
In the impression of many people, it is common for teachers to work in a school for a long time.Today, this situation in some parts of China may become the past.

In recent years, China has accelerated the reform of county (district) management schools in many places to further optimize the allocation of teachers' resources in primary and secondary schools and promote the balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education.However, in specific practices, some places carry out all -in -job approach to work, which has aroused heated discussion among teachers.

Some people think that this move allows schools and teachers to choose two -way to activate the internal vitality of the education system and promote the flow of teachers, but some people think that this is another form of "last elimination".

Promoting all members of the county (district) management school hiring all members to compete for jobs?

County (district) management school employment usually refers to the unified establishment of personnel relationships with the competent department of primary and secondary schools and education.Model, change "unit person" to "system person".

As early as 2014, the Ministry of Education and other departments of the Chinese Ministry of Education jointly issued the opinions on promoting the exchange of rotation of the principal and teachers of compulsory education schools in the county (district), and put forward the overall management of compulsory education teachers in the county (district) domain, and promoted "The management reform of the county management school, breaking the management system obstacles of teachers' exchanges.It can be noted that more than a dozen provinces such as Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, and Liaoning have specially issued guidance or implementation plans at the provincial level to conduct comprehensive deployment.

Since the beginning of this year, it has also accelerated the reform of county (district) management school hiring reform.Regarding the specific content of the reform, some teachers said that the methods and methods of each county (district) are different.

Among them, all members have been implemented in many places.For example, except for new teachers and retired teachers, other teachers who are pregnant, lactating, and inability to communicate with major illnesses must participate in the school competition.

In the competition session, some places are the school's establishment of the leading group of competition work, and some places are county (district) disciplinary committee supervision committees participating in interviews, evaluations, and publicity supervision. Education system staff do not arrange to serve as examiners to avoid ""Humanity" situation.

Regarding the process of competition, some places have gone through two rounds of competition, and the unparalleled teachers shall arrange work in a coordinated agent by the Education Bureau.In some places, it is divided into schools and cross -school competition. The personnel of employees are organized to adjust the doses.

In addition, it is mentioned in many places to improve the teacher withdrawal mechanism.If the teacher's annual assessment is unqualified and does not agree to adjust his job, or although he agrees to adjust it to a new job, if the assessment is still unqualified after the new position, the school may terminate the employment contract in accordance with relevant regulations.The person in charge of a primary school in Changsha City revealed in an interview with the media that the school continued to hire 58 people and dismiss 4 in 2022.

Teachers from a certain place from Guangxi have revealed that they have been engaged in several rounds. There are schools hired. Do n’t worry about being dismissed.

There are different feedback from teachers. Some people think that "the teacher is tired"

For this reform, the feedback of teachers.Many teachers believe that this move can activate the internal vitality of the education system through competition, and at the same time allow schools and teachers to choose two -way choice to promote the flow of teachers.

Some teachers believe that the county (district) management school hiring may not be a good opportunity to mobilize. Compared with the past in the same school to retire, for some people, this is also a new opportunity to break through the status quo.

In specific practice, many teachers also told reporters that many places only prepare resources by the Education Bureau during the recruitment, and have not implemented a system of employment."I have heard that in a certain area, the teacher rotates different schools to achieve fair educational resources." A teacher of Zhejiang told reporters.

A teacher from Guangdong told reporters that she had a pessimistic attitude towards the county (district) management school and "not conducive to ordinary people."

Some teachers also believe that this measure is another form of "last elimination". If the flow is too frequent, it will toss the teacher and students.Excessive power and many human factors are unfair to some teachers.

A teacher from Jiangxi said that the county management school employment can indeed call the teacher who exceeded the preparation to the absence of a school. For schools with insufficient teachers, this is needed.To a certain extent, you can indeed mobilize the enthusiasm of some "lying" teachers.

The teacher believes that the policy starting point is good, but in the actual operation, each school's competition plan is different. Some schools' bidding schemes are unreasonable and unfair, and they are even similar."I really decide who stayed and who stayed, not to be divided according to the plan, but the human affection, the relationship between the relationship, and the back door. In this way, the teacher who was hired was doing things and diligent teachers, which greatly cracked down on their educational enthusiasm."

She also mentioned that some schools' leadership and middle -level personnel are directly hired, which is not fair."I know that a township school around me is because the middle -level leaders are directly hired. The leader is a music major, but directly hires sports positions. As a result, the physical education teachers of their school are hired."

"Some leaders also use this policy to let teachers do a lot of things beyond teaching. If they do n’t do it, they threaten them. Teachers can teach them down all day?" The teacher said.

In this regard, some scholars believe that the flow of teachers in the background of the "county management school hire" may trigger the crisis of trust between school leaders and teachers, and reduce teacher work satisfaction and self -efficacy.

In 2020, the representatives of the National People's Congress proposed that "the disadvantages of rural teachers 'county management schools' are greater than benefits, and they have suspended the implementation of the country in the country."In response to the response, the Ministry of Education pointed out that there are still some problems in the reform practice, such as excellent backbone teachers to go to urban schools and high -quality schools. The principal has too much power, the internal contradictions of teachers, and enthusiasm for contusion.

The Ministry of Education proposed that these issues are concentrated in the "hiring" link, especially in some places to blindly conduct teachers' all -staff race, mechanically engaged in "pushing down" and "last elimination", which blurred the focus of reform.The focus of the reform of the "County Management School" is that the rigid teacher management system is reforming, so that teachers scattered in different departments to manage human rights, affairs, and financial powers are relatively unified, rather than the appointment.

Experts: Prevent the administrative and utilitarization of teachers' evaluation

In the view of Xiong Bingqi, the dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, county (district) school employment is mainly to strengthen the effective allocation of teachers' resources and better strengthen the construction of teachers, thereby effectively promoting the balanced development of compulsory education.

He believes that the promotion of county (district) school employment has also increased the difficulty of teacher management and evaluation."The key is who to evaluate and who will evaluate, this is a big problem." In some places, it has not formed an institutionalized exchange rotation.

Xiong Bingqi believes that the evaluation of teachers is needed to implement the evaluation of teachers to prevent the administrative and utilitarian issues in the evaluation of teachers, and promote the professionalization and professional development of teachers.At the same time, before the implementation of relevant policies, the opinions and suggestions of teachers need to be widely listened to the teachers.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, believes that county (district) management school hiring from a larger scope to use teachers' resources to promote the balanced allocation of resources, which has its own advantages compared to the past.But at the same time, the effect and ideal of its execution are still different, and the determination should be made according to the effect of the local implementation.

He believes that the evaluation of teachers' work is objective and fair, and whether the county education administrative department can effectively do a good job of evaluation, management, and use of teachersIt is the key to determining the reform of the county (district) management school.

For the "last elimination" problem that may be generated, Chu Zhaohui believes that if the evaluation is objective and fair, then this elimination is normal, and any institutional mechanism must be eliminated.If there is a problem with the evaluation, then the system may deform, either put pressure on all teachers, or everyone eats a larger pot of rice.

In addition, the Ministry of Education of China also mentioned in the response to the representatives of the National People's Congress that the Ministry of Education will further strengthen the investigation of the implementation of the "county management school employment" management reform in conjunction with the Central Committee of the Central Committee, Human Resources and Social Security.Studies, in -depth evaluation problems, strengthen the guidance of the local area, avoid "tossing" the teachers, and ensure that the original intention of optimizing the teacher's resource allocation is better realized.