A game of chess around the world. The big country is playing, and the small country is playing chess, but it is only different.Political leaders in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand in 1967 did not know where inspiration came from the former suspicion, gave up confrontation, and organized Ya'an together.This is undoubtedly a chess from God, laid a large framework for regional security development from Southeast Asia to today.Such a political height can be reached by those who can fight back a few inches of land.

On September 28 this year, the Russian satellite news agency issued a message: Samwell Shahramannan, the leader of the "Naka Republic", who has not been recognized by the international community, signed an order to announce that the "Naka Republic" will beIt no longer exists on January 1, 2024.A 32 -year -old dispute, which stopped abruptly, was surprising.But this seemingly sudden change has a complicated international relationship behind it.

Naka is the abbreviation of Nagorno-Karabakh.These are two small countries in Russia's backyard. A mountain area with an area of about 4,000 square kilometers between Azerbaijan and Armenia is located in the southwestern part of the country and has a population of about 120,000. It is mostly Armenians. It is generally considered to be the territory of Azerbaijan.

After the Soviet Union was disintegrated in 1991, Aya announced its independence, but argued in the Nakaka region and started war twice.The local Armenians announced that "independence" was "independence" at the end of 1991, but the United Nations and most countries did not recognize it, but Armenia publicly supported it.The Armenian people mainly believe in Christianity, while the Azerbaijanans mainly believe in Islam.

In 1994, Aya reached a comprehensive ceasefire agreement, but it has always been hostile and armed conflict occurred.The previous round of comprehensive conflict occurred in September 2020 and lasted six weeks.Under the mediation of Russia, the two sides stopped the fire and agreed to the deployment of peacekeepers in Naka.In this war, Azerbaijan has won about one -third of land.Since the beginning of this year, Azerbaijan has blocked the Lachin Corridor, which is the only economic lifeblood between the Nakaka region and Armenia.In September, they were waiting for the opportunity to attack.At this time, the separatist had no resistance and had to surrender, and eventually signed the city under the mediation of Russia.A large number of Armenians had to escape from their homes and go to the Asian country.

Why didn't Russia help Armenia this time?It is generally believed that there are three main reasons.First, Russia sent troops in Ukraine in 2022. As a result, the feet were deeply trapped, and there was no time to distinguish the fire. The second was that after the color revolution in Armenia in 2018, it has been with Western eyebrows.Dissatisfaction; Third, the country has received strong support from Turkey in recent years.

Why didn't the West shot?Ukraine has made them tired enough.The United States was busy doing against China. I wanted to promote the reconciliation of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Unexpectedly, I killed a schedule and disrupted the agenda for Hamas.The above points are making a shot and gap for Azerbaijan.This time, almost soldiers did not blood, and recovered the land. This was both the victory of the country and the victory of Turkey.Russia was sulking, and the West did nothing, and Armenia had a bad chess, and could only feel heartbroken.

A game of chess around the world, big nations are playing, and small countries are playing chess, just different.

This can't help but remind people of the 1967 incident.At that time, political leaders in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand did not know where inspiration could be put aside from their former suspicions, gave up confrontation, and organized Yajian together.This is undoubtedly a chess from God.People who do not admire this chess are not good and courageous.He (or they) had a sharp vision, and saw a gap in international relations at that time, and aimed at the opportunity, laid the large framework of regional security development from Southeast Asia to today.Such a political height can be reached by those who can fight back a few inches of land.

If the camera is pulled back to today's world, of course, the most important thing is the game between the United States and China.This is the wrestling of elephants. It is not the same, affecting the nerves of other countries in other countries in the world.The United States regards China as the main strategic challenger. The countermeasure is the "Investment -Alliance -Competition" strategy, which is to increase its competitiveness in the United States, act with the allies, and control the competition with China.In general, it is to try to weaken the opponent's competitiveness as much as possible to prevent it from giving it a chance to surpass itself.

As many people have pointed out, today's US -China relations are very different from the US -Soviet relations of the year. The key point is that today's economy in the United States and China has a high degree of blending and mutual benefit.For American companies, the huge market in China is not a chicken rib. China's cheap manufacturers also greatly meet the needs of American consumers, and the benefits are very much.Therefore, we must be careful to try to pinch the opponent's neck, and to ensure that you can continue to enjoy the many benefits of your opponent.At the same time, Americans have raised interest rates, funds return, and a large number of leeks that harvested the world, but they also have to think about the pressure of people's inflation, and Chinese goods are also very suitable.The Chinese can't see the old -fashioned thoughts.Therefore, they said they would fight without breaking.In addition to seeing the tricks on the one hand, the soldiers came to cover the water from the water, on the other hand, they also seized the timing and gaps in international relations from time to time, dancing with the wolf, and constantly rotating.Although there are various obstacles to China in terms of high -tech, the US -China trade volume has continued to increase.

The political conditions of the two countries are very different, and the Chinese can always wait patiently for the emergence of such opportunities and gaps.There are Ukraine in the United States, and then Hamas. Seeing that the election is getting closer and closer, we have to move out some gaps in diplomatic to try to alleviate domestic political conditions.Therefore, first of all senior officials such as the US Finance Minister Yellen and Secretary of State Brills visited Beijing, the Governor of California then set foot on the land of Shenzhou.Then the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Washington, not only to talk to Brinken, Sarawin and others, but also met with President Biden.It is generally believed that this is a way to pave the way for the Xi -worship may be held next month.

Washington has something to do in Beijing. At this time, Beijing did have internal concerns to be resolved. After more than three years of the epidemic, the economic rebound was weak, and the real estate crisis was urgently needed to boost.Professor Hong Yuanyuan, an economist in which the United States coached, also said at the "Hui Eye China Forum" recently that when she recently studied as a Singaporean scholar to study in China, "the first time I really felt a sense of weakness in the society" "" "Essence

In any case, as the Westerners say, "Jaw Jaw is Better than War War".In the chaotic world today, from the standpoint of the Asian fines, he also hopes that the political leaders of the two major powers of China and the United States can not only seize the opportunity, sit down and talk, alleviate the contradictions between the two sides, but also show the great country's style.Far -from the world, open up a future peace path for the world, just like after World War II, re -arrange the relationship between great power and world order, and establish the Great World.If it can be so, it will also be able to work hard, and it is famous.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress