Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

Member of the Political Bureau of the Mainland Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Brills in Washington on October 26, local time.The White House National Security Counselor Shalin will hold talks with Wang Yi at the Blair State Guest House near the White House on October 27.Wang Yi visited the United States and was considered to be a positive signal for Chinese President Xi Jinping to go to the United States to attend APEC.

Earlier on October 25, Wang Yi said in Beijing to meet the Governor of California, "Mr. Governor's trip to China this time, a journey to solidify the foundation, broadcast hope, and open up the future ice breaking journey."The word "ice breaking" is quite heavy, which indicates that Sino -US relations bid farewell to the cold.

On October 24th, the National Committee of the United States and China Relations held a 2023 annual awards dinner in New York. Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that there is still a series of high -level exchanges between China and the United States in the next stage.Promote the active agenda, and strive for Sino -US relations to return to the right track and stable.

All signs indicate that Sino -US relations have ushered in a certain degree of relief, which provides possibilities for the meeting of the two heads of state.

People generally care about how the improvement of Sino -US relations in this round is done?The consensus consensus between China and the United States is nothing more than the open flights of the two countries, the establishment of an economic work group, etc. These are slightly slightly.On the surface, official visits between the two countries are frequently visited. What kind of compromise and transactions do between China and the United States have reached in private?

In my opinion, this round of Sino -US relations eased. It is not easy for China and the United States to compromise. Nowadays, it is not easy for China and the United States to maintain mutual respect.

Cabinet officials have continued to visit China, creating a situation in which the United States is actively seeking to improve Sino -US relations.As the host of this year's APEC summit, the United States has no shame for the United States if it fails to invite Chinese leaders to attend the United States.

Similarly, China is actually willing to send leaders to attend the APEC. After all, China is a large Asia -Pacific country, and its influence exists.Chinese leaders attended the APEC, and the consideration of the Asia -Pacific pattern was greater than the consideration of Sino -US relations.

After the host of the United States, the host is moderately displayed friendly, China as a key participant will not make Sino -US relations a barrier to regulate China's diplomatic layout.It is impossible for China to not participate in the international summit that is very important to China in the United States because of the poor relationship between China and the United States.Therefore, the improvement of Sino -US relations in this round is not a game of compromise and concession, but a problem of moderate and peaceful coexistence.

Byden, who is actively participating in the 2024 presidential election, has entered the garbage time.Sino -US leaders have nothing to achieve consensus that can be reached.Chinese leaders participating in APEC are the needs of China's Asia -Pacific layout. Whether relations with China and the United States have improved, and the relationship is not particularly large.

Of course, moderately eased Sino -US relations can provide a good atmosphere for Chinese leaders to go to the United States. If the meeting of Sino -US leaders can help Sino -US relations spend smoothly during the US election, it will be better, but it will not be better.It's right.