refused to take over. The nominations and elections of the heads of the heads were basically in politics.

Therefore, whether the Malaysia is politically or private, it has always been discussed that the head of state, especially the Chinese society, does not pay attention. The issues of the country's palace are often not failed.

However, this time it took over the grassroots but harsh style, meticulous, but special, and often criticized the federal government and the Sultan Sudan, which responded high -profile to the current issues.He showed high attention and expectations for the head of state, and even had public opinion, hoping that he would rectify the annoying federal political situation.

For folk expectations that rectify the federal political situation, Sultan Ibrahim can do not do much, because the restrictions faced by the heads of state when they show the king's rights will be larger than the state royal familyIn the interview, Simai had stated on the context of the podcast show two weeks ago, and it showed that "the father and the king must be in person, and it is difficult to unite the government." But as a virtual monarch, you must publicly express your views.Not to mention that the public expects to intervene in federal politics.Of course, it is not necessary to say that Sudan Ibrahim will be unable to perform ambitions after taking over the head of state, and it is not completely right, because the head of state can still indirectly exert its influence.

will contribute to the stability of the Anwar regime

This indirect influence is mainly aimed at the psychological pressure of politicians in the country.Because Sudan Ibrahim will take the people's expectations and the past records to take over the heads of state, and the heads of state have always taken the initiative to take the initiative to make severe criticisms on different issues, policies and politicians.What's more, the relationship between Prime Minister Anhua and the Rouzhou royal family has a close relationship, which gives the unity government's view of his views very much. For example, Sultan Ibrahim has repeatedly criticized the hygiene issues of HDB HDB, and the second homeland.The strict conditions of the plan (MM2H), the cabinet quickly dealt with these problems, which made him appreciate.

Although the head of state may not be able to change the current Malaysian political pattern, Sudan Ibrahim has trusted with Anwar, and the second is also the religious issues of the party chairman Hadi Awang and former Prime Minister Mahathir hype.It is very disgusted, so he will definitely contribute to the stability of the Anwar regime based on personal judgment and the glory of the monarch.In return, the unity government will pay more attention to his position, so his influence and implementation of the federal government's policies will definitely be the largest among his long -lasting heads of state.

Of course, readers outside Malaysia may ask, since Sultan Ibrahim can affect state affairs, does it mean that it will also have an influence on foreign relations?

The answer is yes, and the strength may be greater.Because the Royal royal family has always attached great importance to regional relations. For example, when the late Sultan Iska was alive, Rouzhou maintained a close relationship with Singapore and Brunei.Sudan Ibrahim not only inherited his father's enthusiasm for running Rouzhou's foreign relations, but even showed more active performance than him. He often met with Singapore, Indonesia and China. For example, in the past two months, heSeeing the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing and Hermino, the Ambassador to Malaysia in Malaysia, also went to Singapore to visit the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Foreign diplomatic activities can be said to be the most frequent among the Malaysian ruler of various states.

Therefore, under the influence of Sultan Ibrahim, united the government in the future of regional relations, especially the foreign relations between Singapore and China, will deepen.Of course, in fact, the deepening trend of Malaysian and Malaysia -China relations has recently appeared and progressing rapidly. For example, Anwar shows that the research of the "Rouxin Special Economic Zone Plan" (SEZ) will be accelerated to strive for signing a memorandum with Singapore in January next year.Hua also recently met with Wang Xiaohong, a Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, and sent a letter to invite Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit Malaysia next year, and Anhua's visit to the Merchants in April Mideline Merchants (about 48.6 billion yuan)Investment commitments will be settled in Rouzhou.

Anwar announced that the government had "accelerated" from the research on the Special Economic Zone to October, that is, two weeks after the official visitor of the Sudan Ibrahim visit to Singapore; Anwar invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit the horse.The relationship must be deepened by more than a month.This shows that compared to state affairs, the head of state has already exerted its influence on foreign regional relations, and after he was appointed, he might be before the visit of federal administrative officials to convey a diplomatic perspective by holding the imperial meeting. Therefore, unity is united.The government is expected to inherit the diplomatic position of Sultan Ibrahim. At that time, the economic and trade exchanges between Malaysia and New and China will be more frequent, and diplomatic relations will be closer.

Researcher of the International Research Center of Raman University, the author of the Malaysian current Affairs,