Domestic politics in the United States has once again become the focus of the world.On October 3rd, McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives, was dismissed and became the first successor in the second place in the history of the American history. It was 269 days in reign.Michael C.Kerr, who died in lung disease, reigned for 257 days.What is even more shocking is that the removal of the dismissal was the Republican member of his belonging, which shows that the extreme forces within the party are rampant; eight of them have pulled the Speaker to step down, and the result of a few decisions is amazing.The Democratic Party, who had just cooperated with him to pass the Federal Government's Temporary Budget Act, did not even support him to stay in office.

As such American political incidents became the world's laughing stock, it was discovered that there have been many similar phenomena in the American politics in recent years. While creating history, the world reminds the world.Reform time!

The first is that amateur politics is extreme.The phenomenon of "rotating doors" of political, business, and academic circles in American society has always been one of the focus of international political disputes. Among them, the advantages and disadvantages are difficult to clarify, but it must not be beneficial to extremeization.Real Estate tycoon and political amateur Trump won the President's throne, which is one of this extreme manifestation.Because he is not simply the transition from a businessman to politicians, but instead, he feels that the style of acting in his heart has bias, misunderstandings, and even hate of American politics.There is a political framework and behavior logic completely disdain, so the world sees his policies and practices of all kinds of our own practices when he takes office.

Trump’s political pride is worthy of appreciation, but the destructive power is also obvious to all. The fundamental reason is to transform politics from the perspective and means of a foreigner.The key is not allowed to grasp the key. How can the real political reform come?

Whether the second decisive politics is wanton.Political supervision and confrontation are inevitable or even necessary, but regardless of the veto politics of the original committee, regardless of the original committee, it has to be guarded.The so -called "non -ethnic group, its heart must be different", is a symbol of brutal and ignorant; and "I don't agree with your point of view, but firmly defend your right to speak" is the tone of democracy.The veto of the polarization of American politics and the indifferent green soap has shown a new height in recent years, especially after the results of the 2020 election come out, tens of thousands of people have shocked Congress Mountain.It is the most powerful country in the world today.The last time the US Congress was hit, it was still during the civil war.

Accepting failure was originally the premise of democratic politics. If the failure fails, the result is rejected, and then the other party has everything, including environmental protection and employment, such as environmental protection and employment.The claim cannot be implemented.Is such politics still advanced?

The third is a conspiracy political farce.100 years ago, the US President Wilson had vigorously opposed the bad habits of international politics such as secret diplomacy and conspiracy politics. Today, 100 years later, there is a momentum of sediment in the United States.The Republican Party once held Hillary's "mail door" incident, and the Democratic Party insisted that Trump encouraged supporters to impact Congress; now the Republican's most popular presidential candidate Trump is frequently questioned by the judicial system, and the Democratic Party's president's presidentCandidate Biden was impeached and charged.The most far -fetched is that now because of the various improper words and deeds of the president's son, Heng Daden, they will impeach Biden. Under the evidence that there is no direct causality, is this a court fighting drama of the Jiujiu tribe?

Regardless of conspiracy or Yangmou, the election purpose is achieved by abnormal means, which is a political approach to the upside -down. Is there no place to improve the US policy?These political elites are busy discrediting each other to boast, but they do n’t see the suggestions or ideas that can be brighter and benefit people's livelihood and the world. Should American politics be like this?

Needless to say, there are still many advantages in US politics. It is indeed difficult to reach other countries, but the biggest advantage is probably to correct the shortcomings in a timely and scientific manner.Only by admitting the problem and revising yourself can we ensure sustainable healthy development.U.S. politics may also have to reform, otherwise the world will face the jokes and amazing of them!

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator