Source: Surging News

Author: Jiangcheng

On October 26, the surging news reported that the life -oriented bird network in the national protected areas disclosed the phenomenon of pole wild birds on the Sakai Island and Dahei Mountain Island on the National Nature Reserve of Shandong Long Island, which triggered it.Society is widely concerned.

On -site videos are really shocking. The mountains and forests are covered with fine bird catching nets, and countries such as eagle, 隼, and 鸮 have frequently touched nets to be captured or killed.Bird's head, wings and tail feathers.Many of these arrested birds flowed to local restaurants and became the "spectacle" in the diet.

On the morning of October 27, the Shandong Provincial Department of Natural Resources responded to surging news. The local investigation team has been established to verify the relevant situation and held a special meeting to carry out special actions for centralized cleaning and rectification. At the same time, local public security willIt also responded that the power of the forest public security of Yantai City was arranged, and the Long Island Public Security Branch went to the island involved in the island to deal with the pondsiders in accordance with the law to conduct a pull -net investigation.

The local response efficiency is not low. I believe that under the attention of public opinion, the protected area will usher in a "big cleaning".But people can't help but doubt: These bird catching nets everywhere will not be pulled up in a day, so what is the daily supervision of the protected area?Why didn't such behavior not discover it as soon as possible?Even animal protection volunteers know these problems. Residents hang wild birds in their yard.

In any case, this shows that there are vulnerabilities in the management of local protected areas. You should learn lessons and strengthen daily supervision.After all, the lives of birds are not re -to be recovered, and the intensity of tracing afterwards is no matter how much it is traced, and all the losses cannot be restored.

In fact, related laws and regulations are very clear for wildlife protection.Article 341 of the Chinese Criminal Law stipulates that "the crime of harming precious, endangered wildlife", "illegal hunting crime" and "illegal hunting, acquisition, transportation, and sale of terrestrial wildlife" are weaved and strict.Taking "harmful and endangered wildlife crimes" as an example, if the circumstances are particularly serious, they can be sentenced to more than ten years in prison and punished or confiscated property.

From May 1 this year, the newly revised Wildlife Protection Law is implemented, which also clearly stipulates that important habitats of wild animals in accordance with the law are selected into national parks and natural protection areas.Bird nets and other tools are hunting.The Wetland Protection Law also stipulates that "no unit or individual may destroy the living environment of birds and aquatic creatures."These are the most basic requirements, and there is no vague room.

It is worth noting that birds have a special feature -they have a wide range of activities, many are not exclusive to a country or region, and bird protection belongs to international responsibility.China is distributed with 1445 species of birds, which is one of the countries with the largest number of bird species in the world. Among them, there are 804 birds with migration habits.Of the 9 migration routes around the world, 4 passed through China.It is in view of this that this year, the State Forestry Bureau also launched the national bird migration channel protection operation, which aims to ensure the freedom of migration of birds.

Therefore, the incident also sounded the alarm to all nature reserves: wild animals were not protected, and a document was done. Usually inspections and supervision and popularity of local residents needed to do kung fu.In place.What should be pulled up in the protected area is not the bird catching net, but the dense and rigorous "protection net", blocking those black hands that try to extend the birds.

Seeing the tragic situation of these birds, some people should also reflect on.One of the important reasons why the Bird Catcher exists is that some people want to satisfy the "appetite's desire" and taste the odor.This is an unhealthy food concept, which is also contrary to the mainstream values of ecological protection.Society should form a wider consensus -greedy wildlife is shameful, and should consciously resist this ugly and barbaric hobby.